This is obtuse

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Hi Mr. Kirsch. I wonder if you can examine the following article, and see if the study it uses for its conclusion provides an honest appraisal of the Covid Vax's purported benefits. Thanks and God bless.


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I remember Steve posted a few funny memes mocking the existence of the mythical endless variants back in 2022. I wonder what happened to that Steve.

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As per the play book, the desired outcome is decided then search for data that may support the desired narrative. Nobody's checks the data or claims, certainly not the "investigative" journalist from the MSM. Simply and Effective.

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This story needs to GO VIRAL. A cath-lab technician whistleblower reports that doctors at his hospital are removing “three to 10” of those worm-like blood clots every week. He’s very credible to me. How could this not be investigated - especially given the observations of tens of thousands of embalmers?


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"...removing “three to 10” of those worm-like blood clots every week"

Yes Bill, and morticians are reporting the same.

And sadly, Funeral Directors are ordering 30% more CHILD-sized caskets.

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I've heard that last anecdote as well. Richard Hirschman told me he's seeing double the number of "fetal demises" in the funeral home freezers/refrigerators. These little bodies don't get embalmed.

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I appreciate Steve’s relentless pursuit of the truth and the wealth of information and insights in the comments. I haven’t been able to contribute much because of severe acute health issues experienced by two family members, which I strongly suspect are caused by mRNA drugs.

I thought Maddie de Garay’s diagnosis was MIS-C. I recall an interview where Stephanie de Garay said she knew there were other cases on the trial. I’m not clear if she meant other cases of MIS-C or other severe AEs but I wondered if they could have been hidden in the 100 cases of reactogenicity Pfizer instructed the FDA to ignore on the trial for ages 12-15:


The study by Yousaf et al. was a master class in whittling down the data to fit the narrative:


Note how they exclude cases as myocarditis and in one case, HLH. (Jessica Rose has written about HLH, which is often misdiagnosed as sepsis; note the deaths from sepsis in the Pfizer adult trial) and I recall Steve’s interview with a very impressive nurse Tawny Beuettner who stressed the importance of distinguishing myocarditis from MIS with high troponin levels.

From what Tawny said, I wondered if MIS was what a VERY nervous Queensland CHO John Gerrard was describing at a press conference when he referred to people dropping dead from myocarditis after a short illness. Note how he corrects himself from the “few reports” to “reports”:


As for Covid-associated MIS-C, I write about a biotech that trialed a therapy for Covid-associated ARDS in 2020, recruiting from major hospitals across the USA. The trial failed to meet its primary endpoint of all-cause mortality benefit. I did look into potential corruption by the NIH (which has conflict of interest re. Moderna patents) but came to the conclusion that by mid 2020, there were not enough severe cases. The slow recruitment by mid 2020 was a major clue.

The same therapy was available in an expanded access program for Covid-associated MIS-C. Speaking from memory, I think they treated something like two children during 2020.

The adult trial got very good results in under 65s but failed overall because patients in the latter half were older with depleted T cells.

Given that the therapy is bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) which respond to peak inflammatory signals, I was wondering if any scientists here could explain how prior treatment with mRNA vaccines might affect (or not) patients’ response to MSCs?

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The CDC knows full well that your conclusions are correct. The CDC is not interested in validity, but only propagandizing the COVID-19 vaccines. But to what end is the CDC so committed to such an obvious deception? Your work and that of others have not just proven over and again the COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective, but that those vaccines are also significantly dangerous and pose serious adverse health risks. It’s time to start asking to what end is the CDC so dedicated to perpetrating the obvious fraud of COVID-19 vaccine safety propaganda and effectiveness?

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There is no such thing as Covid and you can’t prove it exists.

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Oh - and get that mind checked too. Not your eyes, your mind ...

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NOW do germ theory.

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The CDC is obfuscating!!!

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They All Get Trophies.


The Not Rocket Science Award.


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When people understand that there never was a virus, then we can focus our attention on who is doing this to us, and why. And what we can do about it.


Before she died the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS CoV2 VIRUS.


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Several Denis Rancourt papers show the same. The geographic spread of all cause mortality was not consistent with that of a new respiratory pathogen. For example, for years, we had states and countries with high mortality right next to those with low mortality. How is that possible with a flu-like illness that spreads like wildfire? From clinical studies, we know mortality increased exponentially with age with this disease (and with any flu-like condition), yet we did not see that in the death statistics. The average life span in the US dropped even before the vaxx, which says the death distribution has not been skewed toward the elderly. Rancourt thinks it was the "measures" such as hospital protocols, lockdowns, withdraw of support for the disabled, and drastic reduction in antibiotic prescription/use that were responsible for the undeniable excess death occurring in geographical pockets. Sounds reasonable. If it was poisoning of the skies or water supply, you'd think the perpetrators would definitely have doubled up on their poisoning of places like Sweden and Florida to make their nonintervention policies look bad.

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There would be little Kawasaki disease or MIS-C if all children and adolescents had at least the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune systems need to function properly. Please see the research articles cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

There would be less cancer, little or no COVID-19 and influenza, and much less sepsis.

See: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/how-much-vitamin-d3-to-take .

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The medical community does not yet understand either MIS-C, MIS-V (vaccines), MIS-A (adults), MIS-N (neonates) or Kawasaki Disease. See: https://doi.org/10.3390/life14030353

They are all aspects of the same disease process of immune complexes activating Fc receptors on immune cells and platelets. Note that Fc receptors have low affinity for IgG antibodies, so the antibody titers need to be higher than primary immune response. You see this with persistent infections, etc. which is consistent with delayed onsets after outbreaks, etc.

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If you look closely at all their photos, CDC officials have the same two little red horns that Gates has. Walensky’s are the most obvious. They correspond in size to how much damage the person has inflicted…

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

The CDC sees everything just as it is. There is no way they are as incompetent as their words suggest. They just know that the vast majority of people will never do due diligence to get to the bottom of how depraved our government is.

The CDC's approach, combined with the inability of many people to believe that what is going on right before their eyes is a Hitlerian level BIG LIE, keeps vaccine hesitancy down. That is their objective, and they are doing good enough to keep the agenda moving along until they can get the WHO amendments in play. And now that Trump has come out defending the vaccines and the mRNA platform recently, there is no reason to believe he will be of any help to us.

Luckily, the cabal tends to underestimate their opposition and do too little too late. That was their mistake this time. Let's pray that they make the same mistake again. Unfortunately, they do GREAT harm each time they try to secure a strong tyranny. But if they fail badly enough the next time, we may finally see enough people realize just what we're up against.

If there is a chance of RFK Jr winning, I can't yet see how that could happen. But I agree with Robert Malone who said recently on X "Biden must be defeated in November or this country is doomed." He may have just been exaggerating, but I don't see it as an exaggeration since most Republican politicians have revealed how worthless they are to us.

Steve, Alex Jones has recently expressed grave concern over Trump's recent praising of the vaccines and the mRNA platform. Why don't you get some of our team together to encourage Tucker Carlson and Alex to start backing RFK Jr while there's time to change some minds? Besides, I think Biden could have us in such a quagmire with Russia by election time that Trump may not even help us on that issue in the way that RFK Jr would. Trump's ego could cause him to make a very bad decision in that matter if the war has escalated too far for him to think clearly about it by then.

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CDC are bought and paid for liars. Trust NOTHING, …data, studies, recommendations that the CDC puts out. Do the opposite and you will likely be better off. Stay away from anything MSM and you can avoid anything CDC.

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Take a look at the book 'Sociopath Next Door' by Dr. Martha Stout and you will have good idea who is being put in positions of power in government and why it is so screwed up.

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