Dr. Marcurio, with a h-index of 51 from publishing orthopedic surgery papers, would not waste his time speaking with COVID-19 grifters. Kirsch has not corrected his logical fallacies about statistics after discussing p-values with Dr. Ian Copeland.
How pathetic. Steve as a pioneer in Silicon Valley has made a world class fortune from the companies he created and has proven his intelligence and drive in the marketplace. He, unlike you, does not need piddly squat from writing on the internet. What a lonely life you must have shilling for criminal organizations.
This Carlos thing never will end. It amazes me that people keep engaging it. But it foments anger and division, and hostility and people fall for it. As many posters have said. In the rare occasion he is a real human. We want him triple masked, and five times injected. He won't last very long. Carlos is an enigma but people smarter than me have pointed out syntax errors and caught it in logistical traps, so I think it's an AI bot.
2. Knowing that you are part of the solution. I donate every cent I get in subscription income into activities and organizations that are focused on getting the truth out about these vaccines.
My goal is to get to 100,000 paid subscribers enabling me to donate $500,000 a month to getting word out and saving lives.
Although I do not know which organizations receive Substack subscriber fees, I would conjecture that the organizations are anti-vaccine propaganda groups (i.e. Children's Health Defense, ICAN) that do not state the truth about vaccines or follow the scientific method. Logical fallacies are prevalent in anti-vaccine propaganda: post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, base rate fallacy, survivorship bias, etc.
I volunteer to state the truth about COVID-19 vaccines.
Where is your evidence that my educated conjecture is wrong? Since Kirsch's version of the "truth" about vaccines is pseudoscientific and logically fallacious, and his own organization VSRF is anti-vaccine, why would he not donate to Children's Health Defense or AAPS or NVIC?
You're lying about them, too. Wild claims that everyone is a grifter or not allowed to make statements that you disagree with, even though they have just as many degrees and as much experience as pro-vaxxers. You make no sense and millions disagree with you.
The vaccine injured exist; you can ignore them but that doesn't make them go away. I hope you're not responsible for too many of them - you may have to face up to that someday.
You have not provided any evidence that Kirsch is donating to pro-scientific method organizations. VSRF promotes pseudoscientists like McCullough, Seneff, Bridle, Rose, Malone, etc. All of them oppose vaccination based on logical fallacies, including post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy and cherrypicking.
Vaccine adverse reactions from thrombosis with thrombocytopenia, anaphylactic shock, and other legitimate side effects of COVID-19 vaccines are outnumbered by COVID-19 deaths. Over 18,000,000 people worldwide have died from COVID-19 based on all-cause mortality data.
AI Bot everything you post is pathetic and predicable. You can fool the dumb, but you have no chance against the rest of us. Hence it the challenge. In the end you lose.
Well, that's a new word I have not heard of before. "grifter" 1 year ago I did not know of the word clown world, controlled opposition, paid troll and AI bot. Now I have to investigate the term "grifter"? One thing seems certain from chatting with the regulars on these stacks is whatever "Carlos" is it is evil and nefarious.
Yes, but Steve's "analysis" has far more errors than a missing p-value, which could be 0.05 or 0.01 depending on the confidence interval. Unvaccinated status is associated with greater COVID-19 hospitalization risk compared to fully boosted status. Many studies with correct statistical analysis have found vaccines reduce severity of COVID-19 symptoms:
You would deny early treatment and then brag about how many unvaccinated Covid patients are hospitalized - but can that study even be trusted? Anyone can use internet search to find numerous articles about how big pharma influences AMA, the publisher of JAMA.
The book "Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients," by Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. George Fareed and Mathew Crawford is about two doctors who used a treatment protocol early in the pandemic and early in treatment when the conventional wisdom issued was not to provide any treatment to patients and send them home until they got sick and then go to the hospital where they were then often put on breathing machines – many of whom died.
To the contrary, every one of the patients Dr. Tyson and Dr. Fareed treated early in the illness recovered and there were no deaths. They also treated those who were severely sick and only lost a few.
The book is pseudoscientific by omitting control groups, making incorrect exclusion criteria to omit COVID-19 deaths, and criticizes legitimate biostatisticians. Why did the studies not undergo assessment in peer-reviewed journals for publication to other physicians and scientists?
He’s a troll
Dr. Marcurio, with a h-index of 51 from publishing orthopedic surgery papers, would not waste his time speaking with COVID-19 grifters. Kirsch has not corrected his logical fallacies about statistics after discussing p-values with Dr. Ian Copeland.
How pathetic. Steve as a pioneer in Silicon Valley has made a world class fortune from the companies he created and has proven his intelligence and drive in the marketplace. He, unlike you, does not need piddly squat from writing on the internet. What a lonely life you must have shilling for criminal organizations.
Carlos is troll or AI bot just ignore it.
What proof do you have that anyone is "grifting?" That is a common trick of trolls - to throw out such a ridiculous charge with no evidence.
We don't know if you are being paid to troll, if so THAT would be grifting.
This Carlos thing never will end. It amazes me that people keep engaging it. But it foments anger and division, and hostility and people fall for it. As many posters have said. In the rare occasion he is a real human. We want him triple masked, and five times injected. He won't last very long. Carlos is an enigma but people smarter than me have pointed out syntax errors and caught it in logistical traps, so I think it's an AI bot.
Steve Kirsch has paid Substack subscribers who are charged $50 annually.
Your grifter accusation is a lie. From the About section of this substack:
2. Knowing that you are part of the solution. I donate every cent I get in subscription income into activities and organizations that are focused on getting the truth out about these vaccines.
My goal is to get to 100,000 paid subscribers enabling me to donate $500,000 a month to getting word out and saving lives.
Lying is what paid trolls do - further evidence that you are a grifter.
Although I do not know which organizations receive Substack subscriber fees, I would conjecture that the organizations are anti-vaccine propaganda groups (i.e. Children's Health Defense, ICAN) that do not state the truth about vaccines or follow the scientific method. Logical fallacies are prevalent in anti-vaccine propaganda: post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, base rate fallacy, survivorship bias, etc.
I volunteer to state the truth about COVID-19 vaccines.
Conjecture and lies.
Where is your evidence that my educated conjecture is wrong? Since Kirsch's version of the "truth" about vaccines is pseudoscientific and logically fallacious, and his own organization VSRF is anti-vaccine, why would he not donate to Children's Health Defense or AAPS or NVIC?
You're lying about them, too. Wild claims that everyone is a grifter or not allowed to make statements that you disagree with, even though they have just as many degrees and as much experience as pro-vaxxers. You make no sense and millions disagree with you.
The vaccine injured exist; you can ignore them but that doesn't make them go away. I hope you're not responsible for too many of them - you may have to face up to that someday.
You have not provided any evidence that Kirsch is donating to pro-scientific method organizations. VSRF promotes pseudoscientists like McCullough, Seneff, Bridle, Rose, Malone, etc. All of them oppose vaccination based on logical fallacies, including post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy and cherrypicking.
Vaccine adverse reactions from thrombosis with thrombocytopenia, anaphylactic shock, and other legitimate side effects of COVID-19 vaccines are outnumbered by COVID-19 deaths. Over 18,000,000 people worldwide have died from COVID-19 based on all-cause mortality data.
Real vaccine adverse reactions leading to death are rare, including thrombosis with thrombocytopenia from viral vector vaccines.
Stop engaging and debating it if you ignore it goes away.
AI Bot everything you post is pathetic and predicable. You can fool the dumb, but you have no chance against the rest of us. Hence it the challenge. In the end you lose.
Nothing you said makes any sense AI bot.
Well, that's a new word I have not heard of before. "grifter" 1 year ago I did not know of the word clown world, controlled opposition, paid troll and AI bot. Now I have to investigate the term "grifter"? One thing seems certain from chatting with the regulars on these stacks is whatever "Carlos" is it is evil and nefarious.
Sounds like marcurio ought to understand “the science” well enough. But he cannot understand virology is the study of nothing.
The article was updated with P-value immediately, I guess you didn't know that.
Yes, but Steve's "analysis" has far more errors than a missing p-value, which could be 0.05 or 0.01 depending on the confidence interval. Unvaccinated status is associated with greater COVID-19 hospitalization risk compared to fully boosted status. Many studies with correct statistical analysis have found vaccines reduce severity of COVID-19 symptoms:
You would deny early treatment and then brag about how many unvaccinated Covid patients are hospitalized - but can that study even be trusted? Anyone can use internet search to find numerous articles about how big pharma influences AMA, the publisher of JAMA.
The book "Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients," by Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. George Fareed and Mathew Crawford is about two doctors who used a treatment protocol early in the pandemic and early in treatment when the conventional wisdom issued was not to provide any treatment to patients and send them home until they got sick and then go to the hospital where they were then often put on breathing machines – many of whom died.
To the contrary, every one of the patients Dr. Tyson and Dr. Fareed treated early in the illness recovered and there were no deaths. They also treated those who were severely sick and only lost a few.
The book is pseudoscientific by omitting control groups, making incorrect exclusion criteria to omit COVID-19 deaths, and criticizes legitimate biostatisticians. Why did the studies not undergo assessment in peer-reviewed journals for publication to other physicians and scientists?