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Steve, how about a campaign to reinstate liability for manufacturers? That’s all it would take to end all of this. Simple.

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Rfk will accomplish this. Wouldn't be shocked if trump did either.

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While I would support that, recall that the Constitution says there shall be no ex post facto law, so you can't make such a law retroactive.

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What about a fund to enforce reinstatement of sacked doctors, nurses , academics, teachers, first responders and conscientious objectors?

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The FDA is the agency approving the product to be commercialized. The FDA is supposed to give a seal of quality, efficacy and safety. Would Big Pharma transfer the liability to the FDA for being incompetent in its assessment of the drug? Should the FDA be dismissed as useless if it does not check if the rules and procedures have not been followed thoroughly by the manufacturers? The corruption in the upper echelon of the administration is such that any claim would be a lifelong battle against the administration, the insurances and the manufacturers. To prove the liability you need financial resources and time very few people have especially when they have been injured following an injection. Where do you put in the line of responsible actors the doctors or pharmacists who practice the injection?

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That will only *stop* all vaccine production. That was the intent of assuming liability in the first place. If that’s what you want, fine. But that will be the effect. The problem with current government compensation is the government bureaucracy. They don’t care if you are adequately compensation or not. Change the program. Of course, the government won’t allow such. You are little more than revenue generating farm animals to them. Who cares if they lose a few. Hence the program. They are more than willing to sacrifice you and yours to a deficient drug.

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Why would that stop all vaccine production? Liability hasn’t stopped other drug production?

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All vaccines harm it seems but not enough people know that due to a century or more of expensive propaganda to get public trust when originally there was little or none for vaccines. Liability ideally would mean that those visibly In jured, harmed, killed woukd need to be compensated and that would make the enterprise far less profitable or ideally non profit making.. But most people probably cannot afford to take legal action because so expensive ( UK ie here, it is). Also no doubt much vaccine Ibjury is not linked to the vaccines ie disease can take years decades to appear.etc.

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“ But most people probably cannot afford to take legal action because so expensive”

In the USA, lawsuits are originated all the time as “class action lawsuits”. Folk need not contribute funds, nor sue individually. This allows some sort of smallish compensation, albeit tremendous payback to lawyers. One class action has been going on for decades, asbestos. They are still advertising for those seeking compensation (case settled at to come forward and collect. Was included in at least a couple over the years myself.

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Exactly. Align incentives and the problems solve themselves.

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