
Has any test been evaluated that can truly determine covid.PCR ,per creator was never meant to test for it.

Multiple at home tests any good?

I think we need to limit any writings on LATEST covid to stop perpetuating the covid hoax other than to state it is essentially like flu NOT life threatening.


Should never be allowed again especially w/o criteria to determine its necessity

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Thanks, Michelle! I'm totally new to Substack too. Just following my nose. But Steve Kirsch is so great and so courageous with his stand, that it drew me into this space. Still don't really know what I'm doing, but learning how to comment and reply is a good start! Cheers, Shirl

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From what I've seen, the covid wards are mostly empty and the patients there are ALL jabbed. The rest of the hospitals are busy with all other manners of illness and complications.- the hospitals ARE busy- but its just not with "covid"

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Pizzas are another item to avoid. I seldom fry foods apart from eggs in butter. Coconut oil is the best since it can handle high Temps that produce carcinogens in all other oils. Raw foods are the best although to eat a raw potato you need to be lrish!

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Please report on Covid hospital protocol. The repurposed drug (Remdesivir) is killing patients. — Singed, widow

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Investigate the hospital protocols, which use a repurposed drug (Remdesivir) that kills patients. — Signed a hospital protocol widow

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We have the proof in my opinion. The Former Feds Group Freedom Foundation has been compiling the stories, told by survivors & families of the dead. This was a coordinated effort to either depopulate OR to promote the vaccine. More deaths, more vaxx. All patients were ignored until they were desaturating. Then isolated, treated with Remdesivir (Veklury), which has a 53% mortality rate. Dehydrated, malnourished, sedated, organs failed from Remdesivir, vented to prolong life, eventually crashing. Feds pay bonuses to hospitals, positive test, admission, Remdesivir (20% of entire hospital bill) covid on death certificate. Dr. Paul Marik states that Remdesivir kills at a 20 fold rate. Any one of us in the task force can answer your questions. www.formerfedsgroup.org. See the cases compiled at the Covid-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project www.chbmp.org . FYI, CMS waived the Patient Bill of Rights, instructed hospitals that signage & notices on their websites could be removed. Advocates with legal Medical Power of Attorney were either ignored or told outright, your papers mean nothing here.

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I remember seeing that "Patient's Bill of Rights" in doctor's offices. Luckily, I haven't been lately to know if it's been removed here locally.

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CMS waivers were directed to hospitals, not necessarily private offices.

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Most of the deaths in Hospitals called Covid Deaths were documented to not be due to covid but were due to improper treatment protocol or use of known dangerous Drugs like Remdesivir. Hospitals are likely liable and being sued for wrongful deaths. www.myflcv.com/HW291.html & www.myflcv.com/CVTreat.html

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I wonder if Remdesivir is covered under the PREP Act?

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The first emergency with the news broadcasts of freezer trucks waiting , beds unavailable, patients in the hallways- ALL a lie !!

I did the same as you - drove to several local hospitals proclaiming an emergency and nothing - no patients, no cars , empty emergency rooms- ZERO ! They lied the first time !

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Hospitals always try to run close to full, it is their business model. They also can shrink or grow beds for their wards as demand shift. So one day the Covid ward could be two beds the next day 5. So ask how many beds are involved and what’s normal.

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Sorry Im duplicating the message. I thought it had fallen into computter no where land.

Can any one tell me how i can get a response from VAERS on the lists of persons who died from a specific batch number. Ie mine was FE7051 Had 11 people dead from this batch listed 11/2021 now has 23 listed as dead 11/2022. Can anyone tell me how many shots in a batch approx Can VAERS tell me if this info. Check your own out. Go to how bad is my batch . com look up your batch number

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Brief story short. As a victim of the Pfizer poison myself. Yes I call it that. Had extensive run of side effects from it. Erratic heart beats , anaphylaxis reaction, complete loss of ability to stand in 48hrs. all sorts knee/ankle / wrist and ligament issues. I can guarantee you. If i have died. It wouldn't be the listed cause in AUSTRALIA. Like Steve Kirsch. Im on the hunt to make those responsible for this disaster to continue to happen be brought to Justice. When i saw the Presley singer lady, on a report only two days before she died. That's exactly what i was like at the time. Broke out in rashes. Needed antihistamines to control it. I looked like i was in space. Totally listless. Not knowing what the hell was going on. Hope the presleys are checking her heart with a ultra sound. demand it. They wont do it if you don't tell them too. You will find hundreds of little tiny blood bubbles. Like your heart cavitacted with in its self. Is Best way to describe it.

Can any one tell me how i can get a response from VAERS on the lists of persons who died from a specific batch number. Ie mine was FE7051 Had 11 people dead from this batch listed 11/2021 now has 23 listed as dead 11/2022. Can anyone tell me how many shots in a batch approx Can VAERS tell me if this info.

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My cousin and his wife, who live in Italy, just got Covid despite having been vaccinated and "boosted."

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One question on your excellent survey needs further clarification. Most all the "empty bed" answers refer to Covid patients, not to how busy the hospital is. Most hospitals are very busy.

2022 and 2023 are the opposite of 2020. Now they MUST downplay Covid and the Covid "vaccines"

My experience here... https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/what-is-really-going-on-in-hospitals/comment/11932582

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So sorry for your bad experience.

I’m no dr. But I believe the strains of covid from the vaccines are more virulent than the original SARS-COV 2 .

Also, any virus will affect every individual different based on that persons health status or immune sufficiency or deficiency.

Immunity is taste - touch - smell - good diet - exercise.

Small amounts of exposure to bacteria, viruses, and offensive agents encourage the body to produce immune fighter cells. So when the big dose of bad bugs come along your body already made the cure.

The reason most children are unaffected.

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Current virology theory is plain wrong, all the so-called virus strains are made up to scare people into taking the pointless poisonous vaccines which will only kill or harm if they do anything at all.

"Small amounts of exposure to bacteria, viruses, and offensive agents encourage the body to produce immune fighter cells." This is true, but your body knows how to handle these anyway. When the toxins are cleared out then the immune fighter cells subside until next time.

Your body will not have made any cure, but one must constantly top up the system with good food and drink, and sleep and exercise well in clean air, maximizing one's vitamin D preferably from the sun as this is free! Big pharma do not like free of course.


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Thanks. It is more accurate to say that the vaccines are potentially worse than the virus, as they are not the same. The vaccines can stimulate longer greater production of spike protein and potentially have more adverse events and greater long term damage to the immune system. Those most harmed by the virus, are also most likely to have strong adverse vaccine reactions.

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Was there ever really a "virus" that caused the "p(l)andemic"?? SAR-Cov2 still hasn't been isolated from an "infected" person but it does have patents going back 20+ years.



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Virus of lies certainly, otherwise no, all made up to scare the gullible who don't/won't double check.

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The "are viruses real" questions came out of nowhere, and in my view are an irrelevant semantic distraction. (There are over 1,000 peer review papers showing the many harms of Covid) So call it what you will, it, and the spike protein are real and contagious. Jo Nova is very very honorable blogger from Australia, and has the educational background to back up her take on this...

"I know some people want to believe viruses are not real. It would be comforting. I applaud everyone who questions assumptions, but not those who don’t want to learn any genetics or virology. There are billion observations that can’t be explained with the hypothesis that viruses don’t exist. I just keep pointing at the data. Isn’t that what science is?

Viruses have been isolated genetically, antigenically, with electron microscopes, and in functional plaque assays millions of times. The requirement that someone must also isolate them molecularly is an anachronistic, semantic, expensive and irrelevant point.

We don’t have to isolate a box of pure computer virus to know that computer viruses exist.

We can only make copies of viruses by putting them in cells which use all the same chemical elements and much of the same coding and proteins. Separating out the viruses from 100,000 similar chemicals to get purity is possible but expensive and scientifically pointless.

We isolate them with plaque assays, antibody tests, electron micrographs, PCR analysis, contact tracing, symptoms, blood tests for D-Dimer, Cytokines, blood oxy levels, etc etc etc. We do binding tests on various subparts of the virus with ACE2 TMPRSS2 and nuclear transport proteins, etc etc etc. See Nextstrain to get some idea of how much data they can’t explain. (Mouseover and then double click the dots on Nextstrain to see more data).

There’s a billion observations that already fit the hypothesis that viruses are real. The hypothesis that all viruses are fake explains none of them…"


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"The "are viruses real" questions came out of nowhere,"

This it not true, it has been understood in the past, only the so-called scientists in the late 1800's change the understanding essentially so as foist on the public their Nazi drugs and chemicals including vaccines.

Viruses have been mistaken if anything for the exosome, the body's own defense system.

The issue is one where something exists, but it is not what they, the so-called experts, say it is.


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I never said "viruses aren't real", I said THIS "virus" isn't real. The PCR test was never meant to diagnose anything, as per it's inventor, the late Kary Mullis.

Isn't it strange how in 2020, the tried and true methods used in "science" have "suddenly" become "anachronistic, semantic, expensive and irrelevant"??? LOL!

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There is much to be concerned with regarding how Covid was developed,

The PCR test was used to exaggerate the virus when that is what they wanted to do. Yet every method mentioned in my response has been used for Covid. It is real.

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i really appreciate your factual informaton.!




March 1, 2022. There are nine pages of recorded ADVERSE side effects, about 158,000 different health problems in all.


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My wife and I are not vaccinated. About 7 weeks ago she finally got Covid, and I from her. (Home antigen test) She has had at least 7 doctors appointments and been to the ER for sudden hearing loss and cardio issues. (Major hospital in San Diego.) Never once was she tested, and the outdoor routine testing center has been closed for months.

I invite you to try and find a timeline showing the number of tests, the cycles run to determine test positive, and the test positive rate. All are critical to knowing how Covid has changed, versus how it is documented, and all are hidden. Now there are far fewer tests, run at lower cycles! Ask the question, what would happen if they were testing every patient, every hospital admission for Covid at 45 cycles as they did in 2020? How many flus and what not, would be Covid hospitalised, and Covid deaths, that now are assigned exclusively to what was "with Covid", in 2020. So why are we now minimising Covid? Why did the CCP in China call it "like a cold"?

The motive for downplaying Covid is clear as day. Protect the reputation of the vaccines, and, as Covid was likely a joint US and China GOF virus, minimise those harms as well. While the CFR for Covid is like a flu, the variety of harms is far broader, and the spike, in the virus or the vaccine, can lead to other morbidities and even mortality, that now will be hidden from being blamed on the virus or the vaccine.

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David, did your wife get early treatment with IVM and HCQ? We know so many ways to treat COVID now, but treatment must begin immediately. There are herbs that help too. Andrographis panniculata is a miracle herb.

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Hi Kathy, and thank you. Yes, we are well aware of all the protocols. She has always, since early childhood, been immune compromised and hyperactive to medication. When covid came out, as I read various reports, we were extremely concerned as Covid is definitely not just a flu, despite the low CFR. We also considered her to be a prime candidate for vaccine harms. It is very likely the vaccines would have ended her life, and without the excellent prophylactic treatments available, Covid as well.

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"Why did the CCP in China call it "like a cold"?"

Because in essence it is or more correctly the 'flu. The problem is people do not understand by and large what the 'flu is, The ‘flu is the internal toxicosis of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.

Unless your blood is given to someone in a blood transfusion, for example.

The Wuhan issue was a Red Herring a psyop to exploit fear and ignorance to drive people into the arms of the vaxxers. In the meantime there are lots of toxins around in the environment to poison people with and add to 'flu issues.


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It is a virus.

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The so-called virus is a lie to scare the children and the gullible. Mots of us were taken in by the lies prior to 2020, as was I. But that was because I had not double checked. When at last I did in 2020 I turned my thinking round in 2 months of solid research whilst on furlough.

I had been into hospitals being treated for alleged cancer during the height of the supposed pandemic in April/May 2020 and was realising something was amiss with what we were being told.

By June I realised that virology was fundamentally flawed and they weaponised the seasonal 'flu combined with fear and ignorance. It was all a set up as with previous 'virus' scare to drive people into the arms of the vaxxers and the vaxxes which would be the actual toxins to harm and kill people (subject to people's immune systems and whether only saline in jabs to keep numbers of harm and deaths down).

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