ChatGPT provides excellence guidance if you know how to ask in the right way. But if you ask the same question the wrong way, I'll show you what happens.
i smiled when i saw the title of this proposal. i loved the ai biased assumption of jab good! too funny. would it be possible to use the ai's recommended practices to catch it in gently introduced areas of cognitive dissonance? rotfl!
and i confess that i actually laughed that the ai argument is ... OMG! nearly identical to the one i supplied you with back in 2022. do you remember when you asked us what our best method of red-pilling was because you found fact-bombing had had absolutely 100% failure? i believe you wanted to compile a best of practices that didn't happen because, as most of us here know, it is almost completely impossible to change anyone's mind! in fact, for most core belief items the vast majority will choose physical death over the death of a core belief and/or defining narrative regardless of their truth to reality. truth may be stranger than fiction. however, fiction is stronger than reality!
back in 2022 "Steve Kirsch asked "What are the best ways to red-pill someone?" My answer." Guy Duperreault. Aug 5, 2022.
(although i think that my answer is a little 'better' than the ai's because it feels to me less like clever manipulation than the mechanical way the ai put it.) if you or anyone are interested:
we are still living the bhagavad-gita married to the great apocalypse. and the conflict continues and it is great to be on arjuna's side with you!
all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
I enjoy your newsletter. I met a woman probably in her 70's yesterday who I think you would LOVE to talk with. As we were getting acquainted she said, "I have an aortic aneurysm from the Covid vaccine." I've never had anyone say that to me before. As we continued to talk she said, "At least 10 members of my family (a son, a grandson, etc.) died from the vax, many of them on the day they got the first vax!" She's willing to share her experiences. She's a retired RN. I want to get her story out, as heartbreaking as it is. Who could I best share this with?
As long as functional brain transplant will not be available and affordable and given the actual amount of evidences, you waste yourtime trying to awake someone .
What an excellent resource. I've shared a bit with friends and family about the potential of the socratic method, but this lays it out much more clearly. I'm sharing and saving it. Thank you!
Watch FALL OF THE CABAL parts 11-24 on Rumble. It’s over 5 hrs of truth exposing the lies. If that doesn’t wake someone up theres likely no hope for you unfortunately.
I would love to say that your ideas on red-pilling someone work.
However, 95% of my Chiropractic patients took the covid injections. The ONLY ones who didn't were already questioning them before we ever chatted about it! A couple of them just needed their hand to be held a bit, so they felt more strongly in their initial choices, but mostly the ones who didn't take them were along the lines of "Hell, no!" - so our chats weren't needed other than to have someone to discuss the ludicrousness of the world situation with!
So in my case, in Australia, it didn't matter HOW I approached the situation. It didn't matter that I'd been successfully treating some of my patients for almost 15 years. It didn't matter if they trusted me. Most were happy to have my opinion, they just declined it in favour of social herd mentality!! I'm serious!!
So from my experience, I would suggest that the only people who are going to change their minds about something ALREADY have that seed of doubt in there, however small. It's not that our conversations changed their mind. It's just that our conversations enlarged their already-thought up ideas.
And yes, there may be the rarest person out there who is logical and sensible and when shown the data, they change their mind, but even you, Steve, only started questioning the covid narrative when you had a bad reaction to a jab, right?!
I don't think there is a tried and tested way to red-pill people. The covid narrative people tried to use the same ideas you've suggested in your article at various times, as well as being utilised by the general pro-vaccination side (the 'try to convince them by being nice and friendly' approach), and to what effect? How many unjabbed people decided LOGICALLY and EMPHATICALLY that being jabbed was better after all?! Anyone know anyone like that?!?! The only ones I know that took the jabs after initially saying 'no' did it out of fear and/or were bullied into it. They basically got emotionally blackmailed into having a medical procedure.
Anyway, WE know the vaccines are all poison. Many on here have been injured by them at some point (once bitten, twice shy...). Then on top of this, WE actually read the data! So there's no way we will change our views. And in similar ways (but without the Truth or proper science, just a good old dose of brainwashing), those on the other side won't change their views.
But your suggestions sure would make for nicer conversation between the pro-jab & anti-jab!! :-D
Most of the people who changed their minds did so after experiencing a severe injury or the death or injury of a loved one. That's what it takes, being on the receiving end of consequences.
If a cardiologist does NOT ask you if you have been jabbed, would you consider that doctor competent? My wife, who has not been jabbed, had an abnormal EKG and was never asked. I find that perplexing.
I totally agree with you, and I will spare you the deplorable treatment I got from a supposed top cardiologist. No jab but close contact exposure from an ex-husband Moderna times 3/father second Pfizer/friends J&J second jab which exacerbated arterial clot in leg and Covid Which I cleared in four days, but Had to be hospitalized for 6 due to the clot supposedly.
Yes, that's a real Important question. I got lots of referrals and tests from that cardiologist with no answers and when I mentioned Long-Haul he said you know Long-Haul truckers. I prayed that I would not hit him🤨.
The first part EXACTLY details the process I use. We have to remember the BRAINWASHING has been going on for it takes a while to get people to remember HOW TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES. Posing questions that get them to think, like Mel Gibson does, gets those thoughts flowing again. Once the wheels start turning--LOOK OUT! The AWAKENED are often the MOST ADAMANT about fighting the DIABOLICAL DEMONS that are TRYING to enslave us! It is like a former smoker--THEY become the most tyrannical about smoking! SCALES ARE DROPPING FROM EYES LEFT AND RIGHT! I LOVE IT! Thanks, Steve!
Thank you. Very insightful. I've been digging around in an attempt on how to better present the data I've confirmed. Links have been a problem. One Face book censors and the Deep State delete them over the last 4 years. Most ws know today as facts. Like there is not only one Hunter Biden laptops. There are three. That a 3 letter agency blames Pelosi for J6. Back in the 1st quarter of 2022. That is most likely why there has been a disinformation campaign and a Pandemc. People like our closest friends become angry knowing I voted for Trump. They become combative and shut down any discussions. Saying that I have been brainwashed. In those cases I don't see even your suggestions working. But since they are so close to our family I don't want them hurt or injured or for Khevens sake die. Due to them believing the wrong things. It's difficult that I must come to terms that I cannot save everyone.
hola steve.
i smiled when i saw the title of this proposal. i loved the ai biased assumption of jab good! too funny. would it be possible to use the ai's recommended practices to catch it in gently introduced areas of cognitive dissonance? rotfl!
and i confess that i actually laughed that the ai argument is ... OMG! nearly identical to the one i supplied you with back in 2022. do you remember when you asked us what our best method of red-pilling was because you found fact-bombing had had absolutely 100% failure? i believe you wanted to compile a best of practices that didn't happen because, as most of us here know, it is almost completely impossible to change anyone's mind! in fact, for most core belief items the vast majority will choose physical death over the death of a core belief and/or defining narrative regardless of their truth to reality. truth may be stranger than fiction. however, fiction is stronger than reality!
back in 2022 "Steve Kirsch asked "What are the best ways to red-pill someone?" My answer." Guy Duperreault. Aug 5, 2022.
(although i think that my answer is a little 'better' than the ai's because it feels to me less like clever manipulation than the mechanical way the ai put it.) if you or anyone are interested:
we are still living the bhagavad-gita married to the great apocalypse. and the conflict continues and it is great to be on arjuna's side with you!
all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
i remember it well!
and still we truck on with joy and hope and faith that truth will set us free — hopefully before we go completely nutso! lol!
i've continued to have some limited success although only with people not wholly committed to death before change. amazing times.
all the best. i appreciate your efforts very much. you have been a great resource for me in my own warren den digs.
Hi Steve,
I enjoy your newsletter. I met a woman probably in her 70's yesterday who I think you would LOVE to talk with. As we were getting acquainted she said, "I have an aortic aneurysm from the Covid vaccine." I've never had anyone say that to me before. As we continued to talk she said, "At least 10 members of my family (a son, a grandson, etc.) died from the vax, many of them on the day they got the first vax!" She's willing to share her experiences. She's a retired RN. I want to get her story out, as heartbreaking as it is. Who could I best share this with?
Alison, RN
As long as functional brain transplant will not be available and affordable and given the actual amount of evidences, you waste yourtime trying to awake someone .
What an excellent resource. I've shared a bit with friends and family about the potential of the socratic method, but this lays it out much more clearly. I'm sharing and saving it. Thank you!
Watch FALL OF THE CABAL parts 11-24 on Rumble. It’s over 5 hrs of truth exposing the lies. If that doesn’t wake someone up theres likely no hope for you unfortunately.
I agree. The problem is when there isn't a level playing field, and authoritative bullies cow political actors into "going along" with the crowd.
Dog gone it. Sarcasm is out? Can I do some internal eye-rolling?
Thanks again Steve.
I would love to say that your ideas on red-pilling someone work.
However, 95% of my Chiropractic patients took the covid injections. The ONLY ones who didn't were already questioning them before we ever chatted about it! A couple of them just needed their hand to be held a bit, so they felt more strongly in their initial choices, but mostly the ones who didn't take them were along the lines of "Hell, no!" - so our chats weren't needed other than to have someone to discuss the ludicrousness of the world situation with!
So in my case, in Australia, it didn't matter HOW I approached the situation. It didn't matter that I'd been successfully treating some of my patients for almost 15 years. It didn't matter if they trusted me. Most were happy to have my opinion, they just declined it in favour of social herd mentality!! I'm serious!!
So from my experience, I would suggest that the only people who are going to change their minds about something ALREADY have that seed of doubt in there, however small. It's not that our conversations changed their mind. It's just that our conversations enlarged their already-thought up ideas.
And yes, there may be the rarest person out there who is logical and sensible and when shown the data, they change their mind, but even you, Steve, only started questioning the covid narrative when you had a bad reaction to a jab, right?!
I don't think there is a tried and tested way to red-pill people. The covid narrative people tried to use the same ideas you've suggested in your article at various times, as well as being utilised by the general pro-vaccination side (the 'try to convince them by being nice and friendly' approach), and to what effect? How many unjabbed people decided LOGICALLY and EMPHATICALLY that being jabbed was better after all?! Anyone know anyone like that?!?! The only ones I know that took the jabs after initially saying 'no' did it out of fear and/or were bullied into it. They basically got emotionally blackmailed into having a medical procedure.
Anyway, WE know the vaccines are all poison. Many on here have been injured by them at some point (once bitten, twice shy...). Then on top of this, WE actually read the data! So there's no way we will change our views. And in similar ways (but without the Truth or proper science, just a good old dose of brainwashing), those on the other side won't change their views.
But your suggestions sure would make for nicer conversation between the pro-jab & anti-jab!! :-D
My mind changed when I realized they were lying early in 2020, but then I was never one who thought it was okay to mandate anything.
Most of the people who changed their minds did so after experiencing a severe injury or the death or injury of a loved one. That's what it takes, being on the receiving end of consequences.
If a cardiologist does NOT ask you if you have been jabbed, would you consider that doctor competent? My wife, who has not been jabbed, had an abnormal EKG and was never asked. I find that perplexing.
I totally agree with you, and I will spare you the deplorable treatment I got from a supposed top cardiologist. No jab but close contact exposure from an ex-husband Moderna times 3/father second Pfizer/friends J&J second jab which exacerbated arterial clot in leg and Covid Which I cleared in four days, but Had to be hospitalized for 6 due to the clot supposedly.
Yes, that's a real Important question. I got lots of referrals and tests from that cardiologist with no answers and when I mentioned Long-Haul he said you know Long-Haul truckers. I prayed that I would not hit him🤨.
Lol Steve! ChatGPT gave you 10 steps to change its core beliefs and you failed on the first one - Build Trust and Rapport.
The first part EXACTLY details the process I use. We have to remember the BRAINWASHING has been going on for it takes a while to get people to remember HOW TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES. Posing questions that get them to think, like Mel Gibson does, gets those thoughts flowing again. Once the wheels start turning--LOOK OUT! The AWAKENED are often the MOST ADAMANT about fighting the DIABOLICAL DEMONS that are TRYING to enslave us! It is like a former smoker--THEY become the most tyrannical about smoking! SCALES ARE DROPPING FROM EYES LEFT AND RIGHT! I LOVE IT! Thanks, Steve!
Thank you. Very insightful. I've been digging around in an attempt on how to better present the data I've confirmed. Links have been a problem. One Face book censors and the Deep State delete them over the last 4 years. Most ws know today as facts. Like there is not only one Hunter Biden laptops. There are three. That a 3 letter agency blames Pelosi for J6. Back in the 1st quarter of 2022. That is most likely why there has been a disinformation campaign and a Pandemc. People like our closest friends become angry knowing I voted for Trump. They become combative and shut down any discussions. Saying that I have been brainwashed. In those cases I don't see even your suggestions working. But since they are so close to our family I don't want them hurt or injured or for Khevens sake die. Due to them believing the wrong things. It's difficult that I must come to terms that I cannot save everyone.
Excellent ideas. Thamks, Steve.
introduce them to a Michael Yeadon Video . . .