Still waiting on details on the Swiss study…

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Good Information Steve - thank you. Can you please advise a link to the study? I've searched and cannot locate anything on it, just iteration of what the study has found. Thank you for your work. Please advise.

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Steve, can you please share the Swiss study? I didn’t see a link. Also, there were 777 vaccinated in the study. How many unvaccinated?

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Tropopin also occurs in damage to skeletal muscle (not smooth muscle). I have been looking at studies of Tropopin levels in pre jabbed (pre Nov 2020) Covid 19 patients and arsenic exposed patients (AsO3) and both have elevated levels. What are the profiles of the 777 being tested, how were they chosen, what is their ‘infection’ status. Have any been treated for APL? What is their indoor/outdoor ratio?

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What is the difference between troponin and C-reactive protein?

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Steve, can you please provide a link to the Switzerland study this whole review is about? I can't find it. Thanks!

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If they aren't allowed a test before vaccine or booster you have no baseline. That is what they want so no rational conclusions can be drawn.

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What do you think of this Steve? In the UK, there appears to have been a sudden uptick in reported cases in 2016, and this appears to mirror a trend seen in studies working with actuals.


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what do you think of this Sebastian:

2 dummies were looking at a tree. one could not see the end of his nose because of it while the other could not see the forest around it … also because of it! which one was the bigger numpty and why would that make any difference when we’re not talking about what’s actually going on now? 2016 and 2021 are not the same!!!! look at the data

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They're not, no - according the data presented in the article, 2021 was lower than 2016. What data are you referring to?

But regardless we can see it was a preexisting phenomenon that appeared to be accelerating, and the question is why?

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Hi Sebastian,

i see you took my

comment seriously. i’m sorry i wasn’t more clear.

the 2016 data is not a “trend” but is more reasonably seen as an outlier. by the same approach, the 2021 data would be an outlier too … except that the 2022 data is about to completely dwarf it! that’s the beginning of a trend … and from what i see in healthcare (i work on the front lines) … it’s about to turn into a hyperbole … as all cause mortality is skyrocketing in 2022 (definitely much worse than 2021). but, let’a wait and see the data before we continue this conversation.

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It's not an 'outlier', because it continued. The peak was in 2019. Have you actually read the article?

In the UK, all cause mortality, as far as I can see, is not 'skyrocketing', and is still below 2020 (which was the highest).

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Myo/peri carditis cases spiked 3 mos after the vax rollout March '21, NOT in 2020. See table A and B. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2782900

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I was referring to 2016, not 2020.

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You were referring to trends and implying that the issue was going on all along when clearly there was a spike in March '21.

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Yes, it would appear there was a spike in 2016 that, so far, no one has been able to explain.

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Great, let's put up the chart, let's compare the spikes

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Go for it, the raw data is linked to in the article.

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Exactly! Richard K is right. Where is the "study from Switzerland"? As far as I can see, there is no link to that study under Mr. Prasad's video nor in this blog article. It could be entirely made up!

It is quite frustrating to see such a lack of basic common sense.

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He is referencing a pre-print of this study. Many doctors have access to studies that have not been published and are in the peer review stage. I also find it frustrating that he talks about something that I can’t readily access and verify for myself. He also mentions one from Thailand I’m not able to find. If I do I’ll post it.

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This is bullshit, 1 in 28 is not "pretty much everyone". I know hundreds of people that are not having any heart issues, and a small hand full that are,. When that changes in my area I will let you know. Until then this wreaks of overstatement. How is your heart Steve?

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It may not show for 20 years as the damage is silent but there.

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Bro, he said that nearly everyone is showing elevated levels of troponin, which indicates some level of heart damage. The 1:28 ration is referencing the rate of sub-clinical myocarditis in boys. In the video he points out that 1:28 is two orders of magnitude higher than the “normal” 1:3500. Just because there were no symptoms of heart damage doesn’t mean that the heart wasn’t damaged. If someone smokes for 30 years and never has any signs of cancer or difficulty breathing or any adverse effects are their lungs and throat undamaged? Of course not, the damage is just sub-rosa

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No one in this neck of the woods is checking troponin levels so elevations, if any, are not known. I have a friend that asked his doctor about it and he was told that in the absence of symptoms the test is not done. I am not disagreeing that there is damage, just saying that there is no confirmation among those that I know.

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I think this article in part is making the case we should be checking.

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I think everyone who is vaccinated should be checked so we can get real data on this, and those unaware can wake up.

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Did you miss the waterfall graph that showed that everyone getting the synthetic mRNA injection has elevated troponin levels after the shot, indicative of mild heart damage? Sub clinical heart damage is still heart damage. It's cumulative. Just because you know a lot of people who didn't die immediately after getting the injection does not imply that the injections are safe. That's why the FDA previously tested new drugs for 7-10 years to determine long term safety, which obviously didn't happen in Operation Warp Speed.

Many people have had four of these synthetic mRNA shots, and had sub clinical myocarditis for each of them, with a recommendation to get two shots per year, ongoing, and the recent addition of these experimental injections as part of the recommended childhood vaccine schedule for children 5 years and older. What will be the result of all of this cumulative sub clinical myocarditis? Even worse, the newer synthetic mRNA in the bivalent vaccines codes for the BA.4 and BA.5 spike proteins which bind more readily to human ACE2 receptors, so it's reasonable to assume they could cause more serious adverse reactions, and myocarditis is far from the only adverse reaction to these injections. Many nations are reporting 16% to 20% increases in all cause (non-COVID) mortality the last two years. Something is causing that. What changed besides hundreds of millions of synthetic mRNA injections?

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"Overstatement"? "Bullshit"? Maybe, it is, but where are the actual studies that ever showed the vaccine was effective? Where are the studies that validate a single covid vaccination stopped the spread or did anything at all? These were highly experimental drugs labeled "vaccines" that never went through any proper clinical trials.

Within my very limited friends and their families, five people died within 72 hours of getting a covid vaccine and two women aborted their babies, one of which is no longer fertile. Lastly, a very close friend died seven days after the vaccine but was in intensive care for six of the days after his shot which gave him a massive heart attack. My wife's best friend was otherwise healthy and over a month after receiving her shot has been diagnosed with a slew of auto-immune problems which she is working very hard to overcome. I don't believe you are paying attention to "changes" in the people in your area or your people are likely making excuses for a variety of illnesses and their difficulties in remains healthy.

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Hey Chris, I'm not an adversary here. In your circle a lot more carnage is evident than in mine. I fully believe that vax adverse reactions are happening all over but the people involved are just not attributing events/deaths to the vaccine and I am not hearing about or seeing it.

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Thanks for the reply. This is exactly what I am talking about. Where I was living (Los Angeles), most people were silenced or worse (fired) for any of their dissidence. Labeled anything and everything to discredit their voice despite the actual science and history of viruses and vaccines. The amount of information coming forth (not in the Hollywood controlled main stream media) is looking like the vaccine is causing a very serious auto immune problem (like AIDS). The covid vaccines appear to reprogram the body to fight every virus the body encounters in the future as if it is again the original covid strain. This is a death sentence for a whole lot of people. This is likely why the vaccines were virtually useless against the Omicron variant.

The question should always be, "Why is this pseudo health care going on and so heavily promoted in our world today by people who actually know better?"

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Because elite globalists (Luminati) control them.

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Where are the superheroes like Superman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman to vanquish these evildoers? (As you can see, I'm more partial to the DC Universe.)

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It doesn't need superheros, just the likes of you and I.

For my part, I am the jester, the fool who plays the fool with words as I expose the criminals in their folly. From your list I will chose Batman but I will be Battyman as in the man who is batty or mad!!

But there is method in my madness.

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Maybe you could create a new comic strip for Battyman, assuming DC wouldn't claim trademark infringement. Battyman could go around saying, "I'm batty as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

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Like it! There is so much else to do, but I like it!

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"A new study". What study? Was it peer reviewed? Where's the citation? Watching a video is not science.

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Sir are our records show you have not received your booster, please do so or your bank account will be frozen. Thank You

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Fair question. . .

Do 2 mins research


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Comrade: All is in order with the state technocratic pharmacomedicalmedia published article revealing the jabs are safe and effective. No danger, Will Robinson. Don’t forget to feed Judy.

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Pub Med.gov…seriously?

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Hahahahaha - you must be a government employee née - pharmaceutical - same thing.

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Unfortunately the CDC, FDA, NIH, medical journal's, etc. have nothing to do with science, it’s a for profit business.…all bought and paid for by Big Pharma. There is no money in treating healthy people…

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Hi dear Steve!

Thank you again for all your analysis and awesome work!

I have come across this great article by Dr. Ariyana Love.


The article contains a link to ideas to the detox protocol (mostly considering the graphene oxide and spike as well). I am aware of FLCC protocols and use them with patients.


If would be tremendous help to the humanity to do a research study using darkfield microscopy, D dimer test, etc to see if we can see a difference in the blood of vaxxed using the detox protocol with glutathione, Quercetin, CoQ10, C60 and other powerful antioxidants and minerals, vitamins, etc.

This way we can show that a protocol is working. We can all use it to help patients who had the injection get better.

I am a naturopathic doctor. I do have a darkfield microscopy. I am just thinking out loud if we could do such studies we can have visual proof that the protocols work.

If anybody knows here any clinics or research centers that would be interested in conducting such a study, let me know! Thank you!

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Haha! How interesting that you need to shame someone who isn’t trying to convince people to get the vaccine, but only asked for some understanding of what I admitted to be a mistake.

If only we ALL could have known everything from the start, like YOU DID!

I apologize for destroying your country 😂😂😂.

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Steve, this is for you.

Dr. John Getting Red Pilled


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we need follow up on the rates of cancers. I know 2 people under 50 who died suddenly from cancer. within 6 months of each other in a small community. About 4 other people also died from cancer in the same community. The difference was the other 4 who died were older (>70) so those can be expected, but 2 under 50 contracting and dying from cancer within 6-8 months....

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