hymarkacademy.us. we dont require a mask or bioweapon death jab

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Texas does not have a law banning the Religious Exemption to vaccination. That is a possible route, and if they school denies the family their religious rights that could be a major lawsuit.

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I’m in Florida and years ago whenever I was gonna send my daughter to a Catholic school they would not accept a religious exemption.

Which was odd because they accepted that religious exemption two years before. This was back in 2016. When a lot of the states were getting rid of their exemptions, so it was just a dumb time. But honestly, I’m so glad that happened because that wasn’t the best school for my kid… I think in retrospect I only wanted her to go to that school because it was the school. I went to as a child, and it was the nostalgia.

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a catholic school not accepting religious exemptions is a bit of a joke is it not?

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I remember that in Florida. I wonder if that has changed since Covid and Florida has been a leader in the dangers of the Covid vax.

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It has not. In 2023, I wrote our local bishop in Florida with the story of our child’s vaccine injury from DTap, and he would not budge on the religious exemption for our remaining children.

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Seems this was another global agenda.

In Australia, both Religious and Conscientious Objection was gotten rid of at the end of 2015. So from 2016 in Australia, if you wanted your unvaccinated kid to go to daycare/preschool, you still could, but you had to pay full fee and would receive NO government rebate (the 'No Jab No Pay' scheme...). Crazy. Only 1.7% of daycare/preschool kids had Conscientious Objections in Dec 2014.. The rest were jabbed! Why would they need to get rid of the Objections with so few unjabbed?!?! THEN they changed it again so that if your kid was not FULLY vaccinated (or on a catch-up schedule), you got NO daycare/preschool at all (the 'No Jab No Play' scheme!...). I remember putting the forms in at the end of 2017 so my son could still have proper preschool in the following year - the year before he started school, which is a really important year to get that preschool help. At least I knew how the system worked so could get around it. My youngest never got preschool. But she did get a little bit of daycare - which was in another state, 1.5 hours' drive away, in one of only 2 states that allowed non-jabbed kids to attend daycare after the federal politicians 'visited' the state premiers to convince them to implement the No Jab No Play policies. Yes, of course money to the States was used as a coercion tactic! So, even though we helped our youngest with learning at home, this lack of trained preschool education still shows. She's certainly been the least school-ready of my 3 children, yet she's very bright. She still has some 'gaps' in her learning.

Any school that requires vaccination to attend is not worth attending IMO. I second a good comment below from 'Toots' that there will be lots of shedding, and brain-dead, vaccine-injured kids at these schools: "In fact, you might NOT want to send a child to schools with dozens of harsh vaccine requirements, as that may create more sick/ injured kids; plus, heavy shedding from close contact with those who had forced updates, etc."

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I would tend to avoid a school that still goes down this route, what are they going to teach, certainly not critical thinking !

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My daughter lives in CT, one of the 5 states left without a religious exemption. She values her child's health more than anything, including her own personal time. So she has decided to home school. She never thought it would get to this when she was younger, but she has chosen to relinquish much of her personal time in order to save he children. I have a lot of respect for her and all the others that are homeschooling for this reason. Most will either give in to the mandates in order to keep their "days to themselves". Not judging but just saying, how important is your child's health to you?

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A school with people like that isn't where my kids would go.

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I teach or tutor math and physics any age for people who want help with their child’s education. I have a PhD and many years experience. I leave the political, religious, and social beliefs to the parents.

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I think the question that really needs to be asked is this: given that this allegedly great Texas school displays a complete lack of critical thinking about the vaccines, then what makes the mother think that her child is going to get a great education from them?

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Maybe just eat what God gives us in nature and be healthy. No poisonous jabs required. I've been doing that for YEARS. I don't consume man's chemical-laden garbage. 70yo, no chronic conditions, no ailments and perfect weight of 165lbs for my height of 5'10". I haven't been sick in YEARS.

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Back in the late 80's I was preparing an argument for having my children exempt from school required vaccinations. In the end, I didn't need to go further, but my course was going to be citing the Supreme Court ruling on conscientious objectors. In their decision they clearly stated that one's actions do not need to be dictated by a church or a church's doctrine but, rather, that it may come from conscience dictated to the individual by a higher power or authority.

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Thank you for shedding light on this subject!

My heart goes out to this Texas mom. We have walked in these shoes. We had the exact same experience at a private school in Dallas, Texas. Our hearts were set on sending our son to this school. We spent thousands of dollars on genetic testing and have a family history of adverse reactions, including more than one paralytic response. We provided letters to the school from 4 doctors, including a Board-Certified Immunologist in the state of Texas. The school would “conditionally accept” our son, if we followed up every few months ONLY with a Board-Certified Immunologist in Texas to see if we could bring our son up-to-date with the CDC vaccine schedule. In the end, we came to realize that this was NOT our school.

Private summer camps are practicing this same medical discrimination.

It’s not realistic to think that all the teachers, counselors or other adults around the children in these circumstances are fully updated to the extensive 2025 vaccine schedule.

Maybe you can post a list of these private organizations by name and bring this topic to further into the spotlight. If I recall correctly, Texans For Vaccine Choice may be compiling a list.

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It amazes me that there isn't more pushback from the medical community. It is such a ridiculous idea that everyone needs to get vaccinated to protect those who got vaccinated or even to protect the others who chose not to get vaccinated. In the argument they always ignore the risks and efficacy of the vaccines. Just look at the meningitis CDC white paper and the Vaers data. They push it for college age, but easily based on the vaers data the vaccine has killed more young people than originally died in the 3 year meningitis outbreak that they used to mandate the vaccine. Their own CDC paper admits that they don't know if the vaccine is effective or even if it addresses the most likely type of meningitis. Or HPV vaccine and they ignore the fact that cervical cancer has consistently increased since they started forcing that vaccine on young people and of course they ignore the deaths and disabilities caused by it.

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Steve, have you thought of reaching out to Dr. Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, Epidemiologist and Foundation Administrator at the McCullough Foundation? I am subscribed to his emails. Seeing as you are close to Dr. Peter McCullough, perhaps he would be willing to have Dr. Hulscher provide an exemption.

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What does private mean? Have schools not done their homework about deadly covid jabs and others that cause harmful side effects! Shouldn't be teachers if they can't read the truth and facts.

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Steve. This is completely the wrong target. Of course private schools are entitled to set their own policies. (Management reserves the right of admission). Let market forces deal with such creeps. It only needs one school to accept all comers and all the rest will start losing business. We have enough oppression to deal with in the public sector. We can ill afford to waste our energies on the private sector. Let them sink into bankruptcy from their own misguided policies. With luck one of them will make the mistake of vaccinating a child without parental permission and that child's parents will be rich enough to sue the ass off that school. In fact the poster pinned at the top of this thread who gives a reference for a No Jab No mask school provides a perfect solution for that child's parents.

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Virtually insanity, with the spewing of green rancid diarrhea by the WEF & their hanging tampons at the WHO & NATO, supplying the bed bug party favors to the partners at the pedo infested UN, UNECO, MOSSAD, STATE DEPARTMENT, I would take my child out of school forever. Without the right to opt out of biochemical WMD'S.

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