I've seen these analysis, but remain not fully convinced. That is, I know the vaccines failed, but I'm still puzzled what caused these deaths:

- Are these vaccine deaths masked as covid deaths? That would mean the vaccines make your immune system weaker. We know this is the case the first 4 weeks or so. But we also know OAS is a unscientific nonsense. Yes, I know it is popular on our side, but OAS itself was debunked decades ago - see e.g. this ecelent summary: https://unglossed.substack.com/p/the-actual-imprinting-study. There is however a legitimate indication boosters cause IgG1 B-cells to become IgG4 B-cells, but that would not explain the deaths after vaccination. Only after boosting. SO I think we'll start seeing that, but it won't explain deaths until now.

- Hence I'd think that the excess deaths are simply indirect injury like heart damage and incurred cancer. We know this happens, but the magnitude is just larger than even some skeptics believed. Well some of us, I know Steve was saying this all along, so credit where credit is due.

- But to be fair, Delta was more infectious, so we cannot rule that out as a factor too.

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Withholding effective treatments and mandating though excessive payouts and indemnification the lethal Covid Hospital Protocols are what killed Americans, NOT the virus.

During 2020 the average age of death of a Covid Patient was identical to the average age of death of any American.

Explain that if a deadly virus was running wild killing people.

Secondly, the Covid shots are toxic as all get out. I know no one who died of Covid, except one man who was not given appropriate treatment, then dosed with Benadryl, Benzodiazapine, and Morphine, in succession. He died the moment the Morphine went in, according to the family member with him at the time.

As for post vax, I know many who died shortly after taking it. Or a booster.

So the only way to sort this out and find out exactly how lethal the shots really are, you would need a large, well run, long term vaxxed/unvaxxed study.

This is something our Government will never do because they are owned, lock, stock and barrel by pHarma.

Just my opinion after 62 years of experience watching their products create masses of iatragenic diseases and death.

My money goes to preventive medicine via organic food, vitamin and mineral supplements, Chiropractic care, and TCM if I get sick. So far I have no health issues and no prescriptions, and no surgical needs. If I need Western medical care, I will head for a country where Doctors, not drug company executives and hospitals run for profits, make the decisions. If I have an emergency, well, I'll say my prayers and head for the least lethal hospital I know.

Our whole "medical system" is a disease killing people and disabling them for profit. It's reached a point where it is definitely us or them. Look at child health in America. It is disgusting. Shameful. Criminal.

And we just destroyed a generation with lockdowns, school closures, forced masking, & endless fear porn, just to promote a terrible, deadly, experimental gene therapy vaccine THAT THEY NEVER NEEDED!

Committing this crime for profit is the BEST motive that can possibly be ascribed to those who orchestrated this evil.

The worst motive is the utter destruction of America, Freedom of Speech, Bodily Integrity, Private Businesses, our military, law enforcement, first responders, and educational system.

Whoever, or whatever, planned this, (listen to Dr. David E. Martin,) looks to destroy us utterly. That's the only conclusion I can reach.

If it was accomplished through sheer stupidity, ala Deborah Brix, et al, I'll think humanity just too low IQ to survive.....

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I'm no virologist but here's a simple question: If Sars Cov-2 can be dealt with by the innate immune system (either symptomatically or asymptomatically) or, at most, via short-lived adaptive responses at the mucosa and never goes systemic, how the heck would you know whether the "vaccine" prevented severe disease? Given that these shots do not reliably create mucosal immunity (thus preventing infection), there is no way to prove the shots prevent severe disease (systemic) in anyone who doesn't get that far in the disease process (the transfection-induced antigen-specific antibodies are systemic).

It's like giving credit to the presence of a security guard inside the vault (that nobody has ever seen) when the bank robbers are constantly thwarted outside or inside the bank by the armed guards there.

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They also used rhesus macaque monkeys in the vaccine efficacy trials. Macaques are not at all or hardly at all impacted by SARS-COV-2 so challenge studies after injection mean nothing as exposure had no impact before injection. Scientists recommend they only use aged mice in any efficacy and safety trials for products intended for use in humans.

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Frankly, Joel lied in his response to you.

He has been frequently challenged on Twitter. He routinely blocked those who pointed out flaws in his analysis instead of engaging in debate in good faith. An example of this was when people pointed out that his baseline for all-cause deaths was generated based on a very narrow, unrepresentative set of sample data.

An example thread is here: Joel blocked the author instead of engaging with him. This was clearly not a "hit piece", as Joel claims. https://twitter.com/_johnbye/status/1365650853252771843

Whatever side of the debate you're on, Joel's approach to debate of his claims is extremely unscientific.

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The author is a joke.


1. All those declared Covid-19 deaths were determined using RT-PCR technology whose own inventor (Dr. Kary Mullis) said was not created or ever intended to be used as a disease testing and diagnostic device. It’s patent is not for testing and diagnostics purposes. THAT is why they had to slap Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”) on it, because it wasn’t designed for that purpose and it cannot fulfill that purpose. That test must always be followed up with a lab culture in healthy human cell lines.

2. The CDC did not even have a physical specimen of the so called virus when it developed the primers for the RT-PCR test, so it used “characterized stocks…of known titers…spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 (lung cancer) cells and viral transport medium to mimic clinical specimen.”

3. The few samples they lab cultured were not cultured in healthy human cell lines they were cultured in vero cells which is a primate cell line that is deficient in interferons and susceptible to infection, not at all resembling healthy (or even sicky) human cell lines. Worse vero is a kidney cell line and they added antibiotics to the cell medium that destroys kidney cells!

They have never conducted an official study using a control without any virus present to see if the medium and other chemicals might reproduce the same cytopathology as those that contain the virus particles (Dr. Stefan Lanka conducted that exact study in spring 2021 and was able to reproduce identical cytopathology effects in the cell line without a virus present as with, which means it is the medium and chemicals/antibiotics creating the so called pathogenic virus).

There is no pathogenic virus as we clearly see. But there are other environmental factors whose effect due to exposure match those of what is called SARS-COV-2 as presented in their disease named Covid-19 that are harming and killing people and the people in those industries are getting away with genocide.

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What is a RICO charge?

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise. How do you prove racketeering?

All that must be shown is: (1) that the defendant agreed to commit the substantive racketeering offense through agreeing to participate in two racketeering acts; (2) that he knew the general status of the conspiracy; and (3) that he knew the conspiracy extended beyond his individual role.

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Can you talk a little about your understanding of HIV/AIDS? Can you speak to some of your primary sources that you have used to inform your thinking on this?

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Judy Mikovits tipped me off that HIV was a GoF on LAV. That's all I know.

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What is LAV?

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If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.

Covid is not an epidemiological story. Covid is a crime story.

They needed the lockdowns. They needed the lockdowns to be long, destructive and depressing. They need everyone to be scared of more lockdowns so that they can say, "To avoid further lockdowns you need to accept Vaccine Passports."

The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the other measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so. They were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break people's minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.

The injections are the Trojan horse to get us in the door of that digital concentration camp (as well as the metaphorical gas chambers), starting with vax-ports, followed by digital IDs, and then connected to CBDC accounts and UBI scrip, which will allow them to track our every move and purchase, and “nudge” us toward whatever medical, dietary, or lifestyle choices they desire, at threat of having our rations reduced, or, if we misbehave too badly, being shut out of the system altogether. They’re specifically targeting kids and young people most of all, deliberately inflicting mass trauma on them, because they’re the ones who’ll grow up in that New Normal™️, and the goal is to condition them to accept total control over every aspect of their lives and a dehumanized screen-based existence, to the point where they won’t remember living any other way, breathing free, being free.

All talk of so-called efficacy of these poison injections are meaningless distractions and quite besides the (existentially urgent) point when you understand that the virus/disease they’re allegedly designed to protect against doesn’t exist in the first place and, additionally, what their real, above-mentioned purpose(s) is.

It’s blackmail on a global scale.

Covid-19, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives. Fight this now or resign yourself to tyranny.

For those who haven’t heard, we are witnessing a globally coordinated plan (conspiracy) to use fear and safety as cover for a “reset” of the world economy and society. This is a planned and internationally coordinated strategy by the most powerful global elites-the ruling class.

There’s lots of different terminology and branding, for example: Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Technocracy. The main aim of this plan is the concentration of power over capital, wealth, people and nature in the hands of the very largest corporations and monopolies.

This plan for a new phase of global capitalism is enabled by national states and governments, international organisations and quangos (EU, UN, NATO, IMF, WTO, WHO, Gates, GAVI). With no clear lines between state and non-state actors, this is also a form of global corporatism.

This is not in any way a “conspiracy theory” and anyone who rejects it as such is just not paying attention. It is being done in plain sight, in front of our eyes, openly. “Public Safety” is being used as the catch-all justification to entrench the Bio-Security State.

You can only understand the lockdown imperative in this context, for example it is an ideal opportunity for big capitalists and their state facilitators to crush SMEs and expand monopolies and for western states to permanently curtail ‘legacy freedoms’ that are hurdles to their dominance.

I believe that people with immense wealth and power conspire- this is not a theory it is a proven historical fact.

If you still cannot fathom that people with immense wealth and power conspire, then that doesn’t make me a “conspiracy theorist” — it makes you a coincidence theorist.

Anyone who still thinks any of this is motivated by a concern for our health or has anything much to do with science is beyond hope.

Anyone out there who thinks medicine, science, public health, politics, human rights, wealth, power, justice and corruption are NOT now insidiously intertwined, is not seeing reality.

Meanwhile the privileged, nominally educated people have uncritically accepted and are participating in and actively promoting a blatant medical fraud that is raining misery on hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

Mengele- Goebbels-Eichmann and the 100’s of Nazi çamp doctors were tried at Nuremberg- to this list let’s add all those who facilitate and participate in subjecting children to an unethical mass medical experiment with zero benefits but multiple documented hazards.

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WOW. Thanks for your powerful summary. So how would you advise children (and their parents) to protect themselves in this situation, besides resist resist resist?

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Well written - you should put this as you first Substack so it will always be there.

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WayneBGood wrote, "Well written - you should put this as you first Substack ..."

I was going to say the same thing as WayneBGood above, but he beat me to it.

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Does anyone have an opinion on John Lukach's work? He makes the claim that the researchers he is working with have identified all the components of the COVID shot. He says the active ingredients dissipate after 30 days or if they are not kept cold.

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Here you have WHO Director General Tedros saying he is not vaccinated “because poor Africa”. Africa did just fine without the vaccines.

WHO is one big sham.


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How can we know if this is real? If it is real, and I am uncomfortable because I don't see the interviewer and the interviewee in the same shot for most of the talk... it is a bombshell.

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Good questions, of course take it with a grain or boulder of salt. But would I be surprised if it is true? I absolutely would not be. There is also this from early on:

Fauci: “Heck, No, I Haven’t Been Vaccinated”


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Plenty of evidence and sound reasoning from highly credible people, and it goes on and on - it can give you a migraine if you let it.

Think of it as a series of giant murderous practical jokes being played on us buffoons by pharma elites. 8-\

1) The opioid crisis which made billions, lasted over 20 years, killed appx. 760,000 in the US.

2) The Covid scam, much higher casualty count than the opioids, and probably lots more money made, too.

And now, for a more of a perverse sort of practical joke....

3) [ ] the media has widely publicized studies funded by pharmaceutical corporations and activist groups which claim to find that “gender-affirming” medical care, such as hormones that block children from going through puberty, is good for kids’ mental health, according to The Daily Caller.Stanford University published a Jan. 12 study on childhood hormone therapy funded by the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), which, according to a Stanford press release, is supported financially by pharmaceutical giants Arbor and Pfizer.

AACAP is an outspoken advocate against laws regulating or restricting puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and sex-change surgeries for children.It awarded its Pilot Research Award, which supports child and adolescent psychiatry research, to Dr. Jack Turban, the lead author on the Stanford study, in May 2019.

I wonder what they'll follow that one with.... 8-]

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Pfizer forecasts $32bn in revenue for COVID-19 vaccine Comirnaty, and $22bn for oral COVID-19 treatment Paxlovid, in 2022.

How many know that there has been an $11 trillion bailout over the past two years?

We are immersed in the largest upwards transfer of wealth in US history. "Covid" was both the facilitator for this racketeering and the cover story.

None of this is accidental. People who are still pretending that there ever was a "pandemic" are part of the problem.

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Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.

Government by the worst men in the state: opposed to aristocracy, government by the best men.

Government by the worst men.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

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Joel Smalley’s work has been excellent throughout. All based on hard actual data.

Painting ‘Picasso’s’ with actual Data. Thank you Steve and Joel.

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Dr. Mike Yeadon speaks out AGAINST existence of respiratory viruses



I actually have come to the conclusion, and I will credit Andrew Kaufman and his colleagues. I had a really good chat with those guys early in 2020 and it bothered me, bothered me, bothered me.

I realized, over time, I could no longer maintain my understanding of respiratory viruses as I thought I knew them. And then I learned a new bit of information recently, and it collapsed the possibility that respiratory viruses as described exist at all. They don't.

People do get ill and people are ill. People have exactly the same illness as before that horrible Yeadon said viruses don't exist. They still have 'colds' and 'flu'. It's just, I think we don't know what causes them and they're not respiratory illnesses.

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thanks. I tried to speak to Mike about it, but he wouldn't discuss.

I just sent him this on whatsapp:

OK, clearly you're siding with Kaufman. Are you open to a recorded discussion about it? If you're right, you'll persuade hundreds of thousands of people. If you're wrong, nothing will happen. So it's a "no risk" opportunity to be heard. What do you think?

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He's lost his mind or is involved in a disinfo campaign. Hard to know. Steve, this "virus denial" meme feels like it's coming from the military. Gunnels, who trolled me in your comments, definitely feels like a military agent. He's not stupid. But he seems very sure of ideas which make no sense. Is this a domestic psy-ops excercise?

They come on hard with an army of socks, resort to ad hominems and radio silence, and generally seem out to disrupt discussions like early treatment, natural immunity, and lab origin. There is an obvious motive to cut off these relevant topics by luring truth-seekers into nihilism.

You are probably aware of this possibility, but there is something very wrong here. Be careful of these people, this does not seem like an organic movement.

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Have you listened to the entire interview? It's here:


Tell me what you know of Kevin Corbett's work.

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How long have you been involved in the health freedom movement?

What was your first experience with "pandemics?" What year and which "crisis" opened your eyes to these frauds?

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How long have you been tossing around credentialing litmus tests and non sequiturs in lieu of providing actual statements in support of your "views"?

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So you are not going to answer?

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Your pointless question? My answer would mean nothing to you. We're not talking about me. We're talking about Yeadon. You switching the topic is a pivot to an ad hominem. Not playing your game.

At what point in this lengthy interview does Yeadon elaborate on the evidence he referred to? It's quite boring and I haven't heard anything I care about.

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You have zero credbility on these matters. You made some rather appalling accusations against someone you know nothing about. You attacked this man.

You know even less about the topic. That's something you don't want to reveal.

Michael Yeadon is a genuine, humble human being who has come a long way and sacrificed more than you ever would- someone with courage.

You can't hold this guys jockstrap.

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Yes, an ad hominem. But no answer.

He's a former VP of Pfizer who earned some trust by telling us the truth, and for some reason is lying to us now. I have none of this impression that he is genuine. He seems rather mad. Apart from his work at Pfizer, and his many hysterical statements which in retrospect seem like provocation agency, what do you know about his character? All you see is a man on the screen and words on a page.

I mean, why is Yeadon an expert? He's a virologist. But virology is bunk. So he isn't a damn expert in anything. Or am I missing something? He's admitting that he's been fooled his entire career. If he's being honest, he also is disqualifying himself. Yeadon is debunking Yeadon.

Who, exactly, are you and what agency do you work for? Is Gunnels the captain?

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maybe Mike Y could just clue us in as to what is this "new bit of information" he learned recently that "collapsed" in his mind the possibility that respiratory viruses exist at all as previously described, so that we could all assess it for ourselves? I don't want to challenge him to prove something.. just ask him sincerely what is the new information going into his synthesis?

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It is really odd that he would drop that bomb with no substantiation whatsoever...

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Someone made a good point about Paxlovid. This anti-viral (cost: $530) is prescribed to people in order to prevent "severe" symptoms or death. But isn't this an admission that the vaccines don't work? If nothing else, we've been told over and over that the vaccines prevent "severe" cases. Well, apparently they don't because if they did millions of people wouldn't need Paxlovid.

Here's today's real message: The vaccines don't prevent infection, nor spread and they really don't prevent severe cases either ... which is why you need all your vaccines and must take Paxlovid once you test positive (which you will, multiple times) ... So Pfizer has made $80 billion on vaccines that don't work and now they are making billions more on some pills that are prescribed because their vaccine didn't work. And the government pays for all this and does all your advertising and makes sure you can't be sued. It's a good business to be in, I guess. The more your products fail, the more money your company makes.

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Bill, it's ***ONLY*** the unvaccinated who need Paxlovid :)

I'm not sure why Biden got it. Maybe they thought he was unvaxxed?!?!

but seriously, this is an excellent point!

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If the Pfizer vaccine was a normal product, people in mass would be demanding their money back. "I got this vaccine (or booster) only because I thought it prevented severe cases .... Now you're telling me I have to spend $530 more for these pills so that I won't get a severe case. What the heck? I'm calling the Better Business Bureau on you guys!"

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Good point. Dr. Deborah Birx recently admitted that they overplayed the jabs, but she continues to claim that they prevent severe disease.

GB News' Mark Steyn explained Pfizer's business model very well recently:

"First they sell you the vaccine that 'prevents' you getting the disease. Then when you get the disease, they sell you the drug that 'cures' you of it. And then when you're 'cured' of it, you get it all over again three days later."

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So glad you mentioned him. He has done such incredible good work.

Why no one will pay attention to his stats, is mind boggling.

The shots should have stopped already...and the carte blanche the FDA gave to

future MRNA jabs should be withdrawn asap.

At this point, it cannot be money.

So, what is it? Because whatever it is, it is evil as all get out.

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Agreed Duchess. And.... the virus was endemic in May/June 2020.....

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"The virus" did nothing of consequence to anyone.

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I didn't see people getting sick where i work until after the jabs started. I do think that it was here before jan 2020...lots of people sick around christmas. 2019

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I read an interesting stat the other day. America, which has about 4 percent of the world's population, has about 14.5 percent of the Covid deaths. And our trusted "public health officials" are celebrated for this? What if they had simply done nothing? "First do no harm." The all-cause mortality figures would be massively smaller. Every policy produced a spike in deaths among all ages. And these metrics don't include economic devastation. And the deaths, injuries and economic damages aren't abating.

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Dr Malone had a great discussion with Marlies Dekkers of the De Nieuwe Wereld Podcast and Dr. Theo Schetters. It's worth a listen. The excess mortality signal is screaming worldwide. Regardless of whether you're a card carrying member of the vaccine church or a skeptic like myself that questions virology in its entirety, heath authorities (if that's what they actually were) would be all hands on deck trying to determine what's killing people. Instead, the overpaid parrots warm their chairs and chant "safe and effective" (or maybe dodos would be a better description). Here is the link for anyone who wants to listen to Drs Malone and Schetters. Enjoy. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/data-doesnt-lie-mrna-vaccines-and?r=11vb7h&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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With Covid proper in the first year, almost all of the deaths were in the 79 and older portion of the population. In other words, people that had already reached their life expectancy. With the vaccine deaths, the median age is much lower. The vaccines and the "collateral damage" have affected spiking numbers of the middle aged and even younger. It does seem like this would be worth at least one serious inquiry - by Congress and/or the mainstream press.

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I believe Sen Ron Johnson is trying, but we need more than one lone voice in the wilderness.

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And I think the Establishment is spending $40 million or more to defeat Sen. Johnson in his upcoming re-election campaign. I think they know he is serious about holding real hearings if and when the Republicans take back control of the Senate. I think he might be the ranking member of one of these important committees. They know he is for real. But, yes, he needs a lot of help in Congress. 99 percent of Congress needs to be impeached for not doing their jobs and investigating all of these deaths and injuries.

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Thank you, Steve and Joel, for your tireless efforts.

Unshockingly, CNBC just ran a piece, "Dr. F: If you aren’t up-to-date on Covid vaccines and boosters, you’re going to get into trouble". Ramping up the fear mongering for those not "up to date" on their shots. Dr. F is still pushing this fanciful notion that the shots stop the spread and it is one's "communal responsibility" to "get vaccinated and boosted so you don’t give this virus such ample opportunity to really circulate." Seriously!

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He/they are brazen if nothing else. They've got to double, triple and quadruple down. They can't exactly say, "Oh well. Looks like we were wrong about .... everything." (Although Birx did admit recently that she knew the vaccines wouldn't prevent infection and spread). This means Fauci also knew this. That means our entire public health bureaucracy must have known this ... But it doesn't even matter. About all those people who were fired? Tough cookies. BTW, get your boosters.

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broken record.

I wish they would ask him "How much do you make per shot?"

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Steve, it has to be more than money...it is every country, every health authority..

What is greater than greed?

The fear of death.

I think this is much more evil than we imagine.

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I'm at a loss lately trying to figure out how to approach those formerly reasonable friends and relatives ensnared in the mass hysteria. They do seem to be in a fearful yet defiant trance. A discussion of alternative (um, realistic) views cannot even be approached with some, even now. They were clearly hypnotized by 2+ years of fear propaganda: "You may very well die without this miracle vaccine". The fear of death is indeed powerful.

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