The vaccine definitely caused the uptick in cases, no doubt in my mind. I hardly knew anyone who had it in 2020. 2021 everyone and their mother started getting it. My family did not isolate, wear masks (unless forced) and we socialized with whoever was willing. We did not catch Covid until Aug 2021, 3 days after our friend received his first vaccine. He got sick right after getting it. We were all on vacation together in the Cape. He gave it to his whole family and ours. I know vaccines in general mess with immune systems and can cause suppression, however in the case of the covid ones I believe it was the immense immune pressure that was put on it by these non-sterilizing vaccines that caused it to rapidly mutate and become much more contagious.

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Health Freedom Ireland: What Happened in Irish Nursing Homes?

"Despite going into a third lockdown in January 2021, and the heralding of the vaccine rollout for the most vulnerable, there was a shocking 426% increase in deaths in the nursing home sample reviewed."

TRANSCRIPT: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/96352.html

Source video:

What Happened in Irish Nursing Homes?

Health Freedom Ireland


December 16, 2021


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Thank-you Transcriber. Your Substack is chockfull of valuable info.🙂

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One to watch - if I knew 30+ years ago what I know now my kids would never have had ANY vaccinations:


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For sure. Smart people say that. But many are still deceived. As the Bible says it will get worse.

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I wasn't smart back then but been wising up quickly since the 'flu jabbed almost killed the wife 12 years ago.

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"I look forward to hearing their response and will update this article when I hear back."

Well, it was an interesting and thought provoking article, Steve.... but there will be no update.

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I have a garden gnome that will talk to you before SCC PHD replies. ;)

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

None variant of Covid-19 has been more dangerous than the common flu. However the first math-logic proof is difficult, so with single exceptions of medicals from Canada the rest seem not to understand it: https://zenodo.org/record/8312871

But there is ANOTHER method, this time easy, it is based on the fact that some % of people at a lower age, but with a high number of chronic conditions, is as weak (if not yet weaker -their further life expectancy is very small) as an average person at a much more advanced age. This second method 's detailed summary is pasted as 'Shortened Supplement' under the 'Extended Abstract' on the main page -it is only 1-2 pages to read. This method shows the same -if "official Covid-19 deaths" were true deaths due to the virus the average number of conditions would have to be at least importantly over 2 times higher that the number in a comparative group of alive ones with the same age-structure like of "official Covid-19 victims", while in the group of "official Covid-19 victims" none increase in the number is visible !!

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One thing I always wonder about is how the recklessly or malevolently deadly CDC protocols that included things like over-ventilating, remdesevir, delayed care, end-of-life drugs etc. that were forced on patients might have affected the baseline death numbers. If you take those deaths out, would it reveal that the vaccine fatality rates were even worse?

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This website called Protocol Kills provides testimonies of injury and deaths due to hospital protocols. There is a lot of important info here.


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Steve great as usual. One problem how is a"case" defined? It seemed to me that the long standing definition of a case ie syptoms/signs and testing positive was changed to just testing positive. Whatever mortality increased . If the latter definition then it's weakness would implicate the jab.

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Thank you and Ben!

Don't tell me it would have been a virus! That "virus" was nothing else than an excuse for depopulation - both on populaiton and individual level.

This article is another important hint supporting the suspicion that these jabs were acutely dangerous and deadly. The evidence extends:

1. There was an extremely sharp accumulation of deaths reports between D0 and D3 after the jabs in VAERS.

2. Sakura 2024 found that most the factor current vaccination explained the mortality curves best.

3. Your data here.

4. Please add, if you know more hints.

Now look at the mortality data of the two placebo-controlled trials. Comirnaty has a gap just after the jabs. There is no reasonable explanation for this sharp contradiction to all real life observations other than manipulations. In fact, they manipulated, i.e. wiped away deaths, e.g. the man said to have died from arteriosclerosis 0-3 days after first dose. ,It was just not possible to cover this case, as the police had found the dead body.

--> https://kremer.tentary.com/p/GNV9M3

Therein particularly Fig 5 and 6.

In Modernas trial they reported a "sudden cardiac death" in Medical History! Isn't it funny?

And they had a similar gap. Nobody died soon after the jabs ... or in fact: was reported to die soon after the jabs.

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I think we all know that the Alpha variant was rolled out in December 2020 to cover up the vaccine deaths.


Wikipedia provides a handy table of when the last Alpha case was reported in different countries. It’s amazing how they are all within a few days of each other.

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Check the last line Steve

Updated DoD directive expands military authority to use lethal force against U.S. citizens | 15 Oct 2024 | With the election only a few weeks away, the Department of Defense (DoD) has given the U.S. military authority to assist in domestic law enforcement, including giving them the right to use lethal force against American citizens under certain circumstances. It's a development that has largely gone under the radar despite its significant implications. DoD Directive 5240.01 is not new, but it got an update last month. It expands the list of circumstances in which the DoD is allowed to use deadly force while helping civilian law enforcement, potentially paving the way for using such force under a vague definition of "national security" conditions. This new iteration replaces the 2016 version of the directive, which was largely concerned with collecting intelligence and protecting civil liberties. In the updated version, lethal force can be used where there are imminent threats as long as it follows proper legal frameworks and gains approval from the Secretary of Defense... Also, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recently broadened its definition of domestic terrorism, with the list of potential threats now including individuals who question election integrity as well as vaccine efficacy and the origins of the pandemic.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

I've long argued that ignorance is a very dangerous attribute, and a 95% injection rate for Santa Clara indicates that ignorance is in full flower in that county. For me the big story coming out of the covid era is the stunning level of ignorance manifested by a large percentage of the population. Masks. Simple research reveals that even the best of them have 0.3 micron holes while viruses measure 0.1 microns. So wearing masks is like trying to catch mosquitoes using a barbed wire fence! Do people know things like this? No. They do not. Why don't they know? Mostly because they are gullible and lazy - too lazy to do a bit of basic research - and those things have cost lives. As I said, ignorance is a very dangerous thing. It can kill you.

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Yes, ignorance can get a person killed. Many of the people who got conned into taking the "safe & effectives" have paid that steep price. (We've all been fooled by something or someone at some time in life-- I'm not getting all judgy here.) And it seems to me that what's largely-- not entirely, but largely-- behind the ignorance on this particular issue of the jabs are simply sloth and pride. That constant phrase, "Trust the science" and "don't do your own research" and then things like all those prideful "I got vaccinated" stickers for one's FB page, etc.-- and this idea that the "vaccinated" were more responsible and caring and therefore deserved privileges that the selfish dirty unvaccinated did not.

Encouraging sloth and pride wasn't the whole of the propaganda behind the con, but it was a powerful part of it.

As for education to address ignorance, well, anyone who got through basic human biology in high school should be familiar with the basics of immunity. It amazed me that so many doctors and nurses, who had already had covid and recovered (assuming they believed in the tests), went and got themselves jabbed with the gene juice-- not all of them willingly, of course, but many of them both willingly and enthusiastically, and then went pushing the jabs on their patients, too.

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3-minute trailer from Jimmy Dore's show called Covid Lies Are Funny. He touches on the subject of 'don't do your own research'. Must admit, some of his lines are gems. A little comedic relief is helpful at times.


It wasn't funny, though, being referred to as one of the 'unwashed' granny killers. But, it is gratifying to know we didn't coerce or shame people into taking the mystery goo. On the other hand....those who unwittingly did recommend it because they believed the white coats and the constant propaganda must be shown grace. (I think).

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I enjoyed the video you linked. It took me back. I am still unjabbed and have never had covid.

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I was at a club event back in 2022 and got to talking to another member. I moaned that he had take 3 Covid Jabs and has had Covid 3 times. I replied "I am unvaccinated and have never had Covid, the jabs depress the immune system". He stood there looking shocked. I haven't seen him at the club lately.

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Me too. PTL

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Hi Little Lambsie. I guess Jimmy did nail it. His title Covid LIES are Funny was clever. Unfortunately, most of the past four years has been a horror show. It doesn't seem real.

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I used to live in Santa Clara County/Silicon Valley and decided to leave both California and the country twenty years ago due to the hopeless ignorance and fecklessness about the events that happened 3 years before that. The 2001 Patriot Act was the absolute end of the US Constitution as the law of the land. In other words, the end of the US as the Constitution defines the US. No one cared, they were obsessed with getting rich from rising home values and taking out HELOCs to buy consumer goods.

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I agree with you about the Patriot Act. I found it absolutely shocking.

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It's the cover up.

Why isn't this data available (anonymized) to every university student taking Stats 101 for their term paper? There is no honest reason it should be hidden.

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The CFR date is all publically available

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5 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

Only the braindead act like this data means nothing. But wait, this is how all of the officials act when challenged....it's become passe to read of the back pedaling and talking around (and no comment) that goes on, over and over again. Math, data, and analysis of same don't lie. People lie....a lot.

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TRIAL BY JURY - The Case of the Missing Corona Virus

[Scene: The courtroom is packed with reporters, their pens poised. The aspiring viroLIEgist sits nervously at the witness stand, fidgeting with a stack of lab notes. Across from him stands the sharp-dressed attorney, Mr. Rigorous, known for his devastating cross-examinations. Behind him, the jury watches intently]

Judge: [Banging down hard with the gavel] Order in the court! Mr. Rigorous, you may proceed with your cross-examination.

Mr. Rigorous: [Grinning] Thank you, Your Honor. [He approaches the viroLIEgist.] Dr. Specimen, you claim to have isolated a novel corona virus, is that correct?

Dr. Specimen: [Squirming] Uh, yes, yes. We have a robust methodology –

Mr. Rigorous: [Interrupting] Robust, you say? [He winks at the jury.] Let’s start at the beginning. Did you, at any point, isolate and purify this so-called “virus” directly from the fluids of a sick patient?

Dr. Specimen: [Squirming] Well, not exactly. You see, direct purification from fluids is unnecessary because –

Mr. Rigorous: [Leaning in, eyebrows raised] Unnecessary? I see. What you’re telling us is that you skipped the part where you would actually prove there’s a virus in the patient’s mucus?

Dr. Specimen: [Flustered] We used a well-established protocol. Instead, we combined the

patient’s mucus with a monkey kidney cell culture, starved it, and –

Mr. Rigorous: [Interrupting with mock concern] Oh, so you took a patient’s mucus, mixed it with cells from an entirely different species, starved those cells, poisoned them with toxic chemicals, antibiotics, and, what was it again, fetal bovine serum?

Dr. Specimen: Well, yes, that’s standard –

Mr. Rigorous: [Grinning] “Standard.” So, after this biological disaster, when the cells inevitably broke down and died, you claimed that was evidence of a virus?

Dr. Specimen: [Getting defensive] Yes! The cytopathic effect is what –

Mr. Rigorous: [Smirking] Cytopathic effect! Ah, the mysterious code for “we poisoned cells and watched them die.” Tell me, Dr. Specimen, what proof do you have that the breakdown of these poisoned, malnourished cells was caused by a virus rather than, say… the toxic soup you created?

Dr. Specimen: [Stammering] Well, it’s what the literature says and, um… everyone knows -

Mr. Rigorous: [Cutting in] “Everyone knows?” [He gestures dramatically to the jury.] I believe

this court would prefer evidence over gossip, Doctor. Now, let’s talk about the genome you supposedly created. You took this toxic brew, fed it into a machine, and then used some software to assemble genetic pieces, correct?

Dr. Specimen: Yes, yes, we sequenced the genome –

Mr. Rigorous: [Raising his voice] Ah, sequenced! You mean the software took fragments and tried to fit them together, like a biological jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces?

Dr. Specimen: [Defensively] It’s highly sophisticated software!

Mr. Rigorous: [Sarcastically] Sophisticated? Doctor, if I fed a pile of shredded newspaper into that machine, would it also “reconstruct” War and Peace?

[The jury chuckles. Dr. Specimen looks increasingly uncomfortable]

Dr. Specimen: [Panicking] No, no! It’s different. This is how we create the viral genome.

Mr. Rigorous: [Slyly] Create, you say? So, we’re not finding a virus – we’re creating one. Interesting choice of words, Doctor. Now, did you ever attempt to prove that this Frankenstein creation could naturally infect a healthy host?

Dr. Specimen: [Squirming] Well, no. We injected lab animals with the toxic cell culture, and when they got sick –

Mr. Rigorous: [Mocking] Sick from your toxic brew? And that, Doctor, is what you call “evidence” of transmission? You didn’t try something simple, like, I don’t know, letting the sick patient sneeze on a healthy person?

Dr. Specimen: [Flustered] Natural transmission doesn’t work well in the lab! It’s much cleaner to inject -

Mr. Rigorous: [Interrupting] Cleaner? Cleaner to torture animals with direct injections of this

toxic sludge you call a “virus”? [He lets the words hang in the air.] Doctor, do you have any explanation for why you skipped natural transmission altogether, or is it because – oh, I don’t know – it never works?

[The courtroom erupts with murmurs. Dr. Specimen is visibly sweating]

Mr. Rigorous: [Turning to the jury] Ladies and gentlemen, this man would have you believe that by starving cells, poisoning them, and injecting that toxic concoction into helpless

animals, he’s “proving” a virus exists. All without ever isolating or purifying anything! Is this science… or sleight of hand?

[He paces dramatically, letting the tension build]

Mr. Rigorous: One last thing, Doctor. After injecting animals with this “viral brew,” did you ever attempt to purify the “virus” again from those animals to confirm it was there?

Dr. Specimen: [Almost whispering] No…

Mr. Rigorous: [Leaning in] No? You never bothered to re-isolate the virus, because that would expose the fact it wasn’t there in the first place, wouldn’t it?

[Dr. Specimen is completely defeated, sinking lower in his seat]

Mr. Rigorous: [Addressing the jury] Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case. We are dealing with

scientific fraud on a monumental scale, a fraud that never once demonstrated the existence of a virus through proper isolation or purification. It’s smoke and mirrors! I leave it in your capable hands to deliver justice.

[The jury nods thoughtfully as they leave the room to deliberate. After a brief pause, they return, their verdict ready]

Judge: Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?

Jury Foreperson: [Standing] We have, Your Honor. We find the defendant… guilty of scientific fraud!

Judge: [Solemnly] Very well. [He turns to Dr. Specimen] For crimes against logic and reason, and for misleading the public in the name of science, I hereby sentence you to… [He smirks]

a life term as the head of the National Institute of Infectious Arse-covering and Deception - NIIAD.

[The courtroom erupts in gasps and laughter as the viroLIEgist is dragged out, wailing in “protest“]

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Well exposed. Virology for dummies.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

Accountability must happen and the Santa Clara County Health Department must be first to face justice.

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Where is Nuremberg when its needed. Again!

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Updated DoD directive expands military authority to use lethal force against U.S. citizens | 15 Oct 2024 | With the election only a few weeks away, the Department of Defense (DoD) has given the U.S. military authority to assist in domestic law enforcement, including giving them the right to use lethal force against American citizens under certain circumstances. It's a development that has largely gone under the radar despite its significant implications. DoD Directive 5240.01 is not new, but it got an update last month. It expands the list of circumstances in which the DoD is allowed to use deadly force while helping civilian law enforcement, potentially paving the way for using such force under a vague definition of "national security" conditions. This new iteration replaces the 2016 version of the directive, which was largely concerned with collecting intelligence and protecting civil liberties. In the updated version, lethal force can be used where there are imminent threats as long as it follows proper legal frameworks and gains approval from the Secretary of Defense... Also, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recently broadened its definition of domestic terrorism, with the list of potential threats now including individuals who question election integrity as well as vaccine efficacy and the origins of the pandemic.

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