In Melbourne we had six *hard* lockdowns - something like 262 days compared to Buenos Aires' 234 days. https://intpolicydigest.org/melbourne-the-longest-in-lockdown/

I wish I could find a summary of what each one entailed. We had 5 months (the last one??) where unvaxxed people could not enter 'non-essential' shops, we could only go into the post office, banks, grocery stores, and chemists (pharmacies). Oh and apparently alcohol was "essential" but therapy appointments for autistic children, for example, were not (good thing we don't really need them because they can't actually undo vaccine injury anyway). We were only allowed to pick up takeaway food from restaurants. Also we weren't 'allowed' to have people help us move house.

Tens of thousands of people have moved out of the state of Victoria as a result, and unfortunately Control-Filed Dictator Dan Andrews (Lefty Supreme) won the state election this year (fraud+).

We regularly see more small businesses which have closed, and almost every shop has "Help Needed" signs (like most countries I'm sure). Many, many people took their children out of state (public) schools when mandates started coming in. There are still occasionally people wearing masks, which almost seems like they're wearing a sign that says "I'm anxious and I don't really understand the truth of what is happening" - it's so sad...

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I'm Australian,and ashamed of our country.I don't believe the vax rates are that high.My small family keep to ourselves,like hermits,but I've come across plenty of Aussies on various platforms,on rallies I've dug for footage of,and they are not vaxxed,don't intend to be.Many health care and pilots and just various other workers have left their jobs,due to vax mandates.

Now,as everywhere else,nurses who"have Omicron" but no symptoms,are asked to go to work.

MSM keeps saying "Oh no,the food's going to run out!"-bullshit,it's just to make people panic all over again.

I do live in rural Australia,away from the masses,our shops have plenty of food,and fuel.

Just,don't believe everything you see about Australia's stats,but do believe the fines-if I don't wear a facemask where it is mandated,I could be fined $1000 or more!So I wear one,when I go out.

There's a really good video,"Australian Medical Whistle Blowers Speak Out",it's on many platforms.These are nurses,paramedics,who are still working(disguised),speaking out about vax injuries.Search that phrase on duck duck go,you'll find many sources.They speak TRUTH.The original source is rumble,but I lost the whole link.It is well worth a look.

It is not unvaxxed in our ICU's,it is the vaxxed.

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Actually...a lot of people do not know this but Singapore is as bad and maybe worse than Australia. Things are so hushed up and silent protests have never been allowed. People in Australia are still allowed to speak up however drowned out their voices may be.

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"... yet all these fools in government, along with all their medical experts are in shock."

They are shocked the same way that the French policeman in the film "Casablanca" was shocked that there was gambling in Rick's Cafe. They know damned well what is going on.

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I was born in Darwin; I used to be proud, can't say I am now, unbelievably disappointed, shocked, sad.

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The wardens never left

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The Chief Minister of Australia's Northern Territory is worried about his kids, but from completely the other side! Watch the first 2 clips then read the article with the last video. (Total time required - 5 minutes.)

1 (3 days ago) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDP_Swb8ESI&t=317s

2 (Nov 22nd)- https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/video/2021/nov/22/stuff-it-shove-it-a-furious-michael-gunner-calls-out-those-against-vaccine-mandates-video

3 (Dec 1)- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-12-01/michael-gunner-death-threat-covid-anti-vaxxers-nt-chief-minister/100666186 & read article.

The hypocrisy is glaring. He doesn't see it though. He's fully bought into the narrative. And he's scared.


Stats – Covid reporting by the territory

- Age 16+ = +95% double vaccinated

- 12-15 = 80% single / 68% double vaccinated

- 5-11 vaccinations start tomorrow, Jan 10.

- Vaccine mandates (double required for all essential and/or public facing jobs)

- Area 1.42 million km² (twice the size of Texas)

- Population 246,500 (1/118 of Texas' 29 million)

- Cases to date - 1,938 (00.79% of population)

- Deaths to date - 1

- Tests to date - 617,430

- Cases Yesterday - 594 (Omicron has arrived)

- Lockdown at home for unvaccinated, not even work, no exercise away from home

- Fully vaccinated no restrictions

- Vaccine passports start this week

Or maybe they could protect the vulnerable and let Omicron rip through the territory, where it's going anyway.

According to him, "I've been told my kid will be put in a grave." "We are dealing with people who unfortunately have gone down a rabbit hole." "The delusion that they're buying into is extraordinary." "And they can be both offensive and violent in what they say." Change that to 'say and do' to match my sentiments exactly.

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I nominally live in this part of the world and this guy Gunner is as dumb as a brick. I have found Australians in general to be low IQ and "sheep like". Their "border force" and police have always been ugly and heavy handed with a penchant for police state surveillance. I think arriving and departing from Australia is by far the worst that I have experience anywhere on the planet. When I was there last end of 2019 a new innovation was special cameras to detect mobile phone usage in cars. In Queensland pulling up to a curb to discharge or pick up a passenger invokes a fine of hundreds of AUD. I could go on......

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was in Sydney a couple of years ago and shocked at the cost of a parking meter fine. couple hundred if I recall. My son got pulled over for speeding and the cumulative fine was $700 after the passenger backseat seat belt violations were added, who also received separate $300 fines each. Not as bad as the covid violation fees they're handing out these days. What is it these days, $5,000? I love the country and people. Guess that's why I'm so distraught with the current ongoing situation. Not to mention that the Virgin tickets we had from overseas to Queensland which fell right in the beginning of covid and border lockdown, 3 seats at over $3,000, were never reimbursed. Virgin Air was put into some protected status then bought by Bain Capital. Virgin has offered us domestic vouchers. Not too helpful when we have no access to the country and the vouchers require reservations made by June or something this year. I'd have to check the date to be sure. A long story, but we've lost tens of thousands directly, and through lack of access to the country. And we're just one family overseas, very middle class, with direct ties. Hundreds of thousands of families who do not live in Australia have been affected by Australia's covid lockdowns when you consider 870,000 international students in 2018. Not to mention overseas workers who had been working towards visa requirements. The converse is also true. Those students who were not able to enter lost the country BILLIONS. 37.6 billion Australian dollars in 2019 for student fees alone, which has been rising by a couple of billion a year for a decade. I think they lost 11 billion in student fees alone in 2020. Many continued online. Many deferred. Many are looking elsewhere. Not even sure what the amount in lost rent and general living expenses to the communities has been. Many of those students would later become residents on a citizenship path who then prop up the outrageously overheated property market. The knock-on effect is tremendous, financially and emotionally. I would have to give some thought into letting Gunner borrow my car. Certainly don't think he's capable of managing covid.

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By the way, the stats on Jabs are highly unlikely to be accurate because thousands of healthcare and aged care workers have been stood down and millions have taken to the streets, in cities and towns across Australia, protesting against the vax campaigns. I know a lot of people who are not Jabbed. I also know we have a Federal election coming up and the Australian Government wants to declare 'game over' so it has a chance of winning, and so the vax stats are as dodgy as everything else when it comes to Covid.

Djokovic is a disaster of the Government's making since he entered legally and they changed their mind. Given how stupid it makes the Australian Government look globally, it is a godsend.

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2 complications for the Australian government; Novac Djokovic’s canceled visa and general elections in a few weeks time.

Australian Open - All players must be qvaxxed - Now called Pfizer Open

The shots will leave you breathless.

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They say its a pandemic of the unvaccinated, but the unvaccinated can not travel across borders and the omicron variant went around the world in only weeks. How does that happen if the vaccinated can not travel? Total idiots in control.

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"it would have been so much worse"... the non falsifiable hypothesis logical fallacy just won't die, huh?

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I wonder what percentage of the 98.5% jabbed were forced inoculated by Australia’s jab squads?

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None and the figure is not correct anyway. Just more dodgy Covid numbers.

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In Italy now with dictator Mario Draghi .

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Please cover NZ…the exact same thing will happen here at some point, and we also have a highly vaccinated population. There is no rationality left (domestic passports have been in use for a month with closed borders and intensive isolation and tracing efforts… it’s unsustainable and they won’t admit it…retired doctors and medical students were given web seminars last year in case called in due to a surge…however we have no early treatments available and if you wind up in hospital it’s pretty dismal care with a workforce with 0 experience in it so far!)

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AUSTRALIA - Northern Territory.

▪️$5000 fine for not being fully vaccinated

▪️Mandatory for all workers

▪️The non compliant cannot leave home for work or exercise.

The oppression of a minority group used to be illegal.

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The pathetic grub calling these shots on NT people deserves everything he gets in the future. This is evil what he's imposing. They know what the efficacy is for these now outdated poison sticks and in contrast, what they're doing to people. This is the biggest example of human error EVER - ethically, morally, professionally - and spiritually I'd suggest with the guilt these parasites must be feeling as they sleep each night. May they rot inside out for this exercise in horror.

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Bear in mind, The Northern Territory, known in Oz as the Top End, is a bit bigger than South Africa and TWICE the size of Texas, with a population of 247,000, that's right, about a quarter of a million people, 60% of whom live in the capital city - town really - of Darwin.

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Poor, weak people

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Perhaps the country needs to cease to exist.

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We are still nice people in a nice country. We just have some crazy bureaucrats. However, we still have the option to remain vaccine free in some States.

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Most people, Americans in particular are totally ignorant about Australia in particular and the world in general. They view the world through their own Amerocentric prism.

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Self centered.

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Many are but the American education systems ensures higher level of ignorance about the world.

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Undoubtedly. They are too concerned about pushing Critical Race Theory.

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I should qualify that statement. I did not mean the good and loving people of the land down under; more so the evil Hell that it has been converted into.

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It is because people are "nice" that the country can be run by psychopaths. Most of the world is in a similar mess. "Niceness" is a liability. In this case, a lethal one.

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Jan 8, 2022Edited
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The regulations for double Jabbed as you claim:

no pubs, no clubs, no monthly hobby meetings, no cafes, no restaurants, no hairdressers, no beauty therapy. ....

Do not apply where I live and do not apply universally in Australia.

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I can go to nail salon and hairdressers in Qld but not allowed in Redlands Museum where there’s hardly ever anyone else apart from the receptionist 🤷🏽

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Jan 9, 2022
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The insanity is that Victoria has had the world's longest and probably strictest lockdowns etc., and the worst outcomes. No-one connects the dots. Well no-one in Government. Needs must no doubt.

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The bigger the lie, the easier the sell. I'm told hitler said that.

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Hang in there! In a few years you might have all the socialization you want, since there may be a scarcity of people remaining in the country 😄

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Godda git me 1 o' those vacceeneys. If days good nuf fer dem Ozzies, thays ggood nuf fer me. jameslandauer.substack.com

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