I am from Czech Republic (unvaccinated). First, I just have a small addition to your article.

Reservations for a specific "vaccine" were possible through an online reservation system, which began operating about 2 months after the start of the vaccination campaign.

I have another study for you from the Czech Republic, which concerns the record low birth rate.

The study shows that the birth rate has dropped significantly among vaccinated women.

68% of women between the ages of 18 and 39 in the Czech Republic are vaccinated, but in 2023 they account for only 43% of births.

32% of women between the ages of 18 and 39 are unvaccinated and they account for 57% of births.

Even though only about a third of women are unvaccinated, most births were among unvaccinated women.

The birth rate among vaccinated women has dropped very sharply.

Below you will find links to specific articles on the topic, but you must use a translator (they are in Czech):



Our government is not interested, the prime minister said it was a "conspiracy theory."

The current Czech government is something like the Democrats in the US (garbage).

The elections will be in September this year, but the next government will be the same one that forced us into "vaccines," so it also has an interest in not investigating this.

The mainstream media, which promoted "vaccines," is of course also silent.

And independent media is censored by the EU, is discriminated against in search engines and on social networks.

Therefore, I hope that thanks to RFK, this information will reach the American mainstream, from where it will also reach the European mainstream.

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thanks. My next article will cover this.

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Yeah... I know a gentleman in the USA who dropped dead after his one Moderna Booster shot-!!.. His last Post on Facebook was Promoting Covid Boosters (so eerie)! Within 3-3.5 weeks of his Moderna Booster, he Died of unexpected Heart Failure, with No prior Heart or Cardiovascular conditions-?!!.. And he was barely age 50-!!... Unfortunately, his friends & family still do not seem to attribute his shocking death (just fell & his Heart stopped, they said?!) to those new shots?!.. Not even out of curiosity??... It's very sad!-

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What placebo, the 10,000 government officials in New Zealand given an exemption?

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This was inevitable because the Moderna product has 100 micrograms of mRNA per dose and the Pfizer product has 30 micrograms per dose. More than 3x the active ingredient!

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>Moderna recipients had up to a 50% higher death rate than Pfizer<

Well, the population reduction advocates should applaud Moderna for doing the job better than the competition. (I think it was due to higher nRNA concentrations.)

Implicit in a discussion like this, is the assumption that the vaXs were meant to help people live longer and healthier. The results of the early test applications showed the mRNA vaXs were dangerous, and pharma tried to bury that info for 75 years.

As mass vaXing went on, some people dying quickly, some with other near immediate severe reactions, athletes dying in the middle of games or training - all this info suppressed to the degree that pharma and the Western govts. could. As time went on: cancers, dementia, vessel clotting, terrible neurologic problems, cognitive decline.

Effective low or no side effect treatments suppressed, MDs who spoke out about the debacle had their professional and financial lives and reputations wrecked with systematic intention.

Malicious stupidity measures like vaXing people with minimal risk from cv19, distancing, masks, shutting down small businesses (while allowing large businesses to be open), religious gatherings - you can't accuse them of not having planned things out.

Degenerate entertainers making sport of people who warned of the vaX dangers. Degenerate MDs advocating vaXs even after they had to know what was going on.

What's next? Apparently wrecking the food supply is the target.

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Please take the time to write these 5 senators that believe the CDC's take on science. If we do not demand the respect and the will of, We the People, nothing will change.

Here are their names and copy of my rushed letter to each of them.

Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)

• Susan Collins (R-ME)

• Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

• Bill Cassidy (R-LA)

*Andy Kim ( D-NJ)

Bobby Kennedy had to end his campaign after being heavily censored smeared and silenced. He had to spend millions to defend himself in court case after court case, to prevent him from having his name on State ballots, later, when he suspended his campaign and made efforts to remove his name off of swing state ballots he was sued to keep his name on them. I met people here in Oregon who up to last July had no idea he was even running for POTUS. RFK Jr is the only person with enough courage to talk about what is really making so many of us so ill, it's an epidemic and growing every day. I and millions of others know we are living in a toxic soup of chemicals drugs vaccines EMFs heavy metals and much more. We are tired of having to make the effort to eat clean and try our best to live clean, it shouldn't be this way. In fact it's so bad it's impossible. RFK Jr is the only one out there wanting to know why and to give We the People the answer to why are we so sick in the USA. Studies need to be done on every manmade chemical and proven safe before using them. Why is this burden of proof of harm given to We the People? Nothing should be sold to us or used on us without giving us full disclosure and proof of safety. Don't you want safe products and drugs? I stopped going to doctors back in 2018 after firing 5 of them, they did nothing but cause me harm and write drug scripts. If I hadn't taken back my choice of how to help myself, I would not be here today, but still cannot heal living in a toxic world, and Bobby knows how to fix this. He's a very intelligent kind man who thrives on helping people be the best versions of themselves, We can not achieve wellness without looking at everything in our environment, there is so much that harm all of us every day. People in the CDC HHS NIH FDA USDA all need to be reevaluated and see what work they have done to improve the health and well being of all Americans. I can tell you now, We the People know no one cares, no one is wanting to change or cut out or be investigated or have their work studied. You can't allow drug companies to police themselves, you cannot allow flawed studies and bought studies to stand on themselves. In science if something is proven to be correct or effective, it must also happen again and again by other scientists and studies, but that is not what's happening, nothing is challenged or proven by others because they are shut out slandered and silenced. We cannot thrive on democracy without the free flow of discussion, not withheld from the public, We the People. We need change and Bobby is the man We the People have chosen, to do this work. I urge you to not ignore what we need and demand from the USA government, to confirm RFK Jr with an overwhelming yes vote. I want to heal, my family, friends and neighbors want to heal. Do not get stuck on the statement 'settled science' nothing is settled in science it should always be challenged and proven over and over again. FOIA requests have proven no studies have been done on the vaccinated and unvaccinated, no studies (reputable) have been done on the cause of autism. My youngest brother suffered with autism spectrum symptoms after being vaccinated. Why is that? We need studies, robust studies, by many scientist. We are not clones, each and every one of us has different gut microbiome, different diets, different experiences with drug treatments etc. and yet we are all treated the same. I personally was poisoned by that insidious chemical concoction of Roundup, making me so ill, I almost died, getting down to 89 pounds unable to eat anything but bananas and only able to drink water, everything else gave me chronic diarrhea and or daily vomiting, it was like living in a blender filled with toxins and zero help from MDs. Are we really living in the greatest Nation, when our medical system, food system and highly toxic environment brings us to our knees with dis-ease and death? We can rebuild our health we can be a strong Nation if you vote yes to confirm Bobby Kennedy.


Susan Boyce

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These studies, surveys, polls, challenges, charts, etc are pointless. It has been 4+ years since these jabs rolled out! If you haven't learned by now you never will! That is how I look at it...

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We have to keep going 'til Henjin is red-pilled!

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Right. At this point it's not "ignorance" that keeps them going.

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I would change the word insanity to evil! The data is right in front of them but like most governments around the world, they are choosing to ignore it and even deny it!

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You wrote: "But vaccine brands were QUASI-RANDOMLY distributed in the Czech Republic. People didn’t get to choose. They got what was available. There was no systemic or systematic bias in the distribution."

It may have initially been true that people didn't get to choose the vaccine type in the Czech Republic, but later on in the online form for booking a vaccine appointment, there was a dropdown menu where people were allowed to choose their preferred vaccine type: sars2.net/czech4.html#Kirschs_resurrected_claim_that_people_were_not_allowed_to_choose_if_they_got_a_Moderna_or_Pfizer_vaccine. But you should already know that, so you should stop repeating your old claim that people were not allowed to choose the vaccine brand.

And also how do you differentiate whether the vaccines were distributed quasi-randomly or not quasi-randomly?

There's a bunch of biases like that Moderna recipients were older, had higher age-normalized comorbidity index, were vaccinated later, had higher age-normalized rate of vaccinators whose name matched "senior home", and so on. So at what point do those biases become severe enough that you would say the vaccines were not distributed quasi-randomly?

Or how do you differentiate between a systematic bias and a non-systematic bias? ChatGPT said that "Systematic bias leads to consistently skewed results in a particular direction, whereas nonsystematic bias results in random fluctuations around the true value." ChatGPT said that the effect of nonsystematic biases averages out over time, and as an example of a nonsystematic bias, ChatGPT gave that "If a scale sometimes overestimates or underestimates weight by small amounts in random ways, it introduces nonsystematic bias."

However in the case of the Czech data, the reason why Moderna recipients have higher average age than Pfizer recipients is not only due to random noise caused by a small sample size, or what ChatGPT suggested was a "nonsystematic bias", but the age distribution seems to be systematically skewed.


You wrote: "According to my bluepilled friend (ChatGPT), the vaccination rate was 60X lower in Palestine than Israel". However ChatGPT said it was in February 2021: "In February 2021, reports indicated that individuals in Israel were over 60 times more likely to be vaccinated than those in Palestine".


In your spreadsheet you wrote that "the unvaccinated die at around 2.5X the rate of the vaccinated" but that "This is all selection bias. Vaccinated tend to be wealthier, better access to healthcare, have health insurance, health seeking behavior".

But if the difference is all due to selection bias, then is it not even 1% due to vaccine efficacy?

Then why did unvaccinated people have a much bigger increase in mortality during the COVID wave in November to December 2021? Between October 2021 and December 2021, the ASMR I calculated increased by about 84% among unvaccinated people, but it only increased by about 8% among people who got a Moderna vaccine for the first dose and about 23% among people who got a Pfizer vaccine for the first dose: sars2.net/czech2.html#ASMR_by_month_and_vaccine_type.

When I calculated age-standardized COVID hospitalization rates in the new Czech dataset, the rate in December 2021 was about 5,274 hopitalizations per 100,000 person-years for unvaccinated people but only 750 for Pfizer and 673 for Moderna: sars2.net/czech4.html#Age_standardized_hospitalization_rate_by_vaccine_type_in_new_UZIS_data.

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if you find a systemic or systematic bias to the distribution let me know. I said there wasn't one because nobody has shown there was one. Moderna came on later with supply, so that influenced the age mix. But people had NO CLUE which vaccine was safer and people could register for a brand, but nobody knew which brand to choose. There was nothing telling them which brand was safer for older people, for example. You can't explain how mortality rate consistently increases in every 5 year age group as you go younger.

I calculated 5 year age ranges to eliminate any distribution bias issues. And I took people with the exact same DCCI score as well. Same effect.

there is a huge amount of confounding for unvaccinated people. Their death rates went down in 2021 while vaccinated death rates were rising in most of the rest of 2021 on an ASMR basis, for example. I can't explain the peak with Omicron, but Omicron has a much lower CFR than previous variants. Why not compare with 2020 data when everyone was unvaccinated. Were there 80% peaks in 2020 from baseline mortality when EVERYONE was unvaccinated? I didn't look. Why don't you plot the curve starting in March 2020???

If the unvaccinated were so susceptible to COVID deaths, it would have shown in the US data when I looked at >65 for lowly vaccinated counties. It would have been HUGE. Instead, there was almost no difference.

The risk ratio depends on age. It's only 50% if you were born in 1955 to 1965 for example.

And finally, you didn't find any errors in my code or the numbers from the python script so those numbers are hard for you to explain away.

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Here I calculated a risk ratio within 52 weeks from the first dose that was adjusted for age group and vaccination week.

For each combination of age group and vaccination week, I calculated the 52-week mortality rate among all vaccinated people included in the dataset. And then for each vaccine type, I multiplied the population size for each combination of age group and vaccination week with the baseline mortality rate to get the expected deaths, and I added together the expected deaths for all combinations of age group and vaccination week to get the total expected deaths for the vaccine type, and I derived the risk ratio by dividing the actual deaths with the expected deaths.

So basically the risk ratio of each vaccine type shows the deaths as a multiple of deaths among all vaccinated people who were modified to have the same distribution of age groups and vaccination weeks as the vaccine type. The relative risk is the same as an excess mortality percent divided by 100 and then incremented by 1.

The risk ratio was about 0.94 for Pfizer and 1.12 for Moderna. So the Moderna-Pfizer ratio is only about 1.19, so it's much lower than 1.5:

> t=fread("Otevrena-data-NR-26-30-COVID-19-prehled-populace-2024-01.csv")

> codes=rep("Other",26)

> codes[c(1,8,9,16,20,21,23)]="Pfizer"

> codes[c(2,15)]="Moderna"

> codes[3]="AstraZeneca"

> codes[4]="Janssen"

> codes[c(7,22)]="Novavax"

> names(codes)=sprintf("CO%02d",1:26)

> weeks=unique(format(seq(as.Date("2020-1-1"),as.Date("2024-12-31"),1),"%Y-%V"))

> d=t[Infekce<=1] # exclude duplicate entries for people with two or more cases

> d=d[Datum_Prvni_davka!=""] # exclude unvaccinated people

> d[,date:=match(Datum_Prvni_davka,weeks)] # convert year plus week number of first dose to integer

> d[,dead:=match(ifelse(DatumUmrtiLPZ=="",Umrti,DatumUmrtiLPZ),weeks)] # some people are missing Umrti but not DatumUmrtiLPZ, and vice versa

> d=d[date<min(grep("2023",weeks))] # exclude people with first dose in 2023 or 2024

> d=d[,.(date,dead,type=codes[OckovaciLatkaKod_Prvni_davka],born=RokNarozeni)]

> d=d[born!="-"&!born%like%"19(05|10)"] # exclude a few people with erroneous birth dates

> a=d[,.(dead=sum((dead-date)%in%0:51),pop=.N),.(date,type,born)] # count deaths within 52 weeks from first dose

> a=merge(a,a[,.(base=sum(dead)/sum(pop)),.(date,born)]) # get baseline mortality rate for each age and vaccination week

> o=a[,.(dead=sum(dead),pop=sum(pop),rr=sum(dead)/sum(base*pop)),type]

> print(o[order(-pop)],r=F)

type dead pop rr

Pfizer 14790 2183514 0.94

Moderna 2729 182240 1.12

Janssen 1395 152581 1.12

AstraZeneca 3474 123531 1.21

Novavax 9 3097 0.59

Other 0 8 0.00

The Moderna-Pfizer ratio inceased to about 1.25 when I disabled the normalization by vaccination week. And when I did the normalization by 4-week bins and not by individual weeks of vaccination, the Moderna-Pfizer ratio was about 1.22.

If I would've additionally normalized the calculation by the comorbidity index, the difference between Moderna and Pfizer would've become even smaller, but then I would've also had to exclude people with no COVID case listed (since the comorbidity index is only included for people with a COVID case): sars2.net/czech4.html#Mortality_rate_within_year_from_vaccination_normalized_by_comorbidity_index_in_new_UZIS_data.

When I modified the code above to calculate the risk ratio during the entire observation period and not only the first 52 weeks, the Moderna-Pfizer ratio increased from about 1.19 to about 1.22, so it didn't make much difference.

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Politicians are interested in gestures, primarily hand gestures, and their re-election. Pelosi and Klobuchar are perfect examples. Their hands give them away. If only they were in handcuffs, then we wouldn't be subjected to their underhandedness. Mind the hands!

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i shotmoderna. highdose. bill gates

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Kennedy said he supports the MRNA Therapeutics technology.

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We are on a two-week timeline to see if the Trump government will act. If they do not acknowledge the vaccine harms and stop the shots it will be hell to pay. As far as I know the COVID emergency is still in effect. The President can withdraw any countermeasure in the same way he deployed it initially. The President/Homeland Security Secretary would address the nation to say we tried a countermeasure that we hoped would work and not only did it not work but it caused great harm. We are therefore withdrawing the COVID 19 MRNA-Based Countermeasure immediately. No entity in the United States is allowed to deploy it.

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Thank you, Steve, for this new flaming boulder over the castle wall.

Re: "They would rather kill people than admit they were wrong."

That sums up the whole covidian poison enchilada.

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Exactly. That is why most of the senators are screaming at Bobby in feigned outrage. Listening to the Day 1 confirmation hearings I was wishing Steve could hijack the mic and give them something to put in their pipes to smoke. But not even Bobby was given much of an opportunity to answer. We are in a pickle because as British MP Andrew Bridgen was told ( by a Peer if I am not mistaken) he is " probably correct" about vaccine injury but that we all have to shut up and not speak about it " for 10 years"

One has to find the moments of levity though. A senator asking Bobby to commit to not taking money from PHARMA for 4 years was unbelievable. Bobby's puzzled expression was priceless. Who, me? I don't think they would want me anyway. Crazy times.

Gratitude to Steve, RFK, Andrew Bridgen and all the brave ones.

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