I'd be cautious messing around with SSRIs. Has there been any discussion on the mental health effects of such treatment? I was put on Fluvoxamine at 18 for severe depression (100mg if I recall correctly.) No psychotherapy offered. Became a zombie, vivid nightmares. At 21 when I was doing self healing work and therapy I tried Escitalopram. 10mg was helpful, GP decided to up it to 20mg based off a "circle the smiley face" chart results, and the dosage increase made me have suicidal thoughts and messed me up alot. Went back to 10 and it went away. Experimented with Prozac for a short period several years ago for self study and to see if it would help OCD, I found it made it three times worse.

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Ann Bauer is a midwestern left leaning writer who I discovered in 2020 and have watched her opinions evolve as she came to see the corruption in the medical establishment and the absurdity of masking and mandate polices. She is open minded, although she is strongly pro-vax. But I consider her to be in the percentage that is persuadeable. For me, she is a bellweather.

Today I saw her retweet this about fluvoxasmine:


If she is there, I think a sizeable number of people are there and prepared to confront the criminality of the denial of early treatment.

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This is an example of people meaning well but not realizing how dangerous their supposed alternative treatments are or where the 'thought" to try a certain drug off label even came from to begin with: Big Pharma.

Who do you think "leaked" the thought of the possibility of Fluvoxamine "may" be beneficial and then hid back and "pretended" to be against it? This drug at 100mg a day for 10 days is likely the reason why so many long haulers sick, their all in SSRI withdrawal without even knowing it. If you're a "resistor" who won't take the vaxx? No problem! We'll just fry your brain with a dangerous SSRI that big pharma has done such a wonderful job hiding how dangerous it is from the docs now advocating it and are in the dark as to how serious it is and the number of people out on permanent disability who had adverse reactions to only being on it a handful of days.

As soon as this came out, those who deal with people permanently disabled from Big Pharma saw this for what it was, a back doorway to disabled thousands of more people, and blame it on Covid-19, just like how they murdered people I knew with Remdesivir in an attempt to terrify everyone and murder people off. Now if they can't get you to take the shots? They just "leak out" drugs that, if you really look at the info, doesn't really show the benefit Big Pharma wants You to believe is there, and now they've tricked the very doctors into thinking they found a way to treat people for Covid into doing more harm than good.

But it's only because they have done such a good job at hiding how dangerous SSRI's are that any well-meaning doctor could think giving it out for 7-10 days is a viable option, because they have doctors believing it takes a month to rewire the brain when all it takes is 2-3 days to cause adverse reactions and ruin people for life. And Big Pharma just sits back and laughs on how they've "tricked" more doctors who thought to lead the resistance into doing more harm than if they hadn't treated at all.

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I took Ivermectin as did my husband. It didn't work for me like it did him. I then got the Fluvoximine. It worked amazing. I knew when I was due for my next dose, because my breathing became labored. Ivermectin costs... $750. Fluvoximine cost, under $3

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I was on Zoloft for three months about ten years ago. It made me completely insensitive to caffeine.

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I read the study and the NIH review. The study has some flaws (the RCT design they use is relatively new), as all do (and with major ones in the mRNA drug trials), but none of them are fatal. There is more than enough data to show that this drug is effective at reducing hospitalization or involvement of the health system. The NIH review is a bit too cute and they completely miss the point as they don't look at the total picture or counterfactuals. Up til now the Covid strategy once you have been diagnosed was: go home and when you get really sick we will do our best. That is medical nonsense. Sure, you can take the mRNA drug to prevent an infection (which we know does not work) and maybe to reduce hospitalization, but the absolute risk reduction is trivial - the baseline risk of hospitalization was only 1/1000. And first you have to get the virus. So the risk of me getting the virus AND then ending up in hospital is perishingly low. As such, the benefit to the individual is trivial and most people derive no benefit. As with most such studies with low event rates there is an 'illusion of benefit' as 999/1000 who received the drug were not going to be hospitalized anyway. To the vast majority this makes it appear that the drug works and starts this belief contagion. It is ingenious for the drug company especially when they have immunity from liability and there is no truly systematic way to capture adverse events. VAERs will be an under-reporting of these. That is not to say that the mRNA technology is not awesome - as it is, but like the vast majority of things tried in medicine it does not work or certainly does not live up to the original hype.

At my age of 65 these risks do not worry me at all. If it did, I would likely be on 50 medications to reduce all sorts of trivial risks. Fluvoxamine, over the newer (and $) drugs has the advantage of being targeted to those with the disease and reducing the same endpoint as the mRNA drugs. The mRNA drugs do not reduce transmission of the virus or why in Canada would we have record number of cases. The original RCTs did not show a reduction in mortality (the signal was in the proper direction in the Fluvoxamine trials and meta-analysis) and with far higher number of deaths this year than last, my prior probability that these mRNA drugs reduce mortality is now zero; this means you have to have overwhelming proof to increase that to a degree that would be meaningful. Fluxoxamine, like ivermectin, is inexpensive and has been around a long time so the side-effects and adverse events are predictable, especially as it is only given for a short-term.

The biggest casualty of Covid = expertise, the field of medicine and 'the science'. The emperor has no clothes.

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Really well said!

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My guess is that fluvoxamine has better evidence of safety and efficacy than the Merck and Pfizer covid19 therapeutic drugs that received EUAs from FDA this week.

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See my "The Totalitarians’ Vaccine Miscalculation"

(The Self-destruction of 21st Century Totalitarianism)


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I would be suspicious of any drug that contains fluorine. Fluorine displaces iodine in our cells. Iodine is involved in regulating the rate of energy production in the mitochondria.


Here is the problem:

"No where is this process more evident than in the case of the halides, which are all antagonistic elements to iodine, meaning they will impede the absorption of iodine. Heavy metals get stored in the same receptors that are looking for iodine. Almost all of us are exposed to bromine and fluorine and are storing these toxic halides in our iodine deficient receptors. The mechanism of iodine in the cells is very ancient and lacking of specificity, in fact, cells are not able to distinguish iodide from other anions of similar atomic or molecular size, which may act as “pseudo-iodides”: bromide, flouride, chlorine, thiocyanate, cyanate, nitrate, pertechnate, perchlorate."

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I don’t believe the F atom is at all available from drugs containing it.

It’s eliminated still covalently bound to the drug or a metabolite.

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Dec 24, 2021
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You liked my comment on an article in the Post recommending Fluvoxamine (dec 23 o this post) I'm writing on another matter. You have said that the dnager of "variants" is non-existent. I am trying to reconcile that with Geert Vanden Bossche's argument that mass vaccinating with the non-sterlie vaccines like the mRNA jabs, is creating immune pressure that could create "immune escape," or the creation of a pathogen that is resistant to any existing antibodies (from what I can tell, this includes from natural immunity, not just vaccines, but I may have gotten that wrong.) It seems that omicron is currently resistant to all vaccines, although I'm not sure if it's resistant to natural immunity. What I am asking is a) Do I understand Bossche's theory correctly? If do, b) do you agree with it? if so, how does that relate to your point that "variants" do/will not vary enough from the original SARS virus to be resistant (I may well not have gotten your theory correct, either. I am just trying to make sense of this in order to give coherent arguments to pro-vaccination people). Any clarity that you can offer me would be appreciated.

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Dec 24, 2021
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We need class action lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. If there still is justice from the courts.

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there is a special place in hell reserved for that hypocrite Francis Collins

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Yes. Seated at the right hand of satan, aka Tony Fauci...

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It's a cult. Always has been, always will be. You can't reason with the brainwashed. It's very sad. So many needless deaths and suffering. Maybe one day Hollywood will make a movie about you and the same liberals shutting you down will champion you for bucking the system and the corruption and brainwashing (Hollywood loves rebels only on film, never in reality). Fluvoxamine Buyer's Club. Matthew McConnaughey will have to shave his head. But I see an Oscar contender!

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Why would anyone look for a new "miracle" when you have Ivermectin or HCL which is the time tested proven remedy. Something to do about that business model of Window of opportunity. That glassmaker had to find customers for his product. Fraudci And Company!

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And there are non pharmaceuticals that work. We were cured quickly with homeopathy. And that was before ivermectin was known to cure.

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Is it patent by any chance?

Forgive my cyniscim, I have recently read Bad Pharma by Dr Ben Goldacre. Should by compulsory reading.

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