Tucker's interview with Ricky Dearman is scheduled for next week!

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past members of my family all lived long lives dementia free - my wee mum who took two shots (she didn't want them but my highly educated sister told her the grand kids couldn't come to the house because they were scared she would get ill so she gave in to this emotional blackmail). She is now losing her short term memory and I feel completely heartbroken and struggling to help her - I have looked into methylene blue but don't know if it would help if the cause is the jab as the mechanism of what is happening in her head will be different from normal alzheimer/dementia disease.

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MURDERERS OF ALL= SHOCKING NEW VAX DATA! - CDC Data Shows Over 118,000 Children Died Suddenly After Injections! -- https://banned.video/watch?id=64dace7f4258a36c0b277b47

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OMG... my father who was a healthy 83 year old (physically and mentally) received his first jab in the spring of 2021, and 4 days later he came down with Covid (probably Delta variant). His spouse and the media convinced him that he needed the jab, and I could not do anything about it. He was just totally brainwashed. Eventhough he was very sick with covid, he refused to go to the hospital, because he said he would not come back alive. After that I was hoping he would not take the 2nd shot, but his spouse convinced him that he could get covid again. He did not listen to my argument that he had developed natural immunity that was stronger than any vaccine induced immunity, besides the newer variants were not as bad.

He took the 2nd shot about in three months after the first, and from that point on, he was never OK again. He had pain all over in his body (joints and muscles), brain fog that got worse by time to the point of confusion, and physical weakness. His spouse called the ambulance on him in March of this year stating that he was very confused (wanted to drive his car and she was scared for his and others well being). In the hospital, his condition deteriorated fast, and he got weaker and weaker to the point of paralysis, but the DOCTORS COULD NOT COME UP WITH A DIAGNOSIS other than he got agressive dementia! They could not find a stroke, or heart issue, or any other illnesses that would have caused his paralysis. So, they said, my father had an AGRESSIVE CASE OF DEMENTIA.

He died in May of this year directly due to (in my opinion) bedsores and indirectly due to covid jab's adverse reaction. Of course, his death certificate claims hearfailure. He died two weeks after they started giving him morphine to "manage" his pain.

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This time, when I clicked "like" I felt so disturbed. And I'm also disturbed that I feel lucky that my mother's dementia preceded the vaccines, which probably made things worse.

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Cooking denatures protein, enzymes, and vitamins, and oxidizes fats, making them harder to digest. Grass fed ruminant animals are the most nutritious, partly because they can convert unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids, which is more stable for your cell membranes, and they supply protein to build muscle. Fruit is a good source of carbs, because it wants to be eaten so its seeds are spread around. Honey is good because it’s created by bees, which are an animal. Vegetables have defense chemicals because they don’t want to be eaten. You want to give your body as much energy and resources as possible, which means eating protein, saturated fat, and carbs, until you are full. This will ensure everything will work better as you heal. 

Eat raw grass fed ruminant animals/milk/butter/suet, and try raw fruit/fruit juice/honey. Experiment. Eat until full. Listen to your body. Your body will regulate its weight. 

You’re probably going to need to try multiple different sources to see what you like the best. Buy the best quality food you can afford. Start slow, and gradually change what you eat. I started cooking my meat a little bit more rare each time, until I just went for it. I freeze my meat, and then thaw it for a couple hours either in the fridge or on the counter. As long as the ruminant ate grass and was healthy, you shouldn’t have a problem. If eating fruit or honey or raw doesn’t make you feel good, don’t force it. It took a couple years for me to heal enough to eat fruit and honey. I eat 3 meals a day. 

Try eating fruit/fruit juice and meat separately. By an hour max? 

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Because of the silence/guilt regarding the death/damage from the vaccine, now ever new illness or condition that emerges, there is suspicion. Until this subject can be acknowledged, researched, and published independently (no conflicts of interest), I'm assuming the vax is responsible for all new and unexplained conditions until proven otherwise...this is what happens when science is hijacked.

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A friend of mine (vaxed and boosted) was just diagnosed with early onset dementia (or Alzheimers) - can't remember which one, if there is a difference. We immediately wondered if it was the vax.... She was diagnosed about 8 months ago.

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Treatment is worth a try. In a comment way down below somewhere, I suggested a treatment protocol.

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Clearly the globalist elite are trying to kill We the People.

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Do not label it dementia this is probably already a lost cause! Dementia does not happen in a couple of week. Period of time! This is encephalitis from the job! He has not dementia, and again how sad the medical community has failed.

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What was the rate pf dementia before 1986 the act when needle rapes for mature populations became famous? Did it get progressively diagnosed more after flu needle rape? add the shingles vaccine? later the pneumonia jab? they weren't all introduced in the same year.

bet you a dollar, the rate of injected gas chambers of Auschwitz called vaccines had a Vietnam war effect on the elderly. Take out 2 or 5 family members while caring for Alzheimers for 5 years.

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I don’t understand. How can the effects of the disease and the vaccine be differentiated in this cohort to a very high degree of certainty given that it is not very often considered that asymptomatic covid is much more prevalent than we think? Are we testing these patients for wild virus antibodies?

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I think "asymptomatic COVID" was bovine manure intended to frighten people, make people fear each other even more, get more people to accept spikeshots, etc. The PCR tests were bogus if run more than about 28 cycles and all those "asymptomatic cases" found by PCR tests run for more cycles were just "fear fodder."

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Be careful about slamming PCR. It is now being used to support claims of foreign DNA being found in the blood of those who have been vaxed with mRNA. 28 cycles or not, we can’t say it fails when that supports our argument and then later it works when that supports our argument too. Which is it?

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We can, absolutely, say that PCR tests mean something when "positive" when run for X or fewer cycles and don't mean anything when run for X+1 or more. The inventor of PCR said (paraphrasing here) that if you run the process through enough cycles, you can find anything anywhere. The only question is "What is the appropriate value of X?" In the case of COVID, the researchers whose opinions I respected were saying numbers from about 23 to 28.

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Covid " Vax" AIDS, Cancers as if Turbocharged, those two damming words the "Sheep" believed ; "Safe & Effective".....

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Steve, is it possible to differentiate between Covid being the CAUSE of early onset dementia and it being coincidental? By that I mean that the deaths and forced isolation from friends and family can also cause dementia and, thus, Covid becomes the "carrier" rather than the cause.

Also, the severe deterioration to the morals (even within our churches!!), ethics, trust, national law enforcement and military that we've all watched in horror can cause folks to simply withdraw and "shut-down" with the same effect of dementia. Especially in our WW II generation. Again, Covid was the "tool" but it was political decay that caused most of those issues.

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In the case of autopsies after death, the two can be distinguished. If Covid, tissues samples from critical organ stain for both the spike protein and nucleocapsid, if the jab, tissues only stain for the spike protein. See Steve's post about findings of pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt (German). Dr. Ryan Cole does such examinations. Persumably, the same analyses could be conducted on tissue biopsies.

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yes, the whole damned thing was to distract the masses and create chaos, to try to separate as many from God as possible. Seek God daily, and refuse to to take the bait. I still fight watching the friggin MSM. These substacks are a blessing but even I need time away from these great sources.

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Amen, Chief, amen!

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