(quote): ” The FDA analysis indicates that the body burden of aluminium following injections of aluminium-containing vaccines never exceeds safe US regulatory thresholds based on orally ingested aluminium even for low birth-weight infants.” (end of quote).


(quote): "Scientists at Europe’s food safety watchdog have assessed the safety of aluminium from all sources in food and established a Tolerable Weekly Intake ( TWI ) of 1 milligram of aluminium per kilogram of body weight." (end of quote).


(quote from this link.https://www.videncenterforallergi.dk/wp-content/uploads/files/ph.d-afhandlinger/PhD-Hoffmann.pdf):

The overall bioavailability of ingested aluminum is low, with approximately ...... 0.1% from food." (end of quote).

Please notice that WHO (and other health authorities) have a calculation error with a factor 1000 when estimating the exposition with aluminium at vaccination

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The ingredients in vaccines, toxins, especially neurotoxins, cause a spectrum of neurological signs and symptoms that we simply label autism. The ingredients and all pharmaceuticals products cause signs and symptoms, disease. Be careful of the ingredients in your foods, and medicines, water and and even the air in your home and be profoundly careful not to inject or ingest any pharmaceutical products that you are not aware of the ingredients.

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I'm not really a religious person, Steve, but the only expression that captures the sentiment of my reaction to this and your other work is God bless you.

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I once called the Poison Control Center to inquire about the danger of swallowing a piece of aluminum foil or Italian restaurants cooking and serving their tomato sauce based dinners in aluminum, and they would not answer my question about its toxicity or or take a report, saying that it was not a problem or something they take reports on.

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4 people I know are dead. Half dozen more have auto immune issues, type 1 diabetes, brain issues. Are they going to try and cull humanity? #MRNACull

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Interesting, but the support provided here is minimal.

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Then you'll just have to keep thinking and taking in information, right?

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You know what it's going to take? Someone very very high up somewhere with a kid with autism to get fed up. I guess we're not there yet.

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The data in VAERS is supportive of multiple vaccines having likely manufacturing contaminants (e.g., endotoxins) as an additional trigger/cause of ASD in children. The normalized frequencies for paired identical vaccines are statistically different for multiple vaccines (i.e., a component in one of the pairs contains the causative components).

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Me thinks the CDC wants kids to develop autism.

It's a feature, not a bug.

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What also can cause autism may also be the constant chemtrails of toxic nano aluminum oxide and nano graphene oxide particles being spray into our skies by the tons. They're being breathed in absorbed and accumulate in our bodies through constant exposure over time affecting the brain and cause dementia too also. The plants, animal life and other living organism are being negatively affected including the bees and other insects also.

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I’m curious why some kids suffer from this but not all? Can anyone explain that?

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You have a huge audience and a ton of clout, so any "shout it from the rooftops" works.

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I suffered severe neurological problems following a hepatitis B vaccine.

I was a very highly educated professional, but lost the ability to read, do basic maths and at one point I couldn't even understand the spoken word. I know what it was like to have a before vaccine brain and an after vaccine brain. Eventually years later my cognitive function improved, and I was able to verbalise the experience. A young child would not be able to do that. They would not be aware of the difference in their brains before and after their vaccinations. I never recovered enough to go back to my previous occupation. I would not have been able to pass any of the exams I did to qualify for my profession, if I had the level of cognitive function that I have now.

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So sorry this happened to you. I'm guessing you were in your twenties?

How long ago did this event take place? Think of the hep B vaccine as resulting in being poisoned. Then figure out how to get this crap out of your body.

Sounds like this vaccine induced a mild stroke of some sort. With a neurological injury you want to include rebuilding your microbiome along with chelation of heavy metals.

Follow Dr. Sabine Hazan. You can continue to recover. I can't believe that little newborn babies are given this sort of toxic injection just after birth.

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