9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoPinned

FYI: Harry Fisher's new book "Safe And Effective, For Profit: A Paramedic’s Story Exposing American Genocide" is included in Vaccine Safety Research Foundation's new Fundraising Raffle:

Misinformation Superspreader Library of Books. https://givebutter.com/superspreaderlibrary

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I retired from medicine when it was obvious that pseudo-science and pure deceit had invaded what should have been Medicine as I was trained from med school days in 1971. …and onward into my speciality. I many many times avidly reviewed CDC material on infectious disease and best practice….those days are LONG GONE now. It did not take an Einstein to see the degree of pure pseudo-science which was the Faucci scam and the obviously wrong decision to freeze any use of HCQ and ivermectin…have used HCQ many times for other diseases without any issues yet for COVId it was banned!!! The vac complications and known ineffectiveness were well known to Big Pharma and the CDC and FDA yet kept from the people now dead or disabled from its use. These cover-up criminals very likely feel good about the damage they did to so many…much like those who worked the gas operations in WW2….they are the same folks who wish Trump to be in the Afterlife now. The Media…99%…very likely fall into that same category since they provide very few articles exposing the entire COVID scam and vac deaths/injuries…that is why little is being said by them.

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[If I’m wrong, why aren’t we seeing the correct estimates from any mainstream epidemiologists anywhere in the world? ]

ah... maybe because the "vaccine" is/was deemed to be "safe and effective", therefore, ipso facto, nothing to see here i.e. there were zero deaths. No-one is going to even look.

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I haven't taken a through look at this article, but the study says an estimated 31 million excess deaths from 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries.

Summary of the study


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If one pcp saw 100 jab injuries and there are over 500K primary care providers - docs and NPs- in the US,

how much harm and medical expense and disability… Ed Dowd update + piggyback death toll and add them together.

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Yes Steve we all know how attached you are to getting your feelings hurt. I’ve sensed from day one that’s the underlying motive for all your work. And obviously all the epidemiologists aren’t going to throw fuel on THAT fire. Such compassion. I was just reminded in my oh-so vitally important DEI refresher through the SCHOOL DISTRICT (your tax dollars so wisely spent) that it is all about impact and not intent.🤷‍♀️

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The method of determining covid jab deaths outlined by Steve seems solid. It’s total common sense. The conclusions obtained through this method might be off a little, but not enough to create an inaccurate understanding of the appropriate level of deaths.

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( approximate level of deaths )

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The cabal's "estimate" of vax deaths (very few, at least provable ones) isn't based on math Steve, and nor were the fraudulent vax trials conducted by Pfizer et al. If one starts with the outcome one wants (ie vaxes are "safe and effective" and any deaths directly linked to vaxes are hard to prove definitively in any case unless someone goes into convulsions and collapses straight after getting the jab) then the need to "estimate" deaths becomes moot. No math is ever necessary whilst their narrative remains in place as the definitive official line...

It's the same playbook for how they get away with all their other fraudulent criminal activity, including the horror of their sex slavery, drug/weapons trafficking and child rape and sacrifice, which is about to be exposed through the Diddy case. ie. Get controlling politicians, officials and judges in place in positions of absolute authority and no matter what evidence is presented, their 2 tiered justice system will shield them and their crimes will be able to continue unabated. Any history which might expose them is simply erased and re-written with new narratives to serve their agenda, (eg the leaders of Germany's National Socialist Party and the Ku Klux Klan were "Far Right", the Dems were the Party who fought to end slavery, etc etc etc.) This has also been the case with their thorough "official" data washing exercise to support their anthropological global warming "climate emergency" fraud... In short, they heve enacted a massive psychological operation on the peoples of the World, and continue to do so at warp speed. That's why their totally captured school systems all over the World churn out hordes of entitled, combative useful idiots who think they are elite humans with superior minds who fall over each other to prove their status and "take one for the team"....

We knew that the only way to expose their lies and corruption and set about dismantling their uniquely interwoven system of evil once and for all was to replace the corrupt actors who are entrenched in the system as shields for them one by one, brick by brick, using their own playbook tactics which built their web in the first place (eg blackmail, the threat of exposure and collapse of family fortunes, etc) and once that was done sufficiently, then we could expose their crimes for all to see and pursue real, achievable justice together with the awakened masses of decent folk all over the World. That is what is happening in a massive pincer-style operation right now, and not just in America, and that is what has happened with the Diddy case and the reason it is coming into focus NOW... Have a close look at the prosecuting spokesperson and listen carefully to what he has to say about going after the whole network from top to bottom, as well as the type of crimes about to be exposed.....

Wait until you see the full truth which is about to come out now re the Epstein connection, the "famous" people involved World wide and the horror of their true crimes... You don't think 5 Eyes Nations aided and abetted the overthrow of the duly elected President and Govt of the United States in the 2020 election merely because their leaders shared the same ideology and globalist plans of the "winner(s)" do you? As I said, you will be shocked at what level this goes to, who is involved, what they are and what they have done.... Many around the World who needed the cover of a Biden Presidency assisted in bringing that about, at least in public view, but the operation was closing in upon them then and their last ditch survival effort has failed, along with the defence of their World distribution centre for all their "assets", both material and human - Ukraine.... Think tunnels...

Medical officials as well as the politicians who placed them there and acted on their "advice" will also fall, and many whistleblowers have surreptitiously spilled what they know already... Those who engaged in this vaccine eugenics holocaust- the worst crime against the human race ever committed- at all levels will be brought to justice. Count on it. However, a fish rots from the head, and once that head is lopped off (won't be long now) the clean up will begin that will sweep ALL the corrupt murderers away... RFK/Trump/Musk is no coincidence... There are many more non-coincidences which the sharp-minded will now be able to observe... Stay tuned and be ready to do your bit once the smoke clears - literally... Our cries for justice have indeed been heard..... The freight train is now fully PUBLICLY in motion.....

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Sorry I don’t understand the terminology ‘lower bound’- I’m missing something- can someone help explain please? Thank you

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In simple language, Steve is estimating the minimum number of Americans killed by the vaccines. The minimum number is called the lower bound, and the maximum number is called the upper bound. The lower and upper bounds specify the range of possible values for the estimated quantity.

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I don’t see how anyone estimates the deaths at all. My wife and son are each providers and they get patients who are sick or have recent cancer diagnosis and have no clue at all it could be the jabs. I meet many clients through my business that have no idea people are getting cancer or dying from the jabs. I interact with people constantly on social media who don’t know.

I have several family members seriously injured and they have no idea of the connection. I lot of people are going to keep dying from these years from now (but years too early) and it won’t be considered a jab death.

How can an accurate count be done when so many don’t even know?

It’s got to be millions more than whatever guesses we make.

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This is exactly the point in using statistical methods. It is not possible to know the exact number, and it is usually not possible in any individual case to know the reason definitely. However, when large numbers of instances exist, statistical probabilities can be calculated, based on some simple assumptions. The methods that Steve used do not depend on whether the providers or patients or family members know about the connection. If the assumptions are specified, then the rest is mathematics.

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Keep up the good work, Steve!

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Fascistbook is blatantly blocking any posts of yours I try to share that are not hidden in comments. Tells us that your information is hitting the nail on the head!

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One honest paramedic: Harry Fisher, THANK YOU Harry for speaking out! Thank you Steve!

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Amen to that!

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500K is a low ball. Kamala Harris's estimate was probably closer. (That is a joke. Last week, Harris claimed that 220 million Americans have died of covid in the last few months. She said that twice in two different speeches)

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She needs another edible

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She repeats that because she knows 20% will believe it. That's the level of rhetoric we are enduring.

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Steve, even if it there were only a 1000 deaths, the shots should have been stopped; they will never acknowledge it. They just don’t give a damn, so wedded they have been for decades to the idea of the magical powers of vaccines. At least in 1976, they had the sense to stop the Swine Flu vaccine after 35 deaths. Today no one will do a thing about the vaccine calamities.


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They'll never stop it because it's about depop. Culling their 'herd' as they call us. They're super confident as the thousands continue to drop that there'll be few left to object in the end. It's just a matter of time for them. I'd imagine the swine flu round was just a precursor, a test case if you like. They ignore us the same way they've ignored all the parents of their vx damaged children all these years.

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FDA approved the ACAM2000 vaccine for Monkeypox for individuals classified as high-risk for the infection.

ACAM2000 contains live vaccinia virus, meaning it can be transmitted to individuals who have not taken the vaccine but come into contact with someone who has.

This means that countless unsuspecting individuals—who have neither consented to nor been informed about this exposure—are now at risk for serious health complications.


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