First they say the data is unusable, then they’ve said that they analyzed it and found nothing!!! You really can’t have it both ways.

In the first article, they’ve already discredited the analysis in their second article!!!

Did you notice that too?

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We're literally living in the Twilight Zone.

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Dec 28, 2023Edited
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I agree, I am also not surprised, divide and conquer is the name of the game, oldest tactic in the book. If you can get an asset into the other teams camp to work from the inside, even better. I am not pointing the finger at any one individual. This is just my observation of many individuals in the movement for many years.

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Dec 27, 2023
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do not repost your content a second time after already posting it.

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Technically there was no criminal intention and no harm done to anyone.. but top officials / vaxx machinators. Barry knew that data wasn't going to be released by (and with) following a long bureaucratic process. So far, have they analysed big chunk of missing data, that they still keep hidden? No, they did not. They are not in rush or want to memory hole all this. It's quite possible/probable that even more people will die, if analysis and conclusions are not provided, asap. That sudden deaths period is not over. Barry might, rightfully, excuse himself by explaining to the judge that fast release was crucial in order to prevent more deaths. Would you sue a good Samaritan, for an assault and bodily harm (breaking your hand), while pulling you from burning car crush. How is that any different.

Charged with: NZ Criminal Code Section 249 – Accessing computer system for dishonest purpose

Everyone is liable to imprisonment who accesses any computer system and obtains any property or advantage; or causes loss to any other person. https://incidentresponse.co.nz/computer-crimes-and-the-law/

- obtains any property or [he had a clearance to "obtain" or get, acquire, or secure every day]

- advantage; or [i.e. financial advantage, use it for his advantage, doesn't apply]

- causes loss to any other person. [no loss, no personal details released, data in pristine condition]

There is no mention in CC about RELEASING (that might be causing loss) of certain parts of such property to public (de facto owners). Only breached some part of his employment contract and already paid for it. Nothing criminal here.

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In Dr Syed's article "Philadelphia 2023" I gently suggested he debate you in the comments. Good luck!

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I was a paying subscriber to this substack for several months, however I decided to pay other substackers who almost certainly have fewer funds - Seth Keshel, Ian Brennan, and most recently, WelcomeTheEagle. Seth Keshel is an election integrity writer and Ian Brennan reports on matters relating to Kansas, especially Lawrence, from a conservative viewpoint. (Despite Kansas being a conservative state, all the big papers are liberal).

I also gave $25 to Steve's fund for a study into rates of COVID adverse events a year or so ago.

Thus I say, sigh. Also, I am a woman.

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All of your posts make me wish I had become a statistician and a forensic accountant.

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I have to keep reminding myself that the infighting and divisiveness is simply a reflection of the fact that every person senses him/herself uniquely, and this creates his/her very own external 'realities'. For men especially this is quite a big ego and grief to let go.

Love and gratitude, as always, and genuine peace and abundance (it's coming), Alan

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Hi Steve I see you have updated your article with another misrepresentation, so I will clarify.

The poster who you have quoted was suspended for 24 hours for misrepresenting the article and making personal accusations.

After 5 posts it was clear that the poster was there as a chaos agent and refused to read the article on which he was commenting. The final comment for which he received a 24 hour lock ("ban" in substack language) was:

"Yes I did, and according to my understanding of statistical analysis, Steve Kirsch's analysis, circumvented that possibility. If NZ had a sudden miraculous spike (no pun intended) in old people which would be an outlier in the Western world, so be it. But the data is the data isn't it? It seems to me that you are trying to prove a negative with a double negative? Let's first accept that the data shows a statistically significant excess death figure then work backwards. You are doing the opposite. And you seem also to believe that a 10% rate of excess deaths is insignificant compared to a 20% rate (which actually, according to the OECD average ofr Australia over the 2022/23 period was NOT the case). Perhaps if one of those 10% excess deaths was a member of your family, you might feel differently?"

The response was (following an number of politely answered responses) "What on earth are you talking about? The data shows a lower death rate. If you can't understand the content of the post we are happy to help you but when you completely misinterpret it because somebody told you to do so you will just get banned. I'll give you a 24 hours ban in order to give you time to read the article properly and come back with a rational argument instead of that."

After all the work I and others have done highlighting the dangers of mRNA therapy vaccines and the frauds behind them it is both disturbing and eye opening that posts are misrepresented in this fashion.

The post is still up at the below link but I do now intend to ban the user from the substack.


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Is this a PEEPEE contest, to see who can OVERSTATE the most size? Very UNSAFE, very NOT unsafe?

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"Barry Young who is now facing 7 years in prison for his actions"

For leaking real data? False data? Classified data that is real? Classified data that is false? I'm so confused.

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A fantasist data processing freelancer they'd probably ignore or fact check, and, well, since the govt also still have their copy, it'll be really easy to demonstrate either way, while in fact the initial arrest and bail already indicate that the public prosecutor appears to be of this opinion, so consider it verified.

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for leaking real data.

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Well, sounds like proof the data is legit if that is what they are charging him with.

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I just spent an hour on Steve's Telegram responding to OPENVEAT's position and as I was just about to hit the Send button, I was told I was prevented from doing so by Admin. WTF.

I showed that by using the shinyapp over at the HMD, you can see a weekly departure between expected and actual death rates in 2021 compared to 2020, coinciding with the rollout of the vaccines to the elderly. I believe OPENVEAT is correct when he says there were no excess deaths in 2021, but only if you are comparing to times with open borders, growing population and exposure of the elderly to winter challenge. All this changed in April of 2020 and continued well into 2022. If you assume that 2020 is your base year, then excess deaths are enormous from week 17 of 2021 onward. By playing with the parameters in the App, which uses weekly mortality figures from Stats NZ, you can see connections between the jab and death, but you have to put it in the correct context.


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yes, there is no question there are excess deaths and anyone who claims otherwise should be treated with great caution.

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I'll let them know. thanks for letting me know.

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It's certainly another way of doing it and that is something we might look at in the coming days. Bearing in mind that the overall increase in NZ mortality is about 12% up on 2020 this should put our curves roughly equal rather than showing a reduced mortality in the vaccine cohort. Again, if you add a factor for missing death data this would put the vaccine cohort at higher mortality than the expected mortality - but this would merely reflect the increased mortality that needs investigation (because the demographic explanation is flawed).

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You are correct on both points. Death registrations lag behind actual week of death by about 5%. The weekly death figures that drive the data on the stats NZ Covid Data portal take a month, or more to settle.

Also, the excuse of demographics doesn't cut it. For example, the population of 95+ year Olds only goes up by about 200 a year For the 90-94, it's about 2000 per year, hardly a massive rise, yet the deaths among these rocketed between 20-21, then 21-22. Even 2023 is looking bad, which is amazing when you think of the cull that has occurred over the past 3-years. The harvest effect usually sees a big drop off in years following high death rates. We also need to be sure we are defining death rates correctly. Are we using the mean population for annual rates? When I spoke to Stats NZ, they were using the mean quarterly population in some of their reports I'll dig deeper on that one. I know the STMF meta data uses an annual mean population estimate.

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Thanks for having the balls to put your money where your mouth is Steve.

There's far too many big mouths out there claiming to be experts in understanding the data. If I were one of these experts and genuinely believed I could prove you wrong I'd be a fool not to take up your offer.

So for me... " You're the Man Steve " They can't truthfully believe in their own convictions and are definitely the children in the room until they can prove you wrong my friend.

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still no takers to my generous offer to take my money.

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It will be interesting to see if lots pop up with flat curves, aside from expected below average rates just after administration due to healthy user bias, implying that placebo lots were administered. That would be even a more damning smoking gun, evidence of mitigation of effects to maintain plausible deniability of deliberate mass murder (democide).

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yes, that's a great point. I'm going to look at that again with that in mind!

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Americans will be more interested in Florida deaths than in New Zealand deaths.

The Florida death data is a great example of mortality from the twin bioweapons, SARS-2 and the lethal injections. Florida has 22 million people and published data on deaths in each of 67 counties for 2017-2021. They have not published the 2022 data yet, probably because it is so damning.

Go to: https://www.flhealthcharts.gov/FLQUERY_New/Death/Count

Click on the link in the left upper corner labelled “standard reports”. Choose “Resident Deaths by Residence County by Year”

Deaths in 2017 to 2019 in each county are stable but made a huge jump in 2020 and 2021. Please look at the data yourself. It is shocking. They US government developed and deployed the twin bioweapons and murdered thousands of residents in 66 of the 67 counties. Maybe the residents of Union County avoided the shots?

Governor DeSantis and his surgeon general, Dr Ladapo, are very aware that the lethal injections are still killing and maiming Floridians. The attorney general ignored my letter to join the Texas AG lawsuit against Pfizer. She is worried about her football team.


Maybe Steve Kirsch can get an official response from the governor or his surgeon general or his attorney general?

Bennet Cecil, M.D.

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I'll forward your note.

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Dear Steve;

You have influence. Please send a freedom of information request to the Florida Department of Health to obtain the 2022 all cause mortality for each county. It must be bad or it would already be on their web site. They ignored my request.

I met with Thomas Massie. He told me that he was glad that he and his family did not take the lethal injections. Rand Paul sent me a form letter after I sent him the information proving that the lethal injections were going to injure and kill babies.

The politicians want to keep their sweet jobs just like the doctors and pharmacists who are still pushing more lethal injections. It is truly sad that so many Americans are corrupt and have no compassion.

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Hey Steve, I just got banned by Arkmedik's Substack for supporting your analysis of the NZ data and questioning his ridiculous rejection. First time I was ever banned from anything (I don't use social media) but I will wear that as a Badge of Honour!

I guess we are comrades in arms now, but I would appreciate a little support from posters here on the Arkmedik Substack, given that I am no longer able to comment there at all? Thanks.

To be honest, I had previously thought that Blog to be decent and honest but it seems I was badly mistaken? Who is he?

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There are few people on this planet whom i value more than you Steve. That said, you need to hire a speech writer or a defense lawyer or an advertising professional steve. Someone who can take your brilliant data and ideas and make them cogent and accessible to the general public. That aspect is not your strong suit. Use them as an editor and possibly as a spokesperson.

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I happen to really enjoy steve's concise style, no fluff words, numbered points, just the logic and the math where relevant, no time wasting. Thanks Steve, please keep it that way!

The other person I really admire on that front it Toby Rogers with his wildly popular "thinking points" posts with great short itemized messages and perhaps even a cute domestic animal viddeo as a dessert at the finish.

Dressing this stuff up nice and christmassy is the job of the vigilant foxes and epoch timeses of this world, journalists to flesh out the story with background filler and little interspersed science facts boxes (NOT fact-check boxes) explaining terminology and concepts their average audience member might not be familiar with etc. in a language their target audience and market understands.

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i wish I had the money to advertise and would take you up on that. Too few donors.

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I think you do a pretty good job and can polish up with free information from the internet on your own. I agree it would be great to have an expert coach but barring that...



To become aware of your opponent's tactics, read Rules for Radicals, A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals, by Saul Alinsky. It's the "Bible" of debate and attack for them.


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Bret Weinstein might be someone who would take up the challenge to present the rationale and data. He is a good teacher and communicator. Del Bigtree might also have access to good people for the role too. Norman Fenton knows his stuff but his speaking mannerisms don't always make him the clearest presenter.

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You would think that somewhere in the country, there would be an eager speech writer, publicist, spokesperson, agent, litigator, ad man or maybe even just a great teacher who would love to volunteer their skills. RFK must have access to some people like that who want to make their mark and believe in the cause?!

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