The only solution is for us to return our Nation to SELF-GOVERNANCE. There is no way around this particular battle. The fact our votes are no longer counted is the REASON we face such tyranny.

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

Steve & company, Alex Berenson just shared this JAMA study. Would anyone like to add their 2 cents to what this means? Will it help our cause?


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This is my strongest argument when I'm arguing with pro-vax people. It's like a slap in the face! They think the governments are trying to figure out who these antivaxxers are and to rebut them once and for all. And this offer shows them it's the other way around.

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I really admire your attempts to do this. Sadly, it will never happen. Ever.

While we are dreaming: My alternative plan would be to publicly "boost" every elected person in WA DC with proven random selected vials of Pfizer/Moderna/J&J/etc. These injections should all be televised and posted on the social media sites. The injections should be administered by certified physicians from FLCCC or AAPS. Of course, there should be no informed consent or exemption given. And, all liability for providers should be waived.

Start with Uncle Joe and work down the body politik...

Needless to say, such an action would stop the madness before the first skin was penetrated....

Does anyone really believe that Brandon or the Cackler have received the actual mRNA vaxxx?

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Steve, your moxie feels like a break in the cloud cover. I lived in Alaska and one month we saw the sun three times... I was teaching and ran to the window to bask. I frequently have a similar feeling when I open your missals.

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Anyone no matter specific opinion must in order to be honest ask of themself beforehand:

"What information, what proof would make me change my mind on this?"

If you can't think of anything specific, you havn't thought the issue through, you are not being critical of your own position and you are not thinking scientifically.

Example: I argue that masks work. That is not the same as saying mandatory masking in public spaces work. Nor is it arguing that children should be forced to wear masks at school.

All the statement really says is: masks work. To debate it, it must be defined. Are we talking about those blue cloth masks typically worn by dentists?

Well, they don't stop viruses. Those are for stopping droplets.

And so on, defining and refining the actual question.

But since no agency in any nation would be able to recommend the right kind of mask used the right way, due to completely unrealistic cost to the citizen, we get this dog & pony show about "use a mask, any mask".

The 3M Particulate Respirator 8511 (N95) helps protect against viruses. MSRP for box of ten: $27.39. So taking the kids to school? One mask. Going grocery shopping? One mask. Walking th dog? One mask. Picking up the kids from school? One mask.

So let's say one box per person every other day.

And that's why no governement agency in any country actullay recommended the right kind of masks - it never ever was about actually stopping a virus from spreading. That, however, oes not mean that masks don't work.

Anyone claiming that is welcome to run a belt sander over an old lacquered hardwood floor in an enclosed space...

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Any masks that are not hermetic like diving or space suits, for viruses, are ineffective as a (in this case) coronavirus is 1000 times smaller than the holes, even with moisture surrounding same. -- But choose any number, 10, 100 ... means that 10 or 100 viruses, shoulder to shoulder, can squeeze thru holes. N95 masks are micron (millionth of a meter) sized holes; Da virus is 1/1000 X smaller.

And a vaxxine is supposed to prevent the recipient from getting what they are vaxxed for -- therefore, what J&J, Pfizer, Moderna call vaxxines -- are not vaccines, by functional definition.

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We need an effort to stop vax mandates, mask mandates and social distancing...it's all Kabuki theater and has nothing to do with stopping any "virus"....if people want to believe all the hogwash out there, wear a mask (even in their car or out in the open), and get one or all the jabs, let 'em...

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Why should I fear being vaccine hesitant when the other side is safety debate hesitant?

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Steve. Why don’t you spearhead an effort to autopsy the vaccine dead?

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Anyone think Biden saying there is no federal solution weird? He is weird but this is really weird. I mean, this is the first time in his Presidency he said something true. Very odd.

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It’a funny how everyone including our dear doctors can tell us that people are testing for omicron. Really now? How? Are they genome sequencing every person that they test? (sarcasm) How do these people differentiate delta from omicron? What a joke this all is!!!

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You should not get the vaccine if you or your child:

had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of this vaccine

had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of this vaccine

Tell the vaccination provider about all medical conditions, including if you or your child:

have any allergies

have had myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart)

have a fever

have a bleeding disorder or are on a blood thinner

are immunocompromised or are on a medicine that affects the immune system

are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding

have received another COVID-19 vaccine

have ever fainted in association with an injection

The vaccine may not protect everyone.


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Another way would be to remove the liability shield.

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keep on bringing the heat Steve, these cowards are buckling under the pressure i can feel it in my vax free bones , I love the smell of resignations "coming soon" , they smell like...Victory !!

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The mainstream media covered Warp Speed and the vaccines in such a way that downplayed Trump’s role in selecting vaccine candidates, and funding them and giving them the lab space and guinea pigs, that a lot of liberals seem to have a false memory of Trump being anti-COVID vax, and perhaps conservatives up until recently have gotten that impression too. I don’t know why they couldn’t have engineered it so that it was the Democrats instead who were hesitant to drink Zyklon Don’s Koolaid. I mean if politics is so polarized these days that we can only get one side to get mostly vaccinated it would make more sense to spin it to appeal to the Republicans since the Democrats at least stay home and wear masks so they don’t need it like the filthy MAGA folks who’ll be breathing germs all over anyway. Plus I’m pretty sure a lot of liberals harbor genocidal feelings towards Trump voters anyway so what do they care if they Jonestown themselves? Not very smart of them. What kind of mind virus possessed them to flip on a vaccine that they were so sure was dangerous? Was it the Trump Derangement Syndrome? That’s pretty damn deranged; it’s one thing to drink your cult leader’s Koolaid, but they drank their political adversary’s cult leader’s Koolaid...

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