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What is crazy about this is that prior to this happening, I had no idea specialty boards could arbitrarily revoke your board certification… I knew medical boards could but I did not know specialty boards were able to. I believe the ultimate reason for this tactic is because political pressure can be leveraged against a medical Board (as they are public institution) but since any specialty board is a private organization that is not accountable to anyone, they can technically do whatever they want.

Hence it makes sense that this would be the chosen approach to silence the critics of the Covid campaign where there is no actual legal basis to go after them.

The bright side all of this is the board certification only really matters for getting certain jobs (and I doubt those facilities would want to hire a controversial figure), being invited to speak at certain venues or be on committees or publish research (once again this is not important because those groups would not want to appointment controversial figure) having a lower malpractice rate, and being eligible for certain insurance reimbursements. Many physicians I know in private practice let their board certifications go because they found they had no value to them and it was not worth the cost or hassle to maintain them.

What is going to be really important going forward is to make sure that we do not equivocate having a specialty board certification revoked with losing one's medical license. Each is very different, but I am almost certain the media will try to treat them as being equivalent (and this may be one of the ultimate goals of why they're going after the board certification). It's really weird when you watch what the government does, because you will consistently see them try to do something unjust which is basically illegal, and tinker around until they can find a way they can get away with doing it. All of this is one such example.

I also suspect part of the reason all the doctors are now being targeted by the specialty board is because they are starting to publicly discuss methods of treating vaccine injuries, and there is a vested interest in preventing that knowledge from becoming public.

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Could you please elaborate on the comment related to suppressing treating vaccine injuries? How is this more of a priority to suppress vs. discussion on adverse vaccine reactions initially caused by the jab?

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They control the narrative on initial reactions. They don’t control the long term health problems arising narrative.

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Basically I noticed the AFL and pierre kory started mentioning they were treating vaccine injuries by tetehealth, and a few days later the american board of internal medicine started going after these doctors after not doing anything throughout the pandemic. There are a lot of reasons why they would have wanted to silence that discussion.

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I agree. Their goal is probably to intimidate other doctors from coming forward and speaking the truth, since Dr. McCullough and Dr. Kory are too ethical to be silenced.

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More evil than spike protein itself....they want to corner damaging cures to their damaging cures...

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Jun 23, 2022
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Many if not most people do not want be red pilled. Not sure it’s been a plus for my happiness. But I was born this way so didn’t have a choice.

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Antony Sutton who worked at Stanford Hoover Institute once said, "only 2% of people have critical thinking skills, 8% of people think they can think, and 90% would rather die than think."

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I’m dealing with this as well — my husband’s side of the family have 2 Mayo trained docs, one of whom is married to another doctor and that entire side of the family have major auto immune issues and yet they all got the jabs and boosters. My husband’s sister was married to a Gastrointerologist who weighed in well over 300 lbs and unfortunately passed away of gastro issues and she has a boatload of medical issues. I have learned to zip my lips through the years … after being harmed by pharmaceuticals and poor medical advice (yes, some from family) I went more holistic, changed my diet, used the FLCCC prophylaxis protocol and have been covid free throughout the pandemic even after being exposed several times - we’ll see who fares better in the long run. I pray they will all be okay but the arrogance in not listening to anyone outside of their narrow framework is mind boogling. Physician heal thyself.

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Jun 23, 2022Edited
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I’m certain I would be roundly mocked as well. But interesting that when my son, fully vaxxed and boosted, came to visit last Christmas and woke up first morning with us with a raging sore throat, headache all the signs of covid … when I pulled out my stash of horse dewormer ;-) both he and my fully vaxxed & boosted husband (who had told me I was being selfish by not getting vaccinated) took it in a nano second. Son’s headache was gone within an hour and the rest of his ailments also rapidly declined and neither my husband nor I got sick. Did either one give credit where credit was due?! Also interesting that they haven’t taken another jab but refuse to discuss it … I just keep sending them stuff which I think they must be reading but their pride won’t allow them to admit they might have been played. Like you, I absolutely do not want to say “I told you so” just thankful that they are both still healthy.

But I absolutely want those of us who had concerns from the get go, especially the brave doctors, scientists & others who risked careers and ruined reputations to be able to collectively say “I told you so” to all those in authority who allowed and encouraged the jabs especially after good data started coming in … especially as we fire them and perhaps march them off to jail where they should have to watch a continuous loop of video from those who have been vaccine injured or who have lost loved ones.

Watching Rochelle Wilensky now gleefully encourage parents to vaccinate little ones makes me feel literally sick to my stomach. I could go on and on but I know I’m preaching to the choir … just need to vent sometimes!

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I was told the same by my husband...although we are both in the age group that was first to receive them, I just didn’t feel comfortable with them. Then I was lectured by 2 doctors for not taking the “very safe & effective vaccines.” My body, my choice. It is criminal how they are now pushing them on children. So thankful for Steve, Dr. McCullough, and others for speaking out. God bless them all.

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Jun 23, 2022Edited
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Yes! Frank Peretti wrote a book “This Present Darkness” — fictional portrayal of perhaps how spiritual warfare works … you can almost see a demon hanging over her shoulder whispering the words for her to say and if you were seeing her in person perhaps you might detect a whiff of sulphur!

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