I just paid $50 to be able to comment but need some time to ask.
The questions on her posts make me sad. “Do fully vaccinated adults need to wear masks and distance outdoors if it’s so transmissible?” Just fucking sad.
I just paid $50 to be able to comment but need some time to ask.
The questions on her posts make me sad. “Do fully vaccinated adults need to wear masks and distance outdoors if it’s so transmissible?” Just fucking sad.
One piece of cognitive dissonance that seems prevalent there is the dual idea that everyone must vaccinate to protect others, while at the same time they obviously don't prevent transmission or infection. "There are still 75 million Americans relying on the 'herd' to protect them through no choice of their own". First off I have no idea where 75 million came from. But it seems like on the one hand they are trying to jab toddlers to save the world, and everyone must do their part to be vaxxed to save others, while at the same time acknowledging that Omicron blows right through vaccination (and while they seem to think boosting is a good solution to that, real world evidence seems to disagree).
I don't know if even juxtaposing these dissonant elements can break through to them, I suspect they will just ignore it.
There is a willful effort to latch on to any bad news however implausible. For example there was a discussion of a claim that 30-70% of covid recovered have long covid. I know the studies that claimed that and they are of course complete garbage. The incidence of claims of long covid was shown to be uncorrelated with having actually had covid! 30%?? 70%?? That's nuts: half the country has recovered from covid!
There is a willful avoidance of any potential solutions to their problems that may actually work, and especially ones that do not rely on collective action, for example the many protocols that have shown success in treating long covid, early treatment protocols, etc.
This is partly because the "authorities" have suppressed and marginalized the voices producing solutions. But there is a larger problem: they don't want a way out. Covid has become a source of meaning in life to them.
They don't want any solution that is individual vs collective. Through the requirement of collective action they create more meaning and purpose for themselves - I must do this sacrificial ritual to help others - and empowering an individual to save themselves destroys their purpose in being part of the collective. Having a working solution likewise could make the sacrifices unnecessary. Government being the solution is a form of the collective. In group / out group conflict solidifies their in group membership and creates costs for joining the out group.
This is the "mass formation" that many people have brought up (Matthias Desmet in particular, has been interviewed by Chris Martenson and others, Robert Malone has brought this up also).
All of this ritual sacrifice (jabbing the kids - especially if it kills them!, wearing masks, canceling travel plans, etc) further cements their need for covid to continue forever so they can continue to sacrifice for others.
I just paid $50 to be able to comment but need some time to ask.
The questions on her posts make me sad. “Do fully vaccinated adults need to wear masks and distance outdoors if it’s so transmissible?” Just fucking sad.
One piece of cognitive dissonance that seems prevalent there is the dual idea that everyone must vaccinate to protect others, while at the same time they obviously don't prevent transmission or infection. "There are still 75 million Americans relying on the 'herd' to protect them through no choice of their own". First off I have no idea where 75 million came from. But it seems like on the one hand they are trying to jab toddlers to save the world, and everyone must do their part to be vaxxed to save others, while at the same time acknowledging that Omicron blows right through vaccination (and while they seem to think boosting is a good solution to that, real world evidence seems to disagree).
I don't know if even juxtaposing these dissonant elements can break through to them, I suspect they will just ignore it.
There is a willful effort to latch on to any bad news however implausible. For example there was a discussion of a claim that 30-70% of covid recovered have long covid. I know the studies that claimed that and they are of course complete garbage. The incidence of claims of long covid was shown to be uncorrelated with having actually had covid! 30%?? 70%?? That's nuts: half the country has recovered from covid!
There is a willful avoidance of any potential solutions to their problems that may actually work, and especially ones that do not rely on collective action, for example the many protocols that have shown success in treating long covid, early treatment protocols, etc.
This is partly because the "authorities" have suppressed and marginalized the voices producing solutions. But there is a larger problem: they don't want a way out. Covid has become a source of meaning in life to them.
They don't want any solution that is individual vs collective. Through the requirement of collective action they create more meaning and purpose for themselves - I must do this sacrificial ritual to help others - and empowering an individual to save themselves destroys their purpose in being part of the collective. Having a working solution likewise could make the sacrifices unnecessary. Government being the solution is a form of the collective. In group / out group conflict solidifies their in group membership and creates costs for joining the out group.
This is the "mass formation" that many people have brought up (Matthias Desmet in particular, has been interviewed by Chris Martenson and others, Robert Malone has brought this up also).
All of this ritual sacrifice (jabbing the kids - especially if it kills them!, wearing masks, canceling travel plans, etc) further cements their need for covid to continue forever so they can continue to sacrifice for others.
The recommendations for addressing this are
* speak the truth
* ridicule with subtlety
* form parallel structures
Ugh. Why did you spend $50?!?! you can subscribe monthly and then cancel!!! For sure, make sure to keep asking her why she won't debate me.
Haha. Whatever. Business is good. I thought it might give me a little extra cred to get things answered! 🤣
He bought the year-long heckler package. (Can she kick him out again?)
Steve - I took a look through her CV. She won't debate your team because she can't. She wouldn't last 5 minutes in a real debate on this topic.
She feels like a student. Everything she says has this “I cleared this with the authorities” feel and she doesn’t ask hard questions of the data.
I couldn't bring myself to do that ... feel free to drop this https://pdfhost.io/v/pZig3jgly_VAERS_Heart_Damage_V2