They trashed Andrew Wakefield for one paper in the lancet that was asking could there be a connection between autism and the mmr vaccine. I believe that was around 1998, not sure but interestingly not long after the removed thimerosal from vaccines. I don’t know but I think Wakefield was a real threat to their money machine. That have to have an adjuvant like mercury or aluminum to create titters.
For mRNA, an idea might be to produce a short digital animation showing how the mRNA shot acts within the body and how the side effects are triggered - e.g. billions of LNPs travelling all over, collecting in organs while the body attacks and kills its own cells/tissues which are generating spike, juxtaposed with the cheerful, benign pharma ad music playing in the background? Needs to be factual, based on studies etc. Also needs to focus on mRNA technology rather than the brand name since mRNA manufacturing plants are being built everywhere and will move on to other diseases. Can then be played across all the digital platforms.
Excellent idea. I would estimate costs of all types of vaccine injuries to employers and insurers and take your presentations directly to them as well. I am certain employers and their health insurers are as clueless as I was 4 years ago. They will want their costs lowered. Also, I would work with MDs who have safe and effective early treatments for childhood diseases and get that information to employers, parents and health insurers. too.
I love the video. I like the Nice Act but it needs refinement. The people driving vaccines are our own DOD who are hiring the vaccine companies to put out products of their own design. In order to properly do a study with no conflict of interest, there has to be a fund that is not derived from the government or her subsidiaries, not from the pharmaceutical companies and not from NGO's. The Study must be funded by we the people. Granted the unvaccinated are .26% of the population, there is a much larger slice of the population who have an interest in this because of vaccine injuries and deaths to loved ones.
The money for the study must come only from the people, it is the only way to keep big money interests from corrupting the data.
I love this idea , Steve. I would definitely ask Florida's Dr. Lapado to talk about the unsafe covid vaccines- it will bring more "gravitas" to the situation. I have also listened to Canada's Denis Rancourt, who has done a number of studies on Covid, the vaccine and excess mortality. He has a unique ability to talk about his studies in a way that a non-medical person can easily understand. LOL if you could figure out who Ethical Skeptic is on twitter- that man is a total genius and have MANY graphs and charts that point out the inflection point of when the vaccines came out, then the deaths started. Let us docs know how to contribute.
I’ve been an anti-vaxxer since 1999. Mainly because of reading Dr Joseph Mercola and the people he recommended. However, I don’t think anything will change drastically until campaign finance reform is accomplished and the political lobby is abolished. As long as our elected officials are receiving money from big pharma and as long as big pharma is allowed to operate in Washington, nothing will change. Then, the government needs to put a stop to fda employees leaving their posts in our government and going straight to work for big paying pharma jobs—a reward for their inside work on getting big pharma legislation passed. The pharmaceutical lobby is embedded in our government agencies.
I haven’t had a flu shot in 15 years. NY husband and got the covid shot to travel. He still got covid, pneumonia, clots, a stroke and finally a massive brain hemorrhage from clots and death. You can't tell me those jabs and/or the disease were not a bioweapon.
If RFJ Jr. becomes President, he will stop pharma TV ads immediately. TV gets 75% of their advertising, over $4 billion, from pharma. Then, and only then, would TV be willing to take your ads. They will do anything for $. Billboards are a possibility. A CHD chapter has looked into billboards but doesn't have the funding.
I've handed out flyers in shopping mall parking lots and, in the right community, people were receptive. I would do it again. Not to be negative but MSM wouldn't run it. They get at least 70% of their advertising from pharma, more than $4 billion.
I just had a thought. Aussie17 was a Pharma marketing exec. He's good at boiling stuff down so that normal people can understand complicated subjects. Maybe he has some thoughts?
This looks old-school from the ad perspective. I would hire an experienced social media agency to conduct a PR campaign. Try to figure out the best way to mobilize viral content. TV, radio, print, etc. impact a tiny fraction of the viewers, and they need many multiple "hits" to even be noticed.
Steve - I recommend books such as Metaphors We Live By, by linguist George Lakoff. He points out (as you well know), for 90% of the population, facts don't matter. It's not just vaccines. The human brain is very susceptible to propaganda, myth, biases, any number of irrationalities that overwrite facts. Yes even doctors and scientists (maybe even, especially doctors and scientists).
They trashed Andrew Wakefield for one paper in the lancet that was asking could there be a connection between autism and the mmr vaccine. I believe that was around 1998, not sure but interestingly not long after the removed thimerosal from vaccines. I don’t know but I think Wakefield was a real threat to their money machine. That have to have an adjuvant like mercury or aluminum to create titters.
For mRNA, an idea might be to produce a short digital animation showing how the mRNA shot acts within the body and how the side effects are triggered - e.g. billions of LNPs travelling all over, collecting in organs while the body attacks and kills its own cells/tissues which are generating spike, juxtaposed with the cheerful, benign pharma ad music playing in the background? Needs to be factual, based on studies etc. Also needs to focus on mRNA technology rather than the brand name since mRNA manufacturing plants are being built everywhere and will move on to other diseases. Can then be played across all the digital platforms.
Excellent idea. I would estimate costs of all types of vaccine injuries to employers and insurers and take your presentations directly to them as well. I am certain employers and their health insurers are as clueless as I was 4 years ago. They will want their costs lowered. Also, I would work with MDs who have safe and effective early treatments for childhood diseases and get that information to employers, parents and health insurers. too.
CDC lied, people died,they need to be tried and then FRIED‼🤬
I love the video. I like the Nice Act but it needs refinement. The people driving vaccines are our own DOD who are hiring the vaccine companies to put out products of their own design. In order to properly do a study with no conflict of interest, there has to be a fund that is not derived from the government or her subsidiaries, not from the pharmaceutical companies and not from NGO's. The Study must be funded by we the people. Granted the unvaccinated are .26% of the population, there is a much larger slice of the population who have an interest in this because of vaccine injuries and deaths to loved ones.
The money for the study must come only from the people, it is the only way to keep big money interests from corrupting the data.
I love this idea , Steve. I would definitely ask Florida's Dr. Lapado to talk about the unsafe covid vaccines- it will bring more "gravitas" to the situation. I have also listened to Canada's Denis Rancourt, who has done a number of studies on Covid, the vaccine and excess mortality. He has a unique ability to talk about his studies in a way that a non-medical person can easily understand. LOL if you could figure out who Ethical Skeptic is on twitter- that man is a total genius and have MANY graphs and charts that point out the inflection point of when the vaccines came out, then the deaths started. Let us docs know how to contribute.
I’ve been an anti-vaxxer since 1999. Mainly because of reading Dr Joseph Mercola and the people he recommended. However, I don’t think anything will change drastically until campaign finance reform is accomplished and the political lobby is abolished. As long as our elected officials are receiving money from big pharma and as long as big pharma is allowed to operate in Washington, nothing will change. Then, the government needs to put a stop to fda employees leaving their posts in our government and going straight to work for big paying pharma jobs—a reward for their inside work on getting big pharma legislation passed. The pharmaceutical lobby is embedded in our government agencies.
I haven’t had a flu shot in 15 years. NY husband and got the covid shot to travel. He still got covid, pneumonia, clots, a stroke and finally a massive brain hemorrhage from clots and death. You can't tell me those jabs and/or the disease were not a bioweapon.
If RFJ Jr. becomes President, he will stop pharma TV ads immediately. TV gets 75% of their advertising, over $4 billion, from pharma. Then, and only then, would TV be willing to take your ads. They will do anything for $. Billboards are a possibility. A CHD chapter has looked into billboards but doesn't have the funding.
Klaus Schwab is NOT Leaving the WEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me explain something. Klaus Schwab is NOT retiring, nor is he leaving the WEF.
I've handed out flyers in shopping mall parking lots and, in the right community, people were receptive. I would do it again. Not to be negative but MSM wouldn't run it. They get at least 70% of their advertising from pharma, more than $4 billion.
I just had a thought. Aussie17 was a Pharma marketing exec. He's good at boiling stuff down so that normal people can understand complicated subjects. Maybe he has some thoughts?
Why don't you ask him?
This looks old-school from the ad perspective. I would hire an experienced social media agency to conduct a PR campaign. Try to figure out the best way to mobilize viral content. TV, radio, print, etc. impact a tiny fraction of the viewers, and they need many multiple "hits" to even be noticed.
Would television stations allow ads questioning vaccines to be aired?
Steve - I recommend books such as Metaphors We Live By, by linguist George Lakoff. He points out (as you well know), for 90% of the population, facts don't matter. It's not just vaccines. The human brain is very susceptible to propaganda, myth, biases, any number of irrationalities that overwrite facts. Yes even doctors and scientists (maybe even, especially doctors and scientists).