The pathetic grub calling these shots on NT people deserves everything he gets in the future. This is evil what he's imposing. They know what the efficacy is for these now outdated poison sticks and in contrast, what they're doing to people. This is the biggest example of human error EVER - ethically, morally, professionally - and spiritually I'd suggest with the guilt these parasites must be feeling as they sleep each night. May they rot inside out for this exercise in horror.
Bear in mind, The Northern Territory, known in Oz as the Top End, is a bit bigger than South Africa and TWICE the size of Texas, with a population of 247,000, that's right, about a quarter of a million people, 60% of whom live in the capital city - town really - of Darwin.
We are still nice people in a nice country. We just have some crazy bureaucrats. However, we still have the option to remain vaccine free in some States.
Most people, Americans in particular are totally ignorant about Australia in particular and the world in general. They view the world through their own Amerocentric prism.
I should qualify that statement. I did not mean the good and loving people of the land down under; more so the evil Hell that it has been converted into.
It is because people are "nice" that the country can be run by psychopaths. Most of the world is in a similar mess. "Niceness" is a liability. In this case, a lethal one.
The insanity is that Victoria has had the world's longest and probably strictest lockdowns etc., and the worst outcomes. No-one connects the dots. Well no-one in Government. Needs must no doubt.
AUSTRALIA - Northern Territory.
▪️$5000 fine for not being fully vaccinated
▪️Mandatory for all workers
▪️The non compliant cannot leave home for work or exercise.
The oppression of a minority group used to be illegal.
The pathetic grub calling these shots on NT people deserves everything he gets in the future. This is evil what he's imposing. They know what the efficacy is for these now outdated poison sticks and in contrast, what they're doing to people. This is the biggest example of human error EVER - ethically, morally, professionally - and spiritually I'd suggest with the guilt these parasites must be feeling as they sleep each night. May they rot inside out for this exercise in horror.
Bear in mind, The Northern Territory, known in Oz as the Top End, is a bit bigger than South Africa and TWICE the size of Texas, with a population of 247,000, that's right, about a quarter of a million people, 60% of whom live in the capital city - town really - of Darwin.
Poor, weak people
Perhaps the country needs to cease to exist.
We are still nice people in a nice country. We just have some crazy bureaucrats. However, we still have the option to remain vaccine free in some States.
Most people, Americans in particular are totally ignorant about Australia in particular and the world in general. They view the world through their own Amerocentric prism.
Self centered.
Many are but the American education systems ensures higher level of ignorance about the world.
Undoubtedly. They are too concerned about pushing Critical Race Theory.
I should qualify that statement. I did not mean the good and loving people of the land down under; more so the evil Hell that it has been converted into.
It is because people are "nice" that the country can be run by psychopaths. Most of the world is in a similar mess. "Niceness" is a liability. In this case, a lethal one.
The regulations for double Jabbed as you claim:
no pubs, no clubs, no monthly hobby meetings, no cafes, no restaurants, no hairdressers, no beauty therapy. ....
Do not apply where I live and do not apply universally in Australia.
I can go to nail salon and hairdressers in Qld but not allowed in Redlands Museum where there’s hardly ever anyone else apart from the receptionist 🤷🏽
The insanity is that Victoria has had the world's longest and probably strictest lockdowns etc., and the worst outcomes. No-one connects the dots. Well no-one in Government. Needs must no doubt.
The bigger the lie, the easier the sell. I'm told hitler said that.
Hang in there! In a few years you might have all the socialization you want, since there may be a scarcity of people remaining in the country 😄