F’ meeting them in the middle. 100% agree with your thought process here. Meeting in the middle is whether you can agree on if the bad actors should be imprisoned for life or receive the death penalty for committing crimes against humanity. Looking forward to the fireworks. Thank you for all you do Steve.
F’ meeting them in the middle. 100% agree with your thought process here. Meeting in the middle is whether you can agree on if the bad actors should be imprisoned for life or receive the death penalty for committing crimes against humanity. Looking forward to the fireworks. Thank you for all you do Steve.
Meeting in the middle would be kinda like accepting the label “anti-vax” when in reality I personally am (in most cases) anti- pharma entirely and even any- allopathic model. It’s all shit. I’m ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The baby has choked on the filth and is unfortunately dead.
F’ meeting them in the middle. 100% agree with your thought process here. Meeting in the middle is whether you can agree on if the bad actors should be imprisoned for life or receive the death penalty for committing crimes against humanity. Looking forward to the fireworks. Thank you for all you do Steve.
Meeting in the middle would be kinda like accepting the label “anti-vax” when in reality I personally am (in most cases) anti- pharma entirely and even any- allopathic model. It’s all shit. I’m ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The baby has choked on the filth and is unfortunately dead.
“Meeting in the middle” would require adulterating the truth, which should never be done!