My father, a journalist and famous lobbyist who created Meals on Wheels with George McGOvern listened to my statements back in Dec 2020 begging him not to do it for at least a year .NOthing I could say could sway him despite his listening to me intently. He simply couldn't believe what I was telling him. I sent link after link. I doubt he read more than 1% of what I sent. He likes Whitney Webb alot so Ive been trying to inform him this way. He passed out 3x on the golf course. This never happened before. He was told the first time he had' dehydration". But they kept him in the hospital for THREE days. Unheard of for dehydration. Second time they said he "drank too much water". I told him it was the spike proteins and he needed to do the FLCC detox immediately! He finally said to me a month ago," Well it seems youre getting your way and are right about your opinions". I told him I Never wanted to be right.

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Do you think his statement, "You are getting your way," expresses a resentment that he was wrong? Do you think he believed that by disagreeing with him you were like a disobedient child? And that now that reality seems to have changed somehow you won and your disobedience (by disagreeing) is rewarded?

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I just saw your question. I have always been the truth teller in the family. I was the Golden child until my parents divorced and remarried. Then i became the black sheep I was treated like i was either crazy or i was misinformed. Sadly ive been right about alit of things. The answer is , I think , Yes. Yes, i think he and others in my family who became vicious towards me now realize just how incredibly wrong they were. Its too late sadly for all of them.

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I’m not going to lie, it’s not easy to switch someone’s view on this. My husband and I were at opposite ends of the politics and “medicine”. We fought and the “d” word came up multiple times. My then 37 year old husband was in law school interning at Berkeley and then a Lawfirm in SF and valued his 20 something year old colleague’s over his nerdy wife who travels and sells warranties and reads clinical trials for fun.

I constantly sent him trials and data and articles that questioned the mainstream narrative. I had 6 people in my circle die within days of receiving their shot. I had many clients and friends hospitalized with blood clots and heart attacks and paralysis within weeks or days of receiving a shot. Every time I sent him something, or brought it up, it caused a fight. Eventually I stopped directly sending him things but would talk about it out loud on the phone or to a friend so he could hear. I purposely brought it up in front of mutual friends to see what they thought. He was embarrassed and angry every time, but more times than not, our mutual friend felt the same way that I did. I wanted to make his transition easy, I wanted to show him that I’m not alone, that my views are ideas are backed by many. Eventually we stopped fighting, he stopped getting angry with me. And recently he was excited to tell me our neighbors who have avoided me this whole pandemic said, “I think your wife has been right this whole time”. His colleagues texted him in a group chat expressing a similar sentiment.

I was able to convince him and his mom to cancel their booster appointments, then Covid hit our house and hit his mom and him the worst. The kids and I, all unvaxxed had nothing more than a head ache for a day or two.

Lastly, my aunt and uncle, his cousins and aunts and uncles all 4 shots in, got Covid for the 3rd and 4th time and he straight up said, “why are people still getting boosted? So stupid! It obviously isn’t working.”

Victory! Vindication at last!

So, moral of the story, don’t give up. Keep on trying, and when one method doesn’t work, try another.

Good luck out there.

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what is the "d" word? Divorce?

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Yes. Many fights over me choosing not to be inoculated lead to his disgust in me and my frame of thoughts and “divorce” was thrown around.

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I'm so sorry. I attended an online marriage counseling seminar a few weeks ago (even though I'm widowed, I enjoy learning how to better communicate). Terry Real is counseling that many marital arguments are really just reactions to feeling hurt and misunderstood. He advises against trying to argue who is right and who is wrong. Just describe your reactions without blame and trust your partner will love you enough so you can compromise--or at least reach a compromise. That worked for me with a provider who never showed up at the same time. He would send zoom links just before the meeting announcing a new time or canceling and rescheduling which DROVE ME CRAZY. I didn't mind the schedule changes. But I have an eye problem and moving my head from the emal section to the zoom section back and forth made me quite uncomfortable and dizzy. I asked him if he could please phone me right before he sends the zoom link (which he doesn't send out in advance because he doesn't know the time in advance having a hectic schedule) He honored my request, and now we're both fine.

BUT BUT life and death seem different. My husband was terrified of death and asked me to help him commit suicide so he could control the time of his passing when pain or disability would get too much for him to bear. I kept refusing and he kept scolding me and telling me how heartless I was. I would almost get convinced--and then he would say, look all you have to do is hold my arms down if I start thrashing due to lack of oxygen. It will soon be all over. I told him no that I would feel guilty for the rest of my living days if I had to help kill him.

Eventually he ended up in hospice. I devoted myself to caring for him. One night I did lose my temper though. He was shouting, DEATH DEATH DEATH to insist that I call a friend to help him commit suicide. I did not know thisthat my friend told Dick he would help but didn't tell me he had no intention of helping. Each time Dick would insist on suicide, the friend (what a dear friend) would say, I can't make it now--could it wait until the week end? And then there would be some other reason to postpone it.

This time I refused to call the friend and shouted back at my husband, "There will be no death (meaning suicide) for you!! You will die peacefully in your sleep. I will use morphine as the doctors showed me so that your breathing will be controlled and you won't feel any pain." I felt horribly aggressive and uncaring. But my husband stopped insisting.

Later I got the social worker and the nurse explain how death would happen. Nurse was GREAT. In a slow deep hypnotic voice he described how Dick would be getting more and more sleepy, more and more restful until he passed away peacefully in his sleep. And that's what happened. Before he passed, my husband thanked me and told me he forgave me. I'm glad. I still love him and miss him.

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did he get the shots? Are you still intimate? I drew the line in the sand with mine. He would never sleep in the same bed as me ever again. He sent the religious exemption in . They denied the medical one he really did deserve to have. They waited 4 LONG months not responding to his request for a response to the RE> He is one of hte FEW employees who WAITED for a response while they continued to send out threatening letters to all employees with dates they MUST be injected by. On Jan 6 2022 they accepted his RE> Worst time of our lives together.

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Why did you draw the line? Weren't you both avoiding the shots? Or did he say he would agree to vaccination?

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I like your questions. My husband passed away age just before he turned 85 in January 2017. We were both sickly people united in our hypochondria. We refused to get any flu shots, since Gary Null (nurtritionist) warned us that they were virtually useless for people our age since we don't easily make antibodies (what does that say about mRNA vaccines which rely on antibodies for their effectiveness). I'm fairly confident that he, like me, would avoid mRNA shots under any circumstances. I would sleep with a vaccinated husband, though, and persuade him to take black seed cumin oil or ivermectin to try to contain vaccine injury. I'm pretty sure that my husband would have passed away pretty quickly from the shots since he suffered from heart damage and suffered from atrial fibrillation. He also had cancer which could have been exacerbated. If a stroke or heart attack didn't get him--maybe the blood clots would. I have a dear friend now who 3 months after the shots, suffered a severe concussion from his heart stopping and 3 months later had a pacemaker placed. But it's a new model so no way to know if it's working since he fainted again. He also suffered a sudden growth of a desmoid tumor and signs of leukemia and bladder stones. His medical team is doing "watchful waiting," no one mentions vaccine injury. He says he trusts his doctors. I wish they could inspect his heart to see if his pacemaker is working as it should be. Medical devices have fewer safety requirements than vaccines and drugs. His doctor said, "I'm sure your pacemaker is working just fine. (safe and effective). Why not cut back on your blood pressure medicine? "Low blood pressure (he's guessing maybe the medicine dose could have been too high) could also cause fainting. " Where are the clinical results to support the doctor's theories? What about taking blood pressure several different times daily for a week? What if blood pressure is fine? Then do we try to measure the heart again without somehow damaging the pacemaker which is a tiny capsule that rests inside the heart. Every 10 years it may need replacement. Oh yeah? And how many of these tiny capsules can you tolerate before your heart is too small to hold them all and still pump blood. (The capsule pacemakers are never removed. You just insert another one. How do you know when it needs insertion. He says he trusts his doctor. You can take that to the bank, can't you.

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That's really painful. I hate losing people.

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“I think your wife has been right this whole time”. That almost made we weep as I write this. I am very happy for you and for your husband who has stated to wake up. My wife thanked me the other day for saving her as it were from the vaccines.


It didn't stop me from having immuno-therapy in 2020 before I realized after 9 sessions that there was an issue. I reckon I might have had the equivalent of 9 vaccines in as many months. I trusted the NHS doctors; they were ignorant fools. This is what was really going on.


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Thanks for this message of hope. My wedding has not resisted the narrative. Neither has my friendships... for the moment.

Maybe the truth will finally prevail.

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The truth will prevail, it always does.

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I think that, too. It always is prevailing because no matter what people say or think, reality is occurring. However, sometimes our thoughts/feelings do define reality. This statement is controversial in linguistics. For example in some languages 2 colors have the same name. For example, blue and green, might both be called bluegreen. Are people in these languages less able to distinguish blue from green? There are MANY different kinds of blue--should we give all of them a different name? I listened to a lecture with Jordan Peterson interviewing Cloe, a young woman who transitioned around age 13--and then detransitioned. She was told that she had gender dysphoria and having puberty blockers, testosterone and surgery would make her feel better. (They did not.) Her parents were told she would die (suicide) if she did not have these expensive procedures. In a way her situation is similar to mRNA people with adverse reactions. She was told to take these treatments and they would prevent gender dysphoria (prevent Covid in the case of mRNA). The scientists claim there are no adverse reactions from puberty blockers and testosterone and mastectomy and there are no adverse reactions from mRNA vaccines--or any vaccine, for that matter. If someone complains--well they made it up, well they are mentally ill, well it's so rare that it can be dismissed. We must censor this experience because it might block other people from getting this therapy that WE KNOW WORKS. Those in authority--especially those whose role is to heal, to provide public health, etc.--they don't want to admit harm. They CANNOT admit harm. I am so sad as I write this. Yes, I think the truth often prevails. But for those who died or got disabled from mRNA vaccines--the truth prevailed too late to save them. Nevertheless, I often say this: Hang tough. Eventually signals will become too strong to deny or supress. Happy New Year.

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Happy New Year to you too. Things are looking up despite any indications to the contrary.


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I'm very impressed with your analyses. I think the shibboleth, "Follow the science," suggests that there are correct, true, right, undebatable views--and we must not challenge these views because we risk damaging our health and the health of our loved ones. In other words, debate just opens a can of worms when the proper conclusions and their policies should simple be accepted. I'm so glad Exulansic doesn't hesitate to challenge. She is becoming my role model for presenting unpopular views that challenge a religious scientific belief. I did have a lesbian friend who distressed me with a delusional attachment to another non lesbian woman 30 years younger, married to a man and helping to raise two boys with him. Since most people (including her therapist) did not support this relationship, she turned off her phone to shield herself from opposing views. I started sending her rock and roll songs with lyrics that mirrored her obsession. One week, for example, she was so upset that she didn't know if she would get a firm commitment--that she stated she MUST visit her love's veterinarian clinic and profess her undying love. "I've got to wrap this up!" she insisted. I sent her a youtube video of Sam and Dave singing "Wrap it Up I'll take it!" Ex of lyrics: " No more will I shop around--I've found the best love in town!" Then my friend called her psychics and they advised her to wait--the friend would definitely call her in January. I sent her Diana Ross's song, "You can't hurry love, You just have to wait..." I also sent her tons of cartoons from the Internet gently mocking her addiction. One, I recall, was a photo of a bunch of female veterinarian techs crowded around the door to an office eagerly striving to look in. The caption was "Trying to get a look at the newest addition to the veterinarian practice. But a second shot shows they are going crazy over an adorable Golden Retriever--not a sexy male collegue. She thanked me several times for cheering her up. I imagine we could all go crazy for love. Some of us are even willing to mutilate ourselves in the quest for societal acceptance.

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Thank you very much. I have done a quick look at Exulansic and see what you mean. I will note for future reference.

Oh how people have been messed up by Nazi chemicals and Marxist propaganda! And they are all looking for love.

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I had some more thoughts about discussing vaccine issues with vaccinated people initially resistant to acknowledging harm from vaccines. Through this recent substack article, I have become more willing to express my views to some of my vaccinated friends. Unlike Steve, I don't have the position to approach members of congress and prominent scientists. I think another participant in this discussion pushed me to consider why I bother trying to express my views--how will that prevent vaccine mandates and stop this vaccine madness?! In the short run (and maybe in the long run) perhaps this does nothing to help our cause. But does everything we do concerning vaccines have to help the cause--or else stop doing it? I do feel better each person that becomes more likely to tolerate the unvaccinated (and that means me!) I do feel better speaking freely about my opinion. It's such a relief to have the tables turned and have people ask hard questions of the authorities that rammed vaccine mandates down our throats and will keep trying to do this. Offering support and a community to unvaccinated feeling oppressed and bullied by the mainstream (Peter Hottetz thinks we are domestic terrorists for God's sake) is very important. Be able to speak our truth. Support the contrarian view concerning vaccine unsafety and ineffectiveness. That to me is worthwhile and can be done in addition to other actions designed to more directly to block vaccine passports and mandates. So it's not either or. It's BOTH AND.

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Well said. Every little helps.

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Well said! The BEST way may be to demonstrate against vaccines or to red pill a prominent journalist such as Dr. Campbell. But let's not let the best become the enemy of the good. Do everything! That's why when arguing (discussing? debating?) Covid strategies with pro vaccine enthusiasts, I state that we should, in addition, allow treatment of Covid--not rely only on vaccines. Because there will always be breakthrough infections, and having early medical treatment would make such infections much less dangerous. The simile would be getting vaccinated and then having no plan for early medical treatment would be like performing an aerial circus routine without a safety net.

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I will never stop telling the truth, sharing the various and numerous studies... and keep being patient.

In the end, the vaccines will do the job by themselves

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It may take a while, though. The vaccines definitely are unsafe--BUT not everyone drops dead, so it's hard to see, and the government can keep on claiming that vaccines are necessary. I think Steve K was interviewing a doctor who treated 500 patients and 1 died maybe of vaccine injury--but the doctor thought nothing of it. Steve said that's why most people fail to see the signal.

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Re "The vaccines definitely are unsafe--BUT not everyone drops dead, so it's hard to see, and the government can keep on claiming that vaccines are necessary."

All true. Not everyone drops dead because we are individuals not a herd, with individual immune systems.

Also we haven't a clue what is in each vile vial. It could be just saline. This helps create an illusion of safety and only the unfortunate suffer. It also creates new customers for big pharma when the poison viles (sic) work.


Vaccine experiment necessary to expose once and for all that all vaccines ever were utterly pointless at best and that big p-harm-a causes harm not health as this is good for its business model.


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Not everyone drops dead TRUE We are individuals TRUE Also not everyone gets the same vaccine dose. Some people get (as planned) an injection of mRNA vaccine into the muscle which it causes Spike which causes antibodies. And then the spike protein is reabsorbed after a month or so? Some people get almost NO mRNA vaccine product because of deficiencies in the batch. I learned that not all mRNA product is produced by the same manufacturer(s). Large batches tend to suffer from sedimentation so that the mRNA product sinks to the bottom of the container--but the top is almost pure saline. That way, when the vials are prepared, some are very high concentration--and some contain very little or no product. Yet another reason: mRNA doses are cumulative because the spike protein can remain in the body for several months. Each subsequent booster puts an additional strain on the body. The body, over time, learns to accommodate to the spike protein. In this way we become desensitized to the mRNA vaccines. We can, then, no longer mount an immune response. Theoretically, we might be able to predict who will get an adverse reaction: 1) People with autoimmune disorders 2)People with clotting, heart disorders. 3)Young people under 18 (especially males who are more vulnerable to cardiac myopathy) 4)People with immune problems who can't mount immunologic responses. Dr. James Lyons-Weiler is trying to collect evidence that would allow us to collect information from a person so that we could predict who is at risk from vaccine injury and avoid injecting them.

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Maybe 40% of Americans don't believe anything until some credentialed (government-allied) source like NPR tells them. So your evidence is just propaganda.

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Another sudden cardiac death in a young person to add to all the others: https://memorials.sollevinson.com/stacey-koppell/5104241/

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“It is foolish to be convinced without evidence, but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence." - Upton Sinclair

“It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” - Mark Twain

“Great thinkers have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” ~ Albert Einstein

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Is the Red Cross Blood Donation program catching on to the dangers of the 'vaccine'?

The pre-donation screening questionnaire implies 'maybe':


Have you EVER had a Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine?

If you answer “YES” to this question, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) before coming in to donate to determine if this will affect your eligibility.

That seems pretty strong.

Other entries are weaker, but still illuminating.



In the past 8 weeks, have you had any vaccinations or other shots?

The FLU and COVID-19 vaccine are acceptable as long as you have no symptoms on the day of donation. If you answer “YES” to this question, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) before coming in to donate to determine if any other vaccine or shot will affect your eligibility.


Unlicensed (Experimental) Vaccine

Medication Deferral List

Donating while taking these drugs could have a negative effect on your health or on the health of the recipient of your blood.

PLEASE TELL US IF YOU... [have taken an]

» Experimental Medication or Unlicensed (Experimental) Vaccine :: [in the past] 12 months. «

Some medications affect your eligibility as a blood donor for the following reasons:

Experimental Medication or Unlicensed (Experimental) Vaccine is usually associated with a research study, and the effect on the safety of transfused blood is unknown.



In the past 2 years, have you received an injection or shot to prevent an HIV infection?

If you answer “YES” to this question, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) before coming in to donate to determine if this will affect your eligibility.

[Notice how it is not labeled as a 'vaccine', but, is described as 'an injection or shot to prevent'.]


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"Project Depopulation: Bill Gates Gathers the World’s Top Billionaires"

On May 5, 2009, Bill Gates gathered together a handful of the West’s richest men who met in Manhattan to discuss what they considered the most dangerous, most critical threat to the planet. 

Those attending included Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, George Soros, and David Rockefeller, Jr. What did they deem the world’s biggest threat? They each gave a 15-minute presentation on their primary concern for the planet. “Taking their cue from Gates, they agreed overpopulation was a priority,” according to the report from London’s Sunday Times.


"Oprah Winfrey met in secret with George Soros and other billionaires to discuss a plan to depopulate the world."

The 2009 meeting in Manhattan, organized by Bill Gates, was so discreet that the billionaires’ aides were told to treat it as a “security briefing,” and attendees also included the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Michael Bloomberg, in addition to Oprah and Soros.


Did Coronavirius ‘break out’ of a Bio-Lab George Soros ‘owns in Wuhan, China’?


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My own VERY limited experience is that it is almost impossible to change beliefs. I know physicians who are STYILL wearing masks CONTINUOUSLY at work, and refuse to even consider data regarding safety and effectiveness. Will ot even CONSIDER it. My very smart daughter-in-law feels this is cult-like behavior. I perconally do not even try to interest these people in data I do not need to antagonize them.

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In NYC the doctor might lose patients since a lot of people won't trust their doctors unless they are wearing masks. So bad for the doctor's health if he wears them all day without changing them. He will be reinhaling his own air laden with bacteria. He will be mildly stressed from decrease in oxygen. I go to an alternative medical office. No one is wearing masks. But that wasn't true in 2020. People even now are wearing masks OUTDOORS. On windy days!

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Your daughter in law is correct. You may not interest them in data but you can tell the idiot physicians from me I hope this form of service is the one they use.


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"Project Depopulation: Bill Gates Gathers the World’s Top Billionaires"

On May 5, 2009, Bill Gates gathered together a handful of the West’s richest men who met in Manhattan to discuss what they considered the most dangerous, most critical threat to the planet. 

Those attending included Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, George Soros, and David Rockefeller, Jr. What did they deem the world’s biggest threat? They each gave a 15-minute presentation on their primary concern for the planet. “Taking their cue from Gates, they agreed overpopulation was a priority,” according to the report from London’s Sunday Times.


"Oprah Winfrey met in secret with George Soros and other billionaires to discuss a plan to depopulate the world."

The 2009 meeting in Manhattan, organized by Bill Gates, was so discreet that the billionaires’ aides were told to treat it as a “security briefing,” and attendees also included the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner and Michael Bloomberg, in addition to Oprah and Soros.


Did Coronavirius ‘break out’ of a Bio-Lab George Soros ‘owns in Wuhan, China’?


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Did you hear this joke?

A boy scout, the pope, and 2 businessmen were in an airplane that developed engine problems and was going to crash. The pilot bailed out.

There were 3 remaining parachutes for 4 people.

One of the businessmen immediately grabbed a parachute: "I am one of the richest men in the world. The economy needs me!"

The second businessman also justified grabbing a parachute. "I am the smartest man in the world. My inventions are essential. I cannot be allowed to die!"

The pope urged the boy scout to take the remaining parachute. "I'm an elderly man. I have almost lived my life. But you are young and have your whole life ahead of you. You should have the parachute."

"No problem," replied the boy scout. "We both have a parachute. The smartest man in the world jumped out of the plane with my back pack."

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Thanks for the links and references. By the way, the last two links don't work.

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30 years ago, I got the flu vaccine and had a bad case of the flu that year. Ever since I never did the flu vaccine again and never got the flu again. I do take all kinds of high-grade supplements and researched everyone so not to put any toxic added chemicals into my body. May 2022, I had a low-grade fever and headache for 8 days and tested negative 5 times with the home Covid test. My system fought off whatever I had, and it felt more like a bad head cold. With that said, I chose not to get the Covid vaccine and also my son not to be vaccinated. This is modern day snake oil salesmen pushing a concoction with MD attached at the end of their name. As time goes on, you will see more and more people and medical professionals saying it was a mistake. I brought my son, 15 to an allergist and wanted a doctor's note for his school my son cannot get the Covid vaccine because he was allergic to a previous vaccine and on a breathing machine for 5 days. The allergist said if this was 10 years into The Covid seen, he would be glad to write the doctors note. But he could not write any note because his note has to be based on research and there is no research about the adverse effects the Covid vaccine could be.

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Dr. Dupe

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Id have fired him. Ive fired many. MANY Drs.

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incredible :-((

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I'd say that all vaccines since they were invented are causing many illnesses and diseases. It's big pharma's cash cow. Always has been. Inject the masses with a toxin and then sell drugs to treat the symptoms. Pretty evil smart

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Everybody interested in Health, living to a happy 100 years old in great health and active lifestyle, should read a new book out in 2022 written by Tony Robbins called "LIFE FORCE".

It's really going after the snake oil salesmen (Big Pharma) not by treating the health issues at bay but made possible due to cutting-edge biotechnologies and spectacular advances in the field of medicine, curing mankind's worst diseases. Reading "Life Force" I could hear Tony's distinct voice reading along with me like when your mother use to read you a bedtime story. You still hear your mother's voice to this day in your mind. The Doctors and business minded innovators mentioned in this book truly make you feel like medical breakthroughs with cures is right around the corner.

If any group of great minds Tony has put together for "Life Force" can help to eradicate Covid, these are the people to do it.

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Jack Black is basically correct except that Covid 19 is the 'flu turned into a monster by incessant advertising. I explain what the 'flu is here.


The main cure for the 'flu is here. I am not a great mind but I did do some do serious thinking at last in 2020. About time too I told myself.


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"eradicate covid"? That's the problem, there is NO covid to eradicate. The MSM, CDC, Fauci, NIH, FDA all in on the huge scam using fear to drive the sheeple into taking the death jab, called the vaccine

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My boyfriend was adamantly pro-vax. He says he cannot believe that doctors — DOCTORS — would do anything as contemptible as place profits above patients. Yes, he is very naive. Even when a nurse friend warned him not to take the booster, and that none of the physicians or nurses were, he refused to believe that they were harmful.

And then my thrice vaxxed boyfriend got COVID over Christmas. He is 69 years old. He was symptomatic for three days and then recovered easily. Afterward, he admitted how terrified he was when his at home test was positive. He had drunk the Kool Aid and was sincerely afraid that he was going to die.

Because he never seemed afraid in the past three years, I did not realize what a number the propaganda had done on his psyche. I suspect many people exist in a state of barely controlled panic over COVID.

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I do hope you weren't having any intimate relations with him as we know about serious transmission to the unvaxxed from vaxxed......

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Yes, this is why it is called a PAN-dem-IC, stress the capitals. It would be better perhaps if it was 'Med panic' anagram of pandemic.

But in the States its the Dem's who promote the shooting so maybe both are suitable.

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In the UK Doctors made record earnings during the scamdemic.

The entire med profession was paid for everything Rona related.

Sorry but your BF is a tard.

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...and most UK mainstream doctors are turds. They gave me some of their sh1t in 2020 via immuno-therapy so I understand this all too well.

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Nothing is more convincing than experiencing the vaccine injury. The problem we face is the slow boiling frogs in the pot syndrome. Looking at howbad.info, they've cunningly calculated the rate of VAE/Death to be just below the threshold of a mass exodus.

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My sister developed a full body rash after her 1st booster. It took almost 1 year to go away. This week she spoke with her old friend who revealed she had developed the same rash. Friend's Dr. told her not to get more boosters. Only then did my sister believe it was vax related. For almost a year I had told her that, and suffered some abuse for it.

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I just learned that my sister-in-law developed a very painful, rare condition: trigeminal neuralgia two weeks after her booster. This adds to a long list of likely vax injuries in my extended family - my cousin with both a stroke and heart attack, my aunt with amputated toes, my younger sister and brother in law both deceased of "turbo cancer" leaving three orphaned children - just to name the most serious impacts.

Despite these "coincidences" my sister-in-law convinced herself that her trigeminal neuralgia was caused by too much mask-wearing. She applied to the hospice where she nurses for a dispensation. They granted it, then told her she is scheduled for her next booster early in 2023. On some deep level she must suspect the truth, as she told me on our New Year call that she wants to "wait a bit on the booster" since she has a lot going on with treatment for her condition.

I'm the only unvaxxed family member (shunned by some of them for my "irresponsibility"). I'm terrified for their wellbeing, but they seem to be in massive denial. My triple vaxxed brother is the only one I convinced to rethink. He asked me a few months ago if there is any way to reverse it.

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who has the orphaned children?

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Go yo the flccc.org website for vaccine countermeasures.

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Thank you.

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I am so weary of the comments that assume that all liberals took the jab. As a lifelong liberal Democrat, heck yes I am very disappointed in the liberals who have bought into the narrative, embraced censorship and mandates, taken all the jabs, and failed to see the lies in the mainstream media. I can't believe any liberal would fail to support medical freedom and the right to choose medical interventions. Like Del Bigtree, I am politically marooned. I have lost friends and family and been unable to convince anyone. Shocked at the lack of curiosity to hear what I have to say and the discrimination against the unvaxxed like me.

But I believe there are liberals like me out there who saw the lies early on, who believe that we can live healthy lives without psychological addiction to vaccines, who have embraced integrative medicine and were already taking Vit D, C, and other supplements to support the immune system. Please stop labeling liberals as the "bad guys" because our current president is a Democrat. Too many people have accepted the narrative to assume they are all liberals.

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I am from the UK and think the current USA president is brain dead and how anybody could vote for him defies logic.

By my observation of info on the net it appears that it is a majority of Democrat voters who persist with vaccines etc. But I am glad you are an exception.

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Like you said, I've seen this silliness tear families apart.

On the other hand, the opposite is also true. It united people on the left & right as the most important issue they now care about. I've seen diehard liberals vote for conservatives who advocate against medical tyranny. I've also seen religious pro-life, now advocating for bodily autonomy and turned pro-choice. Crazy huh?

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I'm a registered Democrat but now vote Republican. I support bodily autonomy and now believe the unborn also must have bodily autonomy. Democrat support for late term abortion and post-birth "abortion - NY and CA"(infanticide as practiced for centuries in China) have made me see the slippery slope. It easily leads to demonization of a minority and then the killing of that demonized and dangerous minority (same strategy used in all genocides). Even my brother, who is a RHINO Wall Street Journal Republican, pulled thacrap with me. Vaccine passports should only be iss;ued to the dead.

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I particularly like your last line!

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I think a useful thread by our host would be to solicit from those followers who took one 2 or 3 jabs but are now here, just what tipped them into 'no more'.

I was redpilled before this ever rolled out. I figured in late 2020 the jabs would be a disaster, likely by design, and had no difficulty believing in a global coordination of same. Well honestly, it did take a bit of reworking of how I perceived the world, but I had the precondition to resist. So my experience, in the work of changing minds, is useless, irrelevant.

But the partially jabbed and changed their minds? How did that happen?

We have some enormous pool of booster resistors... can we solicit what 'turned' them? This group represents the critical mass we need to win the info war for minds. And I notice a fair number on this substack.


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Grant makes a good point: find out what made the partly-jabbed change their mind and focus efforts on that.

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