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Repeating other posters but adults have free will do do stupid things as long as they do not hurt others. Masking children is child abuse. Children are not at risk for covid. Masks lower IQ, cause depression and anxiety and cause severe language developmental delays. We already have a huge amount of children that were placed on ADD meds for bogus reasons- that as they transition to adulthood have severe problems. This masking thing will end up being worse. Shame on you parents that mask your kids.

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Face masks with clear material around the mouth are commercially available. This allows lip reading for language development.

Children are at lower risk of COVID-19 infection. Over 1500 American children have died from COVID-19.

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My pediatrician and you are not one carlos says the odds a child dies of covid is the same is being struck by lighting 2 times on the same day. You are a a joke.

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Most board-certified pediatricians recommend childhood vaccines for COVID-19 because the risk of infection and death is low, not zero.

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Deal lord in heaven. Wayne tolerates you because free speech is part the substack policy but everything you have posted as it relates to covid or masks is pure lies and propaganda. You do have an agenda and it is blatantly obvious.

The good thing is nobody on these forums believes anything you say.

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After reading some of your comments all I can do is pray to God that you are not a parent. I also pray that you wear a mask and take as many mrna shots that you can.

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If you are a human try masking my child. You will regret it.

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No they died of the covid treatment protocols not covid itself. But you are always predacatable and have an obvious agenda. That is why smart people here consider you a joke. There is an ongoing debate as to whether you are paid troll or AI bot. Change your username to "masks work and mrna shots are safe and effective."

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Wrong, people died from complications from COVID-19 infection. Ventilators saved lives in severe COVID-19 cases requiring oxygen, since benefits outweighed risks. Remdesivir did not kill COVID-19 patients because kidney failure is caused by COVID-19 itself.

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It's hilarious how Carlos always likes his own post.

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He has a following but most laugh at him. Some think it is a paid troll some think its an AI bot. The main thing its agenda is very consistent. Worship masks and take mrna shots.

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