When people understand that there never was a virus, then we can focus our attention on who is doing this to us, and why. And what we can do about it.
Before she died the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown…
When people understand that there never was a virus, then we can focus our attention on who is doing this to us, and why. And what we can do about it.
Before she died the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS CoV2 VIRUS.
Several Denis Rancourt papers show the same. The geographic spread of all cause mortality was not consistent with that of a new respiratory pathogen. For example, for years, we had states and countries with high mortality right next to those with low mortality. How is that possible with a flu-like illness that spreads like wildfire? From clinical studies, we know mortality increased exponentially with age with this disease (and with any flu-like condition), yet we did not see that in the death statistics. The average life span in the US dropped even before the vaxx, which says the death distribution has not been skewed toward the elderly. Rancourt thinks it was the "measures" such as hospital protocols, lockdowns, withdraw of support for the disabled, and drastic reduction in antibiotic prescription/use that were responsible for the undeniable excess death occurring in geographical pockets. Sounds reasonable. If it was poisoning of the skies or water supply, you'd think the perpetrators would definitely have doubled up on their poisoning of places like Sweden and Florida to make their nonintervention policies look bad.
When people understand that there never was a virus, then we can focus our attention on who is doing this to us, and why. And what we can do about it.
Before she died the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS CoV2 VIRUS.
Several Denis Rancourt papers show the same. The geographic spread of all cause mortality was not consistent with that of a new respiratory pathogen. For example, for years, we had states and countries with high mortality right next to those with low mortality. How is that possible with a flu-like illness that spreads like wildfire? From clinical studies, we know mortality increased exponentially with age with this disease (and with any flu-like condition), yet we did not see that in the death statistics. The average life span in the US dropped even before the vaxx, which says the death distribution has not been skewed toward the elderly. Rancourt thinks it was the "measures" such as hospital protocols, lockdowns, withdraw of support for the disabled, and drastic reduction in antibiotic prescription/use that were responsible for the undeniable excess death occurring in geographical pockets. Sounds reasonable. If it was poisoning of the skies or water supply, you'd think the perpetrators would definitely have doubled up on their poisoning of places like Sweden and Florida to make their nonintervention policies look bad.