This is an example of people meaning well but not realizing how dangerous their supposed alternative treatments are or where the 'thought" to try a certain drug off label even came from to begin with: Big Pharma.
Who do you think "leaked" the thought of the possibility of Fluvoxamine "may" be beneficial and then hid back and "pretended"…
This is an example of people meaning well but not realizing how dangerous their supposed alternative treatments are or where the 'thought" to try a certain drug off label even came from to begin with: Big Pharma.
Who do you think "leaked" the thought of the possibility of Fluvoxamine "may" be beneficial and then hid back and "pretended" to be against it? This drug at 100mg a day for 10 days is likely the reason why so many long haulers sick, their all in SSRI withdrawal without even knowing it. If you're a "resistor" who won't take the vaxx? No problem! We'll just fry your brain with a dangerous SSRI that big pharma has done such a wonderful job hiding how dangerous it is from the docs now advocating it and are in the dark as to how serious it is and the number of people out on permanent disability who had adverse reactions to only being on it a handful of days.
As soon as this came out, those who deal with people permanently disabled from Big Pharma saw this for what it was, a back doorway to disabled thousands of more people, and blame it on Covid-19, just like how they murdered people I knew with Remdesivir in an attempt to terrify everyone and murder people off. Now if they can't get you to take the shots? They just "leak out" drugs that, if you really look at the info, doesn't really show the benefit Big Pharma wants You to believe is there, and now they've tricked the very doctors into thinking they found a way to treat people for Covid into doing more harm than good.
But it's only because they have done such a good job at hiding how dangerous SSRI's are that any well-meaning doctor could think giving it out for 7-10 days is a viable option, because they have doctors believing it takes a month to rewire the brain when all it takes is 2-3 days to cause adverse reactions and ruin people for life. And Big Pharma just sits back and laughs on how they've "tricked" more doctors who thought to lead the resistance into doing more harm than if they hadn't treated at all.
This is an example of people meaning well but not realizing how dangerous their supposed alternative treatments are or where the 'thought" to try a certain drug off label even came from to begin with: Big Pharma.
Who do you think "leaked" the thought of the possibility of Fluvoxamine "may" be beneficial and then hid back and "pretended" to be against it? This drug at 100mg a day for 10 days is likely the reason why so many long haulers sick, their all in SSRI withdrawal without even knowing it. If you're a "resistor" who won't take the vaxx? No problem! We'll just fry your brain with a dangerous SSRI that big pharma has done such a wonderful job hiding how dangerous it is from the docs now advocating it and are in the dark as to how serious it is and the number of people out on permanent disability who had adverse reactions to only being on it a handful of days.
As soon as this came out, those who deal with people permanently disabled from Big Pharma saw this for what it was, a back doorway to disabled thousands of more people, and blame it on Covid-19, just like how they murdered people I knew with Remdesivir in an attempt to terrify everyone and murder people off. Now if they can't get you to take the shots? They just "leak out" drugs that, if you really look at the info, doesn't really show the benefit Big Pharma wants You to believe is there, and now they've tricked the very doctors into thinking they found a way to treat people for Covid into doing more harm than good.
But it's only because they have done such a good job at hiding how dangerous SSRI's are that any well-meaning doctor could think giving it out for 7-10 days is a viable option, because they have doctors believing it takes a month to rewire the brain when all it takes is 2-3 days to cause adverse reactions and ruin people for life. And Big Pharma just sits back and laughs on how they've "tricked" more doctors who thought to lead the resistance into doing more harm than if they hadn't treated at all.