If you know of anyone who has a large follower base and who is not anti-vaccine, and is willing to post my survey to their followers, please respond to this comment (Off-topic replies will be). It is very important that the survey be replicated with other audiences.

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Fighting for truth against vaccines is the wrong way. Let’s apply some logic. Vaccines help us to fight viruses. So vaxxed people have to be more healthy than unvaxxed, as they can cope better with the evil viruses. If this is not the case (what we know), viruses can’t exist.

We should bring the truth about the virus lie to the people. Then nobody would care about vaccines anymore.

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Tucker, for sure!

Also, Sean from SGT Report has quite a following and is very interested in the, as he calls it, bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine ".

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The Gateway Pundit news site, Jim Hoft. This paper is becoming more popular and big.

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Dr. Drew.

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Tucker Carlson.

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Steve Bannon. Dan Bongino.

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Joe Rogan.

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Peter McCullough MD just posted a discussion of this scientific paper, pointing out that the "modified" mRNA, used in Pfizer and Moderna vaccine-products, is carcinogenic, itself.


I presume that you are in contact with Dr. McCullough, but I can provide his contact information.

Meryl Nass MD, similarly has a large follower base.

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"(Off-topic replies will be). "

I think you're missing the word "removed" there.

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Hope these papers find their way to PETER HOTEZ!

It would be nice to see a human combustion...

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He already knows. This would not be news to Hotez.

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Try Russell Brand. He is sceptical about the Covid " vaccine" . I'm not sure what he think about vaccines in general but I'm pretty sure he'll listen. He has an audience of 6 Million plus

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you can ask your audience to share the link to the survey at various places in the comments. I'm thinking Dr. Boz and the like. In the comments. Then the doctor isn't supporting it one way or another. The people commenting will see it and migrate over to filling it out

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Hey Steve - what about approaching Del Bigtree of the Highwire? Or Dr. John Campbell? Or Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC? They are all anti-cv vax now, but I don’t think they are ‘anti-vax’ in general.

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Michelle - Del Bigtree has been anti-vax for a very long time. His movie, VAXXED should turn everyone into an antivaxxer;


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Well they should be anti-vax. May not be to keep the loonies from canceling

them altogether. Some of us have understood the dangers of vaccines for decades. Still “waiting for the world to change”!!!

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Long term studies are confounded by the length of the study. The longer the study the less likely it will be a controlled study. During the study many variables will be introduced that impinge of the. validity of studying one factor.That may be the reason statisticians and epidemiologists shy away from your writings.

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Great work Steve. I reposted this.

I would like to point out that something can have a 100% R^2 or Correlation and NOT be the principal cause of illness. For example, the Milankovitch Cycles have an 85% correlation between VARIATIONS in the Earth's temperature, though they are not the cause of the steady state temperature.

So, this study shows high correlation between VARIATIONS in Vax-Rates and VARIATIONS in illnesses. And that is significant.

It does not, however, mean, even with 100% R^2, that they are the sole or principal causes.

Which is not to say that they might not also be the principal cause.

Another example: smoking causes lung cancer. Not all smokers get lung cancer, and not all people with lung cancer smoked.

Great Work !

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WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates that the world will record more than 35 million new cancer cases per year by 2050.

Currently, “turbo cancers” are spreading so rapidly that seemingly healthy patients are dying within a week of being diagnosed.


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The impacts from the childhood schedule have caused unforgivable pain and agony, both psychologically and physically. You see the impact on kids. Just look around you when you go outside, to the stores, parks, beaches or lakes. Their sexual development is skewed by encountering opposite sex fetal cells during their development. It's probably one of the things leading to gender confusion and depression. It's the most heinous evil that's been committed upon innocent children and severe penalties must served against everyone forcing these upon children.

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I made this connection when COVID hit and Dr. Judy Mikovits popped onto the scene. I have been opposed to them from 1978, but after reading MIkovits books and while watching COVID unfold in 2020, what Mikovits had to say in videos and in her books just seemed to make the most sense.

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i dont know what your chart means but yeah…the dozens of injections we give our babies has gotta be a bad thing

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As a participant, I am not surprised at all with your findings. Thank you to your whole team!

Do you have any idea what ingredient or substrate was added or changed (that was not in previous recommendations or other shots given) in vaccines that are on the childhood vaccine schedule from 1999-present that would cause confusion? I find it very suspicious that this generation has exploded in their identity.

I always thought it was the water and the additive that is messing with the frogs.

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Oh, I expect they will be meddling in the background somewhere. As for logic, I do not believe the elite will achieve their dreams. What they'd like to happen and what we allow to happen are two very different goals.

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Springer Nature has been in business for 175 years, and its management team is all about making money, including business studies and accountants.

There was a time when a Taiwanese paper was withdrawn due to the Chinese Communist Party's flirtation (= politically driven).

There is something suspicious about Springer Nature's unclear financial relationships.

Springer Nature is a partner of the World Economic Foundation (WEF) and owned by Holtzbrinck Publishing Group.

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When I tell everyone that vaccines cause chronic disease, can I say 1. vaccines cause nearly all chronic disease, 2. vaccines cause most chronic disease, 3. vaccines cause virtually all chronic disease, 4. the only thing not caused by vaccines is xxxxxx, or 5. vaccines are the primary cause of chronic disease, or 6. ??????

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If you have a moment, Steve, can you please comment on this study? “Assessment of Risk For Sudden Cardiac Death Among Adolescents and Young Adults After Receipt of Covid19 Vaccine— Oregon June 2021-December 2022.” Liko, J & Cieslak, P; MMWR, April 11 2024; 73(14); 317-320.

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Supposedly the researchers wanted to discover if the jab was actually killing young people. Detailing the innumerable tricks and sleights of hand they used to launder the data would require a more extensive paper than they published themselves. There is so much here I must skip because, indeed, my goal is to condense and give highlights.

The researchers do admit that Oregon’s overall cardiac mortality among 15- to 34-year-olds increased from 2.9 deaths per 100,000 in 2019 to 4.1 deaths in 2021. If the researchers weren’t grifters and liars, having been allowed to look at data that is hidden from the public and other researchers, they would have closely analyzed the overall death rates of the jabbed vs. the unjabbed. But they preferred to obfuscate and mislead. For example, they took data from one time frame and then their discussion revolved around a different time frame altogether. Within their paper, they frequently conflated myocarditis mortality (none) with all cardiac mortality (a lot). They treated the data as if they were magicians running a card trick in which they finally revealed a pre-chosen card while maintaining the illusion the card was strictly played by chance. In such a way, they breezily set aside, without discussion, most of the 1,292 cardiac deaths they found in the database (in what already appeared to be a very limited search).

Of the remaining 40 deaths, they excluded any poor soul who died outside their 100-day window, leaving only three deaths to explain away. I will conclude with the only particulars the researchers presented for 1,292 dead Oregonians:

“The first death was recorded as having occurred in a natural manner 21 days after COVID-19 vaccination. The immediate cause of death noted on the death certificate was congestive heart failure attributed to hypertension; other significant conditions included morbid obesity, type 2 diabetes, and obstructive sleep apnea. The second decedent had received a COVID-19 vaccine dose 45 days before the date of death; the cause of death was recorded as “undetermined natural cause.” The [third] decedent died 4 days after COVID-19 vaccination. The manner of death was recorded as natural, and the immediate cause was listed as undetermined but as a consequence of chronic respiratory failure with hypoxia attributed to mitral stenosis.”

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Thank you, Victoria!

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It's not surprising that vaccines are the cause of chronic disease. In the 1950s, Eleanor McBean, in her book, The Poisoned Needle, documented how vaccines are the primary cause of many diseases and also documented the history of vaccinations. You can read her book for free online on archive.org. Click here for the red pill. https://archive.org/details/the_poisoned_needle_mcbean

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But Steve is n-o-t focusing just on C-19 shitshots here. And neither should you or anyone else.

We get it. C-19 vaccines are bad.

But, ALL vaccines are very dangerous. Hence, this is why, 40+ years ago, Big Pharma DEMANDED 100% immunity from any/all legal liability for ALL vaccines.

In the 1980’s, Ronald Reagan actually said to the companies, “Why don't you just make the vaccines safe?' And Wyeth (which subsequently merged with Pfizer) said, 'Because vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,' and that phrase, 'unavoidably unsafe,' is in the preamble to the Vaccine Injury Act." of 1986.

Vaccines CREATE disease(s). Every disease we know of.

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It's not surprising that vaccines are the cause of chronic disease. In the 1950s, Eleanor McBean, in her book, The Poisoned Needle, documented how vaccines are the primary cause of many diseases and also documented the history of vaccinations. You can read her book for free online on archive.org. Click here for the red pill. https://archive.org/details/the_poisoned_needle_mcbean

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great book. Read that a year or so ago.

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Many analysed the situation and came to the same conclusion, with a glance. But that's not enough to convince a court of law, doctor, or politician.

Steve's statistical analysis and independent confirmation is irrefutable proof, as good as any physical evidence. It like finding a gun used in a crime with fingerprints of the perp all over it, for example. Steve is a citizen who came across the smoking gun. Now what? He has to get it into the hands of the right people. Criminal and civil cases require a team of dedicated professionals to prosecute. In this case, the perps have almost unlimited funds and leverage over almost everyone in power, including the court system.

A Grand Jury indictment is likely the only way to try this evidence. Even then, the judge and jury could be gotten to and manipulated. Thus, the case must be tried in court of public opinion first. Publishing the data and conclusion on Substack is obviously not enough. Like a real court case, Steve's data & conclusion needs to be put into the right hands, a team of professional influencers that can spread the truth far and wide, with experts giving their opinion on its veracity. But for starters, all his followers here on Substack need to share the data with all their social media accounts. This takes just a minute of your time. Get it done.

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