It is so powerful to see all of this data presented together. Thank you thank you thank you.

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***** Message for Steve *****

The pro-vaccine "A Shot in the Arm" documentary starring Neil Degrasse Tyson and Del Bigtree is airing this week, for 12 dollars, and they are apparently planning a "live Q&A" of some sort. It coincides World Vaccine Day. Perhaps you could ask them some questions, live, and record their responses.



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Del Bigtree is not pro-vaccine, is that a typo? Edit: I see, it's a pro-vaccine movie against Del Bigtree! Wow!

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Finally Europe got a Steve Kirsch, som1 downloaden all official Data from EMA (21 years of reported side effects) and made it visiual via Dashboard. The findings are insane, please share as much as you can and hopefully Steve has a look at it.


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And now the vaxx-injury claims are soaring in the UK....

A payment system to help those left disabled after having a vaccine and families of those who died is to be reviewed after a rise in claims following the pandemic.

Health Secretary Victoria Atkins has asked officials in her department to look at how the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) could be reformed. It comes amid concerns that it is struggling to cope following a huge number of claims from those suffering from side-effects after having the Covid-19 jab.

Claims rose to 4,008 last year – up from 480 in 2022, 26 in 2020 and 27 in 2019, official figures show. Separate data reveals that up to April 26 this year, 11,022 claims were made to the scheme in connection with Covid jabs.

Last week, drugs firm AstraZeneca admitted in court papers that its Covid vaccine can cause a rare side-effect. It is facing claims that the jab caused death and serious injury in 75 cases.


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I noticed a new study is out showing the more mRNA shots one received, the more likely one is to catch CCP Virus. 🙄 I responded that my subscription to the world's biggest "misinformation superspreader" (that's you, Steve 😆) gave me that information at least two years ago for which I was shouted down and shadowbanned on every major social media platform except Gab. Funny how they prove your work is correct and *still* call your work "misinformation." How exactly are those two things true at the same time?

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Yes. Thank you Steve, for your incredible and most valuable work. Stopped vaxxxing our cats early on, figuring they didn't need it. They lived to 20 and 23 years. I actually really doubt if they would have been the equivalent of centenarians (115 / 120 years equivalent human years?) if we had continued with the annual poison stabs. Will never put animals through the mill of unnecessary quaxxeens going forward.

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How do you go about that? I have four cats, couldn't prevent them from getting initially vaxxed as the adoption place automatically did it, but would like to avoid any further vaxxes. But one had had respiratory problems and has a swollen lip that may need attention if it gets bigger or doesn't go down, and I don't know how to go about finding a vet who wont refuse service sans vax.

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We explained that they were indoor cats and therefore didn't need further jabs. (They were not very adventurous cats, not bothering to go anywhere beyond our own garden anyway!). They did have annual injections in their early years until we realised it was more about the money (for vets and big pHARMa) than any actual need. Good luck with yours.

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Thanks! I already worry about the one, I was fostering a pregnant cat and he was such a cuddly baby, but when he came back from his shots he has been very weird and uncuddly ever since. I couldn't protect him since he wasn't mine and they wouldn't adopt him out until he was fully "processed". I still love him and adopted him anyway but I wish he could be a cuddle muffin again.

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Oh dear. I wonder if this is the feline equivalent of post-wacxx autism, which seems to happen sometimes in humans these days? In my opinion there’s no need to waxxinate indoors cats from any potential (or non-existent) illnesses we’re told lurk around every corner. So maybe if you believe yours are now “indoor cats” you can sidestep those unnecessary annual interventions? Interesting that fenbendazole (veterinary Panacur) seems to cure all sorts of problems in addition to its general function as a wormer (similar to ivermectin - multi purpose). Worth looking into the researches and anecdotal evidence posted online, in case it’s ever useful. I would also avoid serving standard pet foods now, especially any containing GRAINS, which I’m convinced make cats, which are obligate carnivores, unwell. Bonne chance.

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Ill need to do some research on the food thing when I have time. Though im budget constrained esp due to feeding four little furbabies, I'd love to find some better options.

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I presume you are aware that Barry's court case has been postponed until some time next year. Funny that.

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Great job Steve. Now if I could get certain people to look at it.

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Hi Steve,

Another whitewash article to gaslight covid vaccine injuries:


Plus am learning that the experimental mRNA and adenoviral vector covid vaccines were loaded with trillion of nanoparticles in a graphene oxide PEG hydrogen that self assemble over time into lattice type structures and destroy red blood cells in the process. See Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's Humanity United substack.


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Public Hell-th

I prefer Holistic Healing, it works everytime.

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Integration into the genome, first proven by K. McKernan, has now had multiple independent labs confirm the findings. Can the medical profession still stand by, once this is an established scientific fact? Can the Courts?

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Please read what Mahatma Gandhi wrote in his "Guide to Health"; it really is timeless and together with some of the best natural healing modern wisdom we have, it would be invaluable to avoid much human misery if people took it to heart: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/40373/40373-h/40373-h.htm

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Steve, slide 64, the first slide in the appendix shows the first page of (and links to an article at) what appears to be the site of a (white) race-based organization. If the organization is as it appears, this is not the best source to cite for obvious reasons.

Articles discussing the study at issue can be found elsewhere, such as at CHD’s website here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/unvaccinated-children-healthier-than-vaccinated-children/

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(Several of the immediately following following slides link to the same source.)

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Lets ask the dead and injured over the last 70 years how well vaccines really work. We will never know how many hundreds of millions of people have been negatively affected by poison injections. We can never get accurate data because the parasites controlling fake health care will continue to disparage all attempts to gather it.

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As the "official" AMERICAN DEFAMATION-CAMPAIGN against you, Mr. Steve Kirsch, as in "Wikipedia" or in any other "official" American Publication-Service, seems at this time to not go away, despite all that excellent EVIDENCE , that you provide - we must learn & understand, that the entire official American "Health-System" is at this time highly criminal & totally DEEP-STATE driven & thus UN-reliable & highly corrupted & the entire world can no longer trust any "Hollywood-Show", any "Science", "Politics", "Media" or "Justice" coming out of the USA, until such time, that the American Nation as a whole, has decided to come clean again . . . !

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Your Work and Efforts and Data are Impeccable. I came up with ideas for treating and working with Patients that were, frankly, in dire straits, some very dire. I was considered “crazy”. They were with “well informed consect”. Patients/Individuals got better. Again, Zero letters behind My name. It wasn’nt a Hard leap. I typically had 200 Patients on My brain at a time. I did not need a “chart”. I knew all of Them personally. The placebo effect…How is Your son/daughter doing? Ed

Edit - Perhaps the best two were the “walking station” using a parachute harness I built and aquatherapy referrals.

Edit again - Insurance plant/malingerer…Don’t know. Called aquatherapy Friend….Referred. That was an 11 page medical report. No OSHA report as requested. I ran down the back stairs to watch him getting in his car without difficulty,. Guess what, He no showed. Huh.

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