I would like to point out that something can have a 100% R^2 or Correlation and NOT be the principal cause of illness. For example, the Milankovitch Cycles have an 85% correlation between VARIATIONS in the Earth's temperature, though they are not the cause of the steady state temperature.
I would like to point out that something can have a 100% R^2 or Correlation and NOT be the principal cause of illness. For example, the Milankovitch Cycles have an 85% correlation between VARIATIONS in the Earth's temperature, though they are not the cause of the steady state temperature.
So, this study shows high correlation between VARIATIONS in Vax-Rates and VARIATIONS in illnesses. And that is significant.
It does not, however, mean, even with 100% R^2, that they are the sole or principal causes.
Which is not to say that they might not also be the principal cause.
Another example: smoking causes lung cancer. Not all smokers get lung cancer, and not all people with lung cancer smoked.
Great work Steve. I reposted this.
I would like to point out that something can have a 100% R^2 or Correlation and NOT be the principal cause of illness. For example, the Milankovitch Cycles have an 85% correlation between VARIATIONS in the Earth's temperature, though they are not the cause of the steady state temperature.
So, this study shows high correlation between VARIATIONS in Vax-Rates and VARIATIONS in illnesses. And that is significant.
It does not, however, mean, even with 100% R^2, that they are the sole or principal causes.
Which is not to say that they might not also be the principal cause.
Another example: smoking causes lung cancer. Not all smokers get lung cancer, and not all people with lung cancer smoked.
Great Work !