Yes, it is a vaccine. People who claim vaccines need to be 100% effective after 1 shot are 100% idiots that have spent 0 days receiving accredited medical education.
The moron is the high-school educated overnight internet medical "expert" beating his chest and telling at scientists that they don't know what a vaccine is. As an ape, you don't even know what a college degree looks like and probably push brooms/do manual labor for a living. Stay in your lane, stop lying about your education, and stop pretending you have the ability to intelligently tell people what a vaccine is.
One can become quite emotional when dealing with what one considers to be an intellectual inferior. One used to be when young. Now being so much older and wiser, one blissfuly transcends all challenges to one's blood pressure and permits other lesser entities to cling to their opinions, no matter how absurd. One tentatively suggests one does the same.
The intellectual inferior refuses to acknowledge that no vaccine has ever provided a 100% level of immunity. The intellectual inferior also fails to understand that a 1% boost to immunity does count as providing immunity. Prior to the irrelevant CDC definition change the intellectual inferiors like to stupidly point at, the WHO stated "NO SINGLE VACCINE PROVIDES 100% PROTECTION" ( - Dec 2020). By the intellectual inferior's own logic, no vaccine has ever been a vaccine. One wonders why and when the intellectual inferiors deemed themselves the arbiters of whether vaccines have ever existed, and when/if they will use their authority to strike the term vaccine from our vocabulary.
You keep calling it a "vaccine". It IS NOT a vaccine, by any level of definition
Yes, it is a vaccine. People who claim vaccines need to be 100% effective after 1 shot are 100% idiots that have spent 0 days receiving accredited medical education.
You're a moron... Keep proving it. it's amusing.
The moron is the high-school educated overnight internet medical "expert" beating his chest and telling at scientists that they don't know what a vaccine is. As an ape, you don't even know what a college degree looks like and probably push brooms/do manual labor for a living. Stay in your lane, stop lying about your education, and stop pretending you have the ability to intelligently tell people what a vaccine is.
One can become quite emotional when dealing with what one considers to be an intellectual inferior. One used to be when young. Now being so much older and wiser, one blissfuly transcends all challenges to one's blood pressure and permits other lesser entities to cling to their opinions, no matter how absurd. One tentatively suggests one does the same.
Like I said:ЁЯШВЁЯдгЁЯШВ
The intellectual inferior refuses to acknowledge that no vaccine has ever provided a 100% level of immunity. The intellectual inferior also fails to understand that a 1% boost to immunity does count as providing immunity. Prior to the irrelevant CDC definition change the intellectual inferiors like to stupidly point at, the WHO stated "NO SINGLE VACCINE PROVIDES 100% PROTECTION" ( - Dec 2020). By the intellectual inferior's own logic, no vaccine has ever been a vaccine. One wonders why and when the intellectual inferiors deemed themselves the arbiters of whether vaccines have ever existed, and when/if they will use their authority to strike the term vaccine from our vocabulary.