It was known early on in the scamdemic that patients infected with the original SARS from 2003 showed an immune response to COVID-19 17 years later. So it doesn't wane that much. Also patients suffering from the Spanish Flu are showing immunity a century later.
It was known early on in the scamdemic that patients infected with the original SARS from 2003 showed an immune response to COVID-19 17 years later. So it doesn't wane that much. Also patients suffering from the Spanish Flu are showing immunity a century later.
There is no evidence of SARS-CoV-1 providing long-term immunity against other coronaviruses 17 years later. SARS-COV-2 is a different type of coronavirus from SARS-CoV-1.
It was known early on in the scamdemic that patients infected with the original SARS from 2003 showed an immune response to COVID-19 17 years later. So it doesn't wane that much. Also patients suffering from the Spanish Flu are showing immunity a century later.
There is no evidence of SARS-CoV-1 providing long-term immunity against other coronaviruses 17 years later. SARS-COV-2 is a different type of coronavirus from SARS-CoV-1.