The only solution is for us to return our Nation to SELF-GOVERNANCE. There is no way around this particular battle. The fact our votes are no longer counted is the REASON we face such tyranny.

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We need to think how the world should be. We do need a reset, but not the one our leaders seem to have in mind! I am nobody, I carry no weight I but I think we should all start talking and making clear what we want to make the world the best in can be, which will never be perfect or utopia but it can be better. The technology that is damaging could equally provide increased democracy and freedom.


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Tink, you are so right! Technology can actually free us. Instead of whining about how it's currently used to destroy us, we must grab onto it and use it to increase our freedom. It's not going away, and it will be used against us all if good people simply attempt to ignore it.

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

Steve & company, Alex Berenson just shared this JAMA study. Would anyone like to add their 2 cents to what this means? Will it help our cause?


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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

So the study shows what medicine already knows - or used to know. Vaccines have a great impact on the immune system, making one vulnerable to other diseases for an unspecified period of time. It used to be that a person was automatically exempted from a vaccine if

a) they had previously had that disease, or 2) they had any immunocompromised condition, cancer, receiving chemotherapy or radiation, or any of a number of autoimmune diseases, or 3) allergy to the vaccine. To vaccinate any ill person was out of the question.

It really appears the medical community has relinquished its position of expertise/authority to pointy-headed bureaucrats all for the sake of greed and personal security. I don't know how those playing along on this instrument of harm can sleep at night. It affects my sleep for sure.

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This is my strongest argument when I'm arguing with pro-vax people. It's like a slap in the face! They think the governments are trying to figure out who these antivaxxers are and to rebut them once and for all. And this offer shows them it's the other way around.

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I really admire your attempts to do this. Sadly, it will never happen. Ever.

While we are dreaming: My alternative plan would be to publicly "boost" every elected person in WA DC with proven random selected vials of Pfizer/Moderna/J&J/etc. These injections should all be televised and posted on the social media sites. The injections should be administered by certified physicians from FLCCC or AAPS. Of course, there should be no informed consent or exemption given. And, all liability for providers should be waived.

Start with Uncle Joe and work down the body politik...

Needless to say, such an action would stop the madness before the first skin was penetrated....

Does anyone really believe that Brandon or the Cackler have received the actual mRNA vaxxx?

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I’d like them to publicly boost their young children. Starting with Gavin Newsome.

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As long as they're white. I think the Globalist agenda is to get rid of white people first as we are probably their biggest threat. The rest they can easily control (they think) and will make cheap slaves.

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Steve, your moxie feels like a break in the cloud cover. I lived in Alaska and one month we saw the sun three times... I was teaching and ran to the window to bask. I frequently have a similar feeling when I open your missals.

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Anyone no matter specific opinion must in order to be honest ask of themself beforehand:

"What information, what proof would make me change my mind on this?"

If you can't think of anything specific, you havn't thought the issue through, you are not being critical of your own position and you are not thinking scientifically.

Example: I argue that masks work. That is not the same as saying mandatory masking in public spaces work. Nor is it arguing that children should be forced to wear masks at school.

All the statement really says is: masks work. To debate it, it must be defined. Are we talking about those blue cloth masks typically worn by dentists?

Well, they don't stop viruses. Those are for stopping droplets.

And so on, defining and refining the actual question.

But since no agency in any nation would be able to recommend the right kind of mask used the right way, due to completely unrealistic cost to the citizen, we get this dog & pony show about "use a mask, any mask".

The 3M Particulate Respirator 8511 (N95) helps protect against viruses. MSRP for box of ten: $27.39. So taking the kids to school? One mask. Going grocery shopping? One mask. Walking th dog? One mask. Picking up the kids from school? One mask.

So let's say one box per person every other day.

And that's why no governement agency in any country actullay recommended the right kind of masks - it never ever was about actually stopping a virus from spreading. That, however, oes not mean that masks don't work.

Anyone claiming that is welcome to run a belt sander over an old lacquered hardwood floor in an enclosed space...

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Any masks that are not hermetic like diving or space suits, for viruses, are ineffective as a (in this case) coronavirus is 1000 times smaller than the holes, even with moisture surrounding same. -- But choose any number, 10, 100 ... means that 10 or 100 viruses, shoulder to shoulder, can squeeze thru holes. N95 masks are micron (millionth of a meter) sized holes; Da virus is 1/1000 X smaller.

And a vaxxine is supposed to prevent the recipient from getting what they are vaxxed for -- therefore, what J&J, Pfizer, Moderna call vaxxines -- are not vaccines, by functional definition.

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The powers that be changed the definition of vaccination to fit what they wanted it to be. It is now merely something that may or may not help, protect, injure, maim or kill the recipient, if and when it is injected. Or something along those lines. Lol!👵😇

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We need an effort to stop vax mandates, mask mandates and social distancing...it's all Kabuki theater and has nothing to do with stopping any "virus"....if people want to believe all the hogwash out there, wear a mask (even in their car or out in the open), and get one or all the jabs, let 'em...

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Why should I fear being vaccine hesitant when the other side is safety debate hesitant?

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Steve. Why don’t you spearhead an effort to autopsy the vaccine dead?

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Anyone think Biden saying there is no federal solution weird? He is weird but this is really weird. I mean, this is the first time in his Presidency he said something true. Very odd.

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Yes, that's just par for the course! Ms Saki, is sorely short on whatever it takes. Sometimes I actually feel sorry for her. And then I remember she has the choice to do whatever she wants too. So there goes my compassion.👵😇

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There are people who think he may be a clone?? The way he acts, maybe it's a possibility! Lol!👵😇

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He’s senile, he’s being manipulated like Trump was, he was probably not the one who made the decision to try and pass a federal mandate.

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Probably not , but I think he genuinely likes it his senility notwithstanding

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Maybe it was a slip or maybe Bett is right or ....

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Yes, and it doesn't line up with his push for the OSHA mandates and the mandates on federal employees. Maybe he is hearing that he is going to lose at the Supreme Ct and this is a pre-emptive statement so he can say he always thought it was a state issue.

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Let us hope.

Those mandates - all of them - need to die.

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Could be. But in that case wouldn't mandates at the State Level be very difficult, if Biden lost at the Supreme Court.?

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I would think it depends on the mandate. If he loses at the Supreme Ct, then OSHA can't enforce the mandate on companies with 100 employees. There are other lawsuits regarding mandates on federal employees and health care workers that I "think" are also on their way to the Supreme Court. If he loses those, then mandates on those people can't be enforced either. However, I think employers can still make up their own rules without Biden’s mandates.

If an employer forced employees to get the jab or lose their jobs, I would think those employees would have a good grounds for a lawsuit against those employers (a friend just told me about someone who suffered a hemorrhage behind his eye after a jab required by his employer. He is blind in 1 eye and has a host of medical problems now.

He lost his job and medical insurance because of it. I would think he has a great grounds for a lawsuit against the employer)

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Not necessarily. The SCOTUS could strike down the fed mandates simply on the logic that this is a states' rights issue, thereby handing off to the Leftist states to do the deed.

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Uh, yes. And glad to hear someone else think this. People are talking about how this represents a shift.

But at its core it is weird. I mean they have been pushing, pushing, pushing, and all of a sudden, he is like “you know we don’t have a solution - your people can call our people if you decide you need help.”

Something has happened. And he didn’t come up with this. His handlers did.

For the life of me I do not understand why they didn’t back out by withdrawing the mandates and saying something like “ omicron has changed everything - the vaccines are not stopping transmission. The unvaccinated are still to blame but we will withdraw the mandates.” And then exit as quickly as possible.

That would seem more plausible. But instead he suddenly says the equivalent of “we got nothing here - you guys do this.”

God knows I was elated at this but yes. Weird.

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He's realized that he's going to lose in his jab-pushing efforts on the Federal level - and is going to begin supporting Totalitarianism at the STATE level. Look out in Blue States like New York and California... rest easy if you live in Florida.

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Some NYC venues requiring boosters to dine or attend a show. A leaked memo from MOMA said employee boosters will be required. Now I’m glad I never got that dream job!

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Yep, boosters required to work in healthcare by Feb 1 out here in Calif, city of San Jose wants to require boosters to ENTER a city owned facility, city of Santa Rosa was trying to require healthcare workers to take the flu shot, the list gets longer and more bizarre everyday.

So much for bodily autonomy, we now belong to whatever mini-dictators is in our general area, like we are in a medieval version of a post nuclear-dystopy.

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Yeah ... We're going to have to sue, and begin SIT-INS... A parallel strategy, working through the Courts, and NonViolent Civil Disobedience in the streets, and Government buildings are our best hope.

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Oh shi! I am in Communist Oregon.

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IF ONLY Oregon were actually "Communist"... You'd have free healthcare, and education, and there'd be no people living under bridges, or in tents on the outskirts of town.

What we have in the USA is a battle between the Far-Right, and the Center-Right, in our mainstream political discourse and Overton window. The right calls the Democrats "Communists", while left and Democrats call the right and the GOP "Nazis". Well...the right hasn't studied enough poli sci to make an accurate assessment, generally... And the left and Democrats are engaged in hyperbole, that distracts from the fascistic and authoritarian tendencies that have been fostered deliberately, over 30-40 years of rightward drift.

Corporate Socialism aka Corporatism aka Mussolini-style fascism are what you have.

"Communism" is used as a synonym for Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism on the right...but that needn't be what that looks like. Marx and Engels didn't advocate for it.

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Yeah both sides are really Nazis, but I’d say the Dems are more effective at it... well actually I’d say the neocon Republicans are worse but they’re unelectable; what’s electable are Q people some of whom are would-be petty dictators but they don’t know what they’re doing and don’t have substantial policy proposals. America is such a politically backwards country that it would be all too fitting if fascism came from the “left”. And it probably would but for the fact that these Nazis are gassing themselves which is also fittingly backwards.

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Free? Like it is paid by fairies from outer space? Please.

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We have the technology to make loads of stuff for super cheap if it weren’t being hoarded by oligarchs for artificial scarcity.

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Free - like it was something that we were giving to Weapons Makers, Big Corporations, Billionaires, the Pentagon, CIA, or Police... Free - because since you (and all of your productive labor) are ALREADY collateral on the Federal debt, since the 1933 bankruptcy and reorganization, it makes more economic sense to keep you healthy and housed, rather than incapacitated, and/or infectious, and living under a bridge, with no job... Trust me. The costs of an unhealthy, UnHoused, uneducated population, are higher than a society which doesn't have all of those problems. That's why, as impoverished as we've worked so hard, and spent trillions on trying to make them...the Cubans still find the ways to do those things, for THEIR people.

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I'm certain all the people living under bridges would magically all have jobs and productive lives if only...what exactly? There are a million jobs available right now but no one is taking them, certainly not the under-the-bridge dwellers.

And ask yourself again, why do Cuban Americans vote overwhelmingly Republican?

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It’a funny how everyone including our dear doctors can tell us that people are testing for omicron. Really now? How? Are they genome sequencing every person that they test? (sarcasm) How do these people differentiate delta from omicron? What a joke this all is!!!

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CDC only sequences 1% of tests

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The delta between omicron is very covid. Hope that is clear. Now get a shot and I dont care which one or how many!

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Haha! Very good description!

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Ive been asking that same question!!! Still no answer

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You should not get the vaccine if you or your child:

had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of this vaccine

had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of this vaccine

Tell the vaccination provider about all medical conditions, including if you or your child:

have any allergies

have had myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart)

have a fever

have a bleeding disorder or are on a blood thinner

are immunocompromised or are on a medicine that affects the immune system

are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding

have received another COVID-19 vaccine

have ever fainted in association with an injection

The vaccine may not protect everyone.


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The REAL reason that NOBODY should take these Human Medical Experimentation Gene Therapy injections - with no longterm testing, whistleblowers emerging, and an unacceptable level of (uncompensated) deaths and injuries - is that they're DEADLY, dangerous, and they Don't Work.


ESPECIALLY for children, whose risk from Covid is so insignificant as to defy easy calculation, these injections, never tested upon animals, are medically contraindicated, and offer only risks, with no appreciable benefits for anyone, without a direct financial, or Technocratic Totalitarian interest in promoting their ubiquity.

Do you really expect a CONVICTED CORPORATE CRIMINAL and Fraud, like Pfizer to tell you the WHOLE TRUTH? Man...that would qualify as credulous to the point of total gullibility...a TRUE "mark" for con men, hucksters and snake oil/venom salesmen.

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Another way would be to remove the liability shield.

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Robert F Kennedy, Jr. Explains Why They’re Going After the Kids — And It’s Not What You Think (VIDEO)


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They can't. It wouldn't stay one sec in a free market


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keep on bringing the heat Steve, these cowards are buckling under the pressure i can feel it in my vax free bones , I love the smell of resignations "coming soon" , they smell like...Victory !!

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It won't be resignations...they will be retirements.

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and jail cells....

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The mainstream media covered Warp Speed and the vaccines in such a way that downplayed Trump’s role in selecting vaccine candidates, and funding them and giving them the lab space and guinea pigs, that a lot of liberals seem to have a false memory of Trump being anti-COVID vax, and perhaps conservatives up until recently have gotten that impression too. I don’t know why they couldn’t have engineered it so that it was the Democrats instead who were hesitant to drink Zyklon Don’s Koolaid. I mean if politics is so polarized these days that we can only get one side to get mostly vaccinated it would make more sense to spin it to appeal to the Republicans since the Democrats at least stay home and wear masks so they don’t need it like the filthy MAGA folks who’ll be breathing germs all over anyway. Plus I’m pretty sure a lot of liberals harbor genocidal feelings towards Trump voters anyway so what do they care if they Jonestown themselves? Not very smart of them. What kind of mind virus possessed them to flip on a vaccine that they were so sure was dangerous? Was it the Trump Derangement Syndrome? That’s pretty damn deranged; it’s one thing to drink your cult leader’s Koolaid, but they drank their political adversary’s cult leader’s Koolaid...

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lol zyklon don these nicknames are too good. Mrna Pump trump is also good

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You're assuming Trump supporters would just take the vaccine but he's been boasting about them from the start and yet even at his rallies in the fall many supporters were rather mooted in their applause. Recently, Trump was jeered by his fan base when he boasted about them.

The truth is that many Trump supporters were already quite skeptical of government, media and even academics. MSM will say this is because of Trump but it's not. Trump merely exploited these feelings by playing up to them. Populism has been increasing around the western world for years (Brexit, Syriza in Greece, left wing populism in Spain, referendum in Italy that went against the establishment, France's increased support for the "far-right" government headed by Le Pen, increased support for the AFD in Germany etc. Trump was just one more symptom (along with Bernie Sanders rise on the left) of many Americans - both on the left but likely more so on the right given their disappointment with Bush, McCain and Romney types - no longer trusting the establishment.

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I mean if they spun it in the right way... the mRNA jabs are mercury-free, aluminum-free and they’re liposomal which is a word I see on a lot of health products... the doses micrograms is probably small enough to technically qualify as homeopathy (low-level dilution where there’s still measurable quantities of the stuff that’s being diluted). Trump supporters don’t seem apprehensive about the Regeneron treatment that Trump got... of course that one brought him from the brink of death before their eyes... but unless you understand some science it’s not easy to intuit a priori that monoclonals are likely safe and mRNA filled liposomes are likely not (I saw an article written by a doctor that didn’t get this) so I don’t see why they wouldn’t trust Trump about the vaccine, at least up until TikTok started blowing up with vax seizures and collapsing footballers at which point Alex Jones and all the other conspiracy sites would do their thing. I can’t find one negative article about monoclonal antibodies on Natural News. It would take quite a campaign though, not sure the mainstream media understands the right well enough to sell it to them, so much easier to sell to Science worshipers... also amazed they got the left to worship Fauci, who spread hate against gay people in the 80s by lying about how AIDS is transmitted; that’s not very Woke. I imagine the only people that remember what a slime ball he is are Boomers that haven’t gone senile yet, and even then they probably didn’t pay too much attention unless they’re LGBTQ+ and thanks to AIDS a lot of the ones that would remember aren’t around anymore...

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