I've long argued that ignorance is a very dangerous attribute, and a 95% injection rate for Santa Clara indicates that ignorance is in full flower in that county. For me the big story coming out of the covid era is the stunning level of ignorance manifested by a large percentage of the population. Masks. Simple research reveals that even…
I've long argued that ignorance is a very dangerous attribute, and a 95% injection rate for Santa Clara indicates that ignorance is in full flower in that county. For me the big story coming out of the covid era is the stunning level of ignorance manifested by a large percentage of the population. Masks. Simple research reveals that even the best of them have 0.3 micron holes while viruses measure 0.1 microns. So wearing masks is like trying to catch mosquitoes using a barbed wire fence! Do people know things like this? No. They do not. Why don't they know? Mostly because they are gullible and lazy - too lazy to do a bit of basic research - and those things have cost lives. As I said, ignorance is a very dangerous thing. It can kill you.
Yes, ignorance can get a person killed. Many of the people who got conned into taking the "safe & effectives" have paid that steep price. (We've all been fooled by something or someone at some time in life-- I'm not getting all judgy here.) And it seems to me that what's largely-- not entirely, but largely-- behind the ignorance on this particular issue of the jabs are simply sloth and pride. That constant phrase, "Trust the science" and "don't do your own research" and then things like all those prideful "I got vaccinated" stickers for one's FB page, etc.-- and this idea that the "vaccinated" were more responsible and caring and therefore deserved privileges that the selfish dirty unvaccinated did not.
Encouraging sloth and pride wasn't the whole of the propaganda behind the con, but it was a powerful part of it.
As for education to address ignorance, well, anyone who got through basic human biology in high school should be familiar with the basics of immunity. It amazed me that so many doctors and nurses, who had already had covid and recovered (assuming they believed in the tests), went and got themselves jabbed with the gene juice-- not all of them willingly, of course, but many of them both willingly and enthusiastically, and then went pushing the jabs on their patients, too.
About showing grace to those who unwittingly recommended the jabs: Yes, I think there is room for an important degree of understanding and forgiveness, however not for those who insisted on riding roughshod over other peoples' rights, that is, those who engaged in attacking, shaming and excluding from work, school, restaurants, gyms, theaters & etc & etc those individuals who wanted to take their own decisions for their own health.
Specifically, the indviduals who deliberately censored information about pharmaceutical company fraud, and about adverse events including deaths and the numbers and nature of injuries, and also those who mandated this experimental gene juice shot, whether they be in the public sector or the private sector, should be held accountable before the law. And harshly. Many people were traumatized by Jab Crow, whether they took the shots or refused. As we all well know, for many people, the personal and financial consequences of not complying were drastic, even horrific. And many people who took those shots were killed, and millions more ended up injured, some with extremely serious debilities.
In the USA we have a Constitution, it includes a Bill of Rights, no exemptions for epidemics.
But there's nuance, of course, it's not one-size-fits all when it comes to those who promoted the jabs. For example, my friend with a masters in public health from a top university who urged her entire family to get the shots-- she even drove some of the reluctant young adults to a public vax clinic held in a parking lot-- she did not violate the Constitution. She gets to live with herself. (That is, once she figures out she's been duped-- and I am not at all not sure that that will ever happen). She never did insist on mandates or anything Jab Crow, bless her heart, and I therefore believe that she deserves understanding and grace. I cannot say that I would ever trust anything she has to say about public health, however, I can accept that she did her honest best in the situation, and I hold her in my heart. I do believe that there is profound wisdom in the Lord's Prayer.
I was at a club event back in 2022 and got to talking to another member. He moaned that he had taken 3 Covid Jabs and has had Covid 3 times. I replied "I am unvaccinated and have never had Covid, the jabs depress the immune system". He stood there looking shocked. I haven't seen him at the club lately.
I used to live in Santa Clara County/Silicon Valley and decided to leave both California and the country twenty years ago due to the hopeless ignorance and fecklessness about the events that happened 3 years before that. The 2001 Patriot Act was the absolute end of the US Constitution as the law of the land. In other words, the end of the US as the Constitution defines the US. No one cared, they were obsessed with getting rich from rising home values and taking out HELOCs to buy consumer goods.
I've long argued that ignorance is a very dangerous attribute, and a 95% injection rate for Santa Clara indicates that ignorance is in full flower in that county. For me the big story coming out of the covid era is the stunning level of ignorance manifested by a large percentage of the population. Masks. Simple research reveals that even the best of them have 0.3 micron holes while viruses measure 0.1 microns. So wearing masks is like trying to catch mosquitoes using a barbed wire fence! Do people know things like this? No. They do not. Why don't they know? Mostly because they are gullible and lazy - too lazy to do a bit of basic research - and those things have cost lives. As I said, ignorance is a very dangerous thing. It can kill you.
SCC, where I live, has instituted mask mandates for medical facilities commencing Nov 1!
Yes, ignorance can get a person killed. Many of the people who got conned into taking the "safe & effectives" have paid that steep price. (We've all been fooled by something or someone at some time in life-- I'm not getting all judgy here.) And it seems to me that what's largely-- not entirely, but largely-- behind the ignorance on this particular issue of the jabs are simply sloth and pride. That constant phrase, "Trust the science" and "don't do your own research" and then things like all those prideful "I got vaccinated" stickers for one's FB page, etc.-- and this idea that the "vaccinated" were more responsible and caring and therefore deserved privileges that the selfish dirty unvaccinated did not.
Encouraging sloth and pride wasn't the whole of the propaganda behind the con, but it was a powerful part of it.
As for education to address ignorance, well, anyone who got through basic human biology in high school should be familiar with the basics of immunity. It amazed me that so many doctors and nurses, who had already had covid and recovered (assuming they believed in the tests), went and got themselves jabbed with the gene juice-- not all of them willingly, of course, but many of them both willingly and enthusiastically, and then went pushing the jabs on their patients, too.
Respect to those who did not comply.
Thanks for this, JethrineBeauDean.
About showing grace to those who unwittingly recommended the jabs: Yes, I think there is room for an important degree of understanding and forgiveness, however not for those who insisted on riding roughshod over other peoples' rights, that is, those who engaged in attacking, shaming and excluding from work, school, restaurants, gyms, theaters & etc & etc those individuals who wanted to take their own decisions for their own health.
Specifically, the indviduals who deliberately censored information about pharmaceutical company fraud, and about adverse events including deaths and the numbers and nature of injuries, and also those who mandated this experimental gene juice shot, whether they be in the public sector or the private sector, should be held accountable before the law. And harshly. Many people were traumatized by Jab Crow, whether they took the shots or refused. As we all well know, for many people, the personal and financial consequences of not complying were drastic, even horrific. And many people who took those shots were killed, and millions more ended up injured, some with extremely serious debilities.
In the USA we have a Constitution, it includes a Bill of Rights, no exemptions for epidemics.
But there's nuance, of course, it's not one-size-fits all when it comes to those who promoted the jabs. For example, my friend with a masters in public health from a top university who urged her entire family to get the shots-- she even drove some of the reluctant young adults to a public vax clinic held in a parking lot-- she did not violate the Constitution. She gets to live with herself. (That is, once she figures out she's been duped-- and I am not at all not sure that that will ever happen). She never did insist on mandates or anything Jab Crow, bless her heart, and I therefore believe that she deserves understanding and grace. I cannot say that I would ever trust anything she has to say about public health, however, I can accept that she did her honest best in the situation, and I hold her in my heart. I do believe that there is profound wisdom in the Lord's Prayer.
I enjoyed the video you linked. It took me back. I am still unjabbed and have never had covid.
I was at a club event back in 2022 and got to talking to another member. He moaned that he had taken 3 Covid Jabs and has had Covid 3 times. I replied "I am unvaccinated and have never had Covid, the jabs depress the immune system". He stood there looking shocked. I haven't seen him at the club lately.
Me too. PTL
I used to live in Santa Clara County/Silicon Valley and decided to leave both California and the country twenty years ago due to the hopeless ignorance and fecklessness about the events that happened 3 years before that. The 2001 Patriot Act was the absolute end of the US Constitution as the law of the land. In other words, the end of the US as the Constitution defines the US. No one cared, they were obsessed with getting rich from rising home values and taking out HELOCs to buy consumer goods.
I agree with you about the Patriot Act. I found it absolutely shocking.