ACM = All Cause Mortality - article updated to show that.

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Acronyms are a bitch. Thanks for the clarification!

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ha! I was really getting a kick at the back and forth of folks asking and others answering and the fact it actually does not show up first on a Google search!

Now I have another one for ya' Wayne!

try to get Steve to be nice to the non-statistically oriented(ie MOST readers) for the significance of scientific notation of the P value.

(For those who read this, really low values are preferred because they show HOW significant the finding is. The closer to zero the better, meaning this fact is TRUE, man!

So, a P value number like 1.4 e -14 actually means: 0.000000000000014 THUS, it is zero! The statement it represents really is TRUE.

and anything that reads e-xx this can be said for. . .)

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I don't think "true" is an applicable expression when using the p-value statistical method. If I understand https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value correctly, a lower p-value does not prove a hypothesis - it only allows stronger rejection of the null-hypothesis, ie. in this case the statement that getting the Moderna jab does not result in a higher ACM than getting the Pfizer jab. This is not the same as proving that getting the Moderna jab results in a higher ACM than getting the Pfizer jab.

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so, do you really think that such proofing of this term is the most explanatory or ,

just further confuses those statistically-handicapped? <== rhetorical

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Truth cannot be known. It can be a feeling though.

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Thank you. Yes, I've always said to also put the numbers listed out to help those who may not be familiar with math.

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heck, at least at one point in the whole newsletter. . . like the idea when you use an acronym for the first time, show the full name next to it. . . just once.

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I've examined the data dictionary, Mr. Kirsch's python script, and the data itself and do not see the vaccine batch number anywhere.

The (leaked) New Zealand data that Mr. Kirsch had acquired from DBA Barry Young had batch numbers. I consider this the smoking gun.

I'm sure that all western government kept careful records which include the vaccine batch number.

So this is very suspicious and makes the accuracy of this data questionable.

Disclaimer: I'm just an IT worker like Barry Young and I am 𝙣̲𝙤̲𝙩̲ a highly-credentialed statistician or any other type of scientist.

But I do hold Steve Kirsch in high regard and closely follow his work.

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Steve, I'm not sure what test you performed, but a chi-squared test for Independence on those "alive and dead" numbers produces a chi-squared statistic of 62.9 and a p-value of 2.2 e-15.

The expected value for Pifzer alive was 369,065

The expected value for Pfizer dead was 1571.8

The expected value for Moderna alive was 43,478

The expected value for Moderna dead was 185.17

The observed values were far enough from those expected ones for strong statistical significance.

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What is the official source of the czech data?

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The Czech government. They're not hiding it.

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The jabs are bad news. Period.

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So you reference an article that no one in the US can read. Then you put data on a graph that doesn’t make sense. Then you declare case proven. Typical of how you spin info to your antivax viewpoint. Nonsense.

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Nonsense? I’m sure the people in the know, like Pfizer Scientists, never received these jabs. I’d bet on it.

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This article? https://smis-lab.cz/2024/11/07/dalsi-velka-datova-sada-uzis-zverejnena/

Another large dataset of IHIS published

Tomáš Fürst, Vít Karásek, Arnošt Komárek, Robert Straka

After a long time, we have another large dataset from IHIS. At first glance, this looks like the Holy Grail, because the description of the fields suggests that the data contains, at the individual level, information about the five-year period of birth, gender, calendar weeks of all covid vaccines, calendar week of death, and cause of death (covid/non-covid). In addition, the data contains information on tests and covid hospitalizations. No country in the world has yet published such a dataset (completely incomprehensibly for us).

On closer inspection, however, the data raise many doubts.

The file contains 12,597,668 lines, which is suspiciously high. Even if the second, third and other infections that are marked as duplicates in the data description are excluded, there will remain 12,125,969 rows, which is still too much. There are not that many people in the Czech Republic, even if you count all the dead since 2020.

The file does not contain an (anonymized) identifier of a person, so it is not possible to match rows that belong to the same person. Therefore, it is not possible to link the vaccination data with the data on death and its cause. Therefore, it is also impossible to find out what duplications are the reason for the previous point.

When examining the column "DateDeathDeath", we find that the numbers given there approximately correspond to the course of death according to the Czech Statistical Office. Until the end of 2022, the difference in weekly deaths compared to the CZSO does not exceed one percent, but in the second half of 2024 it is already rising to tens of percent. The death data is therefore usable until the end of 2023 at the latest. However, even the differences with the CZSO in the statistics of the weeks of 2020–2023 are suspicious and should not be there.

A much bigger problem, however, is that a total of 1,556,198 rows of the file do not contain any data (except DCCI=0), i.e. neither birth nor gender data. Similarly, we have 63,606 lines that contain only the date of death, again without birth and gender data. A substantial proportion of these deaths occurred in 2020, and when compared with data from the Czech Statistical Office, it is clear that these deaths did occur. Not only can these deaths not be matched with the cause of death, but they cannot be assigned to a given age group and gender. It is therefore not possible to calculate any mortality rate, as it is always dramatically dependent on age and gender.

Hence, this dataset is worthless for analysis. Its examination has already cost several statisticians hours of time. We will inform IHIS about the problems described above through the applicant and ask for the publication of data in the same format as here, with the decisive period being extended at least until the end of 2023 and adding a column on whether the death was caused by covid or not.

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Hey Steve, you emailed me about Scottish COVID inquiry and i replied and you were never heard from again. Maybe stop obessing over the COVID ‘vaccine’ and ask why it was ever approved in the first place as there was no lab leak. https://substack.com/@scottishcovidinquiry/note/c-87357605

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Thank you WayneBGood. I searched foe ACM and found arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. Our relatively new world cup of anacronyms runnith over. No discredit to Steve for being so emersed in this travesty, he assumes we can all keep up. I'm optimistic that accountability is near.

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Is the graph correct it seems to end prior to 2000 how does this apply to cv dates?

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I suspect the numbers at the bottom of the graph represent Birth Year of the patients in the Data (not calendar year.)

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The malevolent intent is clear. And there will be no earthly justice for this, ever. Those who rule the world did this to humanity.

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Does ACM rederto Cardio Myopathy perhaps?

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Arnold, Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy.

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This title/headline should read

"Official Czech Republic record level data released Nov 2024 confirms Moderna is nearly 50% deadlier than Pfizer"

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Or something a little more catchy like 'Czech The Data'

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If you don't understand Steve's sloppy graph, then just download the data and the python code and figure it out. :-)

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Thank you, Steve Kirsch, for your excellent report here. Which does not surprise me, alas.

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Moderna’s vaccine facility has opened in Victoria, the first mRNA manufacturing site in the Southern Hemisphere. Despite ongoing concerns and emerging information about the potential dangers of Moderna’s products, this development is being pushed forward right in front of us.

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It's Victoria. Enough said. If you're still living there since it became Danistan, then obviously you can put up with all this covid rubbish! I know/knew plenty of people who even MOVED to Melbourne and surrounds during covid: for a job, to retire etc. They didn't mind wearing masks. They weren't really bothered by it all. I found that quite unnerving.

But really, Australia gets a new Moderna facility because

1. most countries probably wouldn't want the bad publicity associated with it and

2. most Aussies are a lame bunch. They roll over no problem! They've gone SOFT. We're still a convict nation, it's just that most people aren't yanking at their chains now. They're used to them...

And people are STILL getting covid jabs these days. In fact, I know people in their 30s and 40s who are doing this, not just those who are middle-aged and old! People who SHOULD be otherwise fairly fit and healthy. Not anymore, anyway...

So there are some people that just cannot be saved no matter what you tell them. They are sold, hook, line and sinker to Big Pharma and they are desperate to stay 'up to date' with their jabs! No wonder there's a Moderna facility here. We've certainly got enough twits lining up for it. The only upside is that if these idiots keep up with their regime, this Moderna facility will have a lot less people to sell their wares to soon enough. And the worst part is that I won't shed any tears over it. I have come to accept that this is what people are like. Some people are just born stupid and make stupid choices over and over and over. They might be your family, your friend, your co-worker, your boss, a stranger on the street; or the staff who makes your coffee each morning. These people are EVERYWHERE. They might not be outspoken about their choices. They might even be nice enough people (on the surface). They might even have some degrees on their wall and/or sound sane about many other topics. But they're still seeing their GPs about all and sundry, they're still signing up for jabs galore, they still can't make the connection between jabs and illness/death - and they never will. They will keep making poor (lifestyle) decisions until the day they die. THIS is why manufacturing facilities like Moderna's new Victorian one are in existence. To support the irrationality of the masses. To support the bottom line of Big Pharma. To keep stupid people sick. To earn $$ from them before they pass. It's just another business model - and there are plenty of people who are keen on it.

Yes, I know it's crazy. But I've also come to realise that most humans are in fact a little bit crazy! This is why a business model based on irrationality works so well!

Ah well, we'll see how long the facility lasts, shall we?! ;-)

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Thanks for this.How are you defining “non Covid periods?”

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