By the way, the stats on Jabs are highly unlikely to be accurate because thousands of healthcare and aged care workers have been stood down and millions have taken to the streets, in cities and towns across Australia, protesting against the vax campaigns. I know a lot of people who are not Jabbed. I also know we have a Federal election c…
By the way, the stats on Jabs are highly unlikely to be accurate because thousands of healthcare and aged care workers have been stood down and millions have taken to the streets, in cities and towns across Australia, protesting against the vax campaigns. I know a lot of people who are not Jabbed. I also know we have a Federal election coming up and the Australian Government wants to declare 'game over' so it has a chance of winning, and so the vax stats are as dodgy as everything else when it comes to Covid.
Djokovic is a disaster of the Government's making since he entered legally and they changed their mind. Given how stupid it makes the Australian Government look globally, it is a godsend.
By the way, the stats on Jabs are highly unlikely to be accurate because thousands of healthcare and aged care workers have been stood down and millions have taken to the streets, in cities and towns across Australia, protesting against the vax campaigns. I know a lot of people who are not Jabbed. I also know we have a Federal election coming up and the Australian Government wants to declare 'game over' so it has a chance of winning, and so the vax stats are as dodgy as everything else when it comes to Covid.
Djokovic is a disaster of the Government's making since he entered legally and they changed their mind. Given how stupid it makes the Australian Government look globally, it is a godsend.