Vanden Bossche ignores the fact that natural immunity wanes over time and is less robust than hybrid immunity. Mortality rate per capita is lower in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated in every country.
"Vanden Bossche claimed that mass COVID-19 vaccination would precipitate immune escape, allowing the spread of “vaccine-resistant” variant…
Vanden Bossche ignores the fact that natural immunity wanes over time and is less robust than hybrid immunity. Mortality rate per capita is lower in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated in every country.
"Vanden Bossche claimed that mass COVID-19 vaccination would precipitate immune escape, allowing the spread of “vaccine-resistant” variants of the virus. While resistance to vaccines has emerged before, this occurs only rarely[6]. Contrast this with the current variants of concern that researchers have observed, which all evolved naturally from infected individuals. Vanden Bossche provided no evidence indicating that COVID-19 vaccines pose a greater risk of immune escape than that mediated by uncontrolled viral spread and natural infection. And as mentioned previously, earlier mass vaccination campaigns against childhood diseases like measles effectively curbed disease outbreaks and didn’t result in worse outbreaks occurring. This observation contradicts his implication that this risk of COVID-19 vaccination outweighs its benefit."
The covid shots are pure poison as has been documented over and over again. Only those trying to protect the government and drug industry from their culpability in these historic Crimes Against Humanity would try to counter the truth with lies, obfuscations and misdirection.
Read "Turtles all the way Down" to get some enlightenment on the criminal enterprises you shill for. You know, the book that the medical complex pretends does not exist because it is the unholy truth about our medical government complex.
It was known early on in the scamdemic that patients infected with the original SARS from 2003 showed an immune response to COVID-19 17 years later. So it doesn't wane that much. Also patients suffering from the Spanish Flu are showing immunity a century later.
There is no evidence of SARS-CoV-1 providing long-term immunity against other coronaviruses 17 years later. SARS-COV-2 is a different type of coronavirus from SARS-CoV-1.
Vanden Bossche ignores the fact that natural immunity wanes over time and is less robust than hybrid immunity. Mortality rate per capita is lower in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated in every country.
"Vanden Bossche claimed that mass COVID-19 vaccination would precipitate immune escape, allowing the spread of “vaccine-resistant” variants of the virus. While resistance to vaccines has emerged before, this occurs only rarely[6]. Contrast this with the current variants of concern that researchers have observed, which all evolved naturally from infected individuals. Vanden Bossche provided no evidence indicating that COVID-19 vaccines pose a greater risk of immune escape than that mediated by uncontrolled viral spread and natural infection. And as mentioned previously, earlier mass vaccination campaigns against childhood diseases like measles effectively curbed disease outbreaks and didn’t result in worse outbreaks occurring. This observation contradicts his implication that this risk of COVID-19 vaccination outweighs its benefit."
The covid shots are pure poison as has been documented over and over again. Only those trying to protect the government and drug industry from their culpability in these historic Crimes Against Humanity would try to counter the truth with lies, obfuscations and misdirection.
Read "Turtles all the way Down" to get some enlightenment on the criminal enterprises you shill for. You know, the book that the medical complex pretends does not exist because it is the unholy truth about our medical government complex.
It was known early on in the scamdemic that patients infected with the original SARS from 2003 showed an immune response to COVID-19 17 years later. So it doesn't wane that much. Also patients suffering from the Spanish Flu are showing immunity a century later.
There is no evidence of SARS-CoV-1 providing long-term immunity against other coronaviruses 17 years later. SARS-COV-2 is a different type of coronavirus from SARS-CoV-1.