I think doctors are always worried about getting sued. So if they give a vaccine, no matter what happens they can’t get sued. However, if they don’t give a vaccine and Something Happens they can get sued.

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16 There are six things the Lord hates,

seven that are detestable to him:

17 haughty eyes,

a lying tongue,

hands that shed innocent blood,

18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,

feet that are quick to rush into evil,

19 a false witness who pours out lies

and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Proverbs 6:16

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We need more compounding labs in the US that are “prescription friendly” i.e. giving ivermectin to people

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I wonder if his comment (regardless of whether...) is suggestive of the difference between clearly provable and strongly suspected of causing the injury. In our case, my husband's deltoid was so clearly inflamed from the time he got the shots that he couldn't lift his arm for 2 years, the inflammation spread & his bicep tore. An examining orthopedic nurse practitioner said, "we've been seeing a lot of this." (implication being since the shot rollout) Clearly, we believe & even have some professional proof it was caused by the shot. However, his other injury, which we believe was caused by the shot but would be harder to prove is that he had a minor lung issue (2 small granulomas) years ago. However, when he got the shots, he developed severe interstitial lung disease, can't work (he loved his job), is on continuous 4 to 6L supplemental oxygen, must take an experimental drug to reduce exacerbations resulting in hospitalizations, developed pulmonary hypertension. We can't prove this 100% as the numbers of people that had this happened are fewer than those that developed deltoid & bicep injuries post-shot but we believe that perhaps his small potential for lung disease was turbo-charged/caused by the trigger it received, those horrid toxic shots. We actually have to sell our home because we can't afford the normal life we had when he worked and didn't have so many medical expenses.

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Re: " regardless of whether you believe the vaccine caused the injury"

Isn't this the same criteria used by the CDC with regards to deaths caused by Covid? They literally had people listed as Covid deaths who died in automobile and motorcycle accidents. The number of comorbidities also jumped drastically within a few months after vaccination indicating that the covid shot brought about a dramatic drop in death due to cancer, heart disease, etc. Yeah, right.

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You should ask about turbo cancers in those not previously affected. My mother, 77, who has always been diligent to do cancer screenings and mammograms had 3 or more of the "vaccines" and has now been diagnosed with very aggressive breast cancer.

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My sister, fit ,well, ignored my warnings, took 2 injections,got turbo stage 4 stomach cancer,had most of her stomach removed, also hot from foot, neurological damage, she could hardly eat, thought she was OK, government advised get vaxed for winter,so she had a booster, cancer came back aggressive, nothing they could do, she died this march...one brother-in-law in Canada, had 2,so he could travel,was weak,went blind in one eye,then got shingles, hospiitalised, became paralysed in his legs,then up his spine,then down his arms,hands, totally paralysed, died 11 weeks after his vax...another brother-in-law in England,fit,well,stil. Working, dropped dead after a game of golf, mandated vax and booster for his job with NHS...Friends husband got his booster, got out of bed in the morning,massive heart attack, head nurse told his wife,it was the vax,died a few hours later, a golf mate of my husband,died of turbocharger 2 months ago, my husband came home from golf 2 weeks ago,said,3 guys at golf all battling turbo cancers,one is in palative care, all at the club were mandated or could not play golf, my husband has suffered ill health e er since...someone I know went in England, has gone blind in both eyes, and has to have a walker to get around....many have lost far more than me, I have been expecting g it,and it will get much worse..there are 1290 shocking side effects in the vax, which is not a vaccine, Faucie wanted them hidden for 75 years..they kept them hidden, but now anyone can view them..This is mass genocide...

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I am so sorry for your losses. This is so unconscionable! I just get so angry when I think of all the devastation.

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myddad2matesturbocancerd. giirl upstairs 2friendsgone. heart

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It's horrendous, mass genocide, planned years ago...deaths in Newzealand after the vax are up by 3000%...they are scycopaths, it is horrendous..

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Everyone needs to make sure they have ivermectin on hand. Even if it is just a horse paste from Amazon. There’s 120 mg in each horse paste tube 0.50mg per kilogram is the dose. So usually anywhere between 25% to 40% of a tube for one dose. if someone is in the hospital then mix it in with some orange juice and bring it to the hospital that’s what I did, after two days, my father was released perfectly fine again. Blood oxygen saturation went from 84 the first day to 95 second day. the day after they released him. I can’t even tell my brother because he’s completely brainwashed by his woke radical left-wing wife. People just simply don’t seem to apologize for the way they treat you when you were right, and they were wrong. People will double down, triple down all the way to infinity on their false beliefs. So everyone here make sure you have some ivermectin on hand. You can also get it at gomedicinecounter.com and also Thailand and Mexico.

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As ever, the diversity of symptoms, and the lack of credible medical opinion on likely consequences, creates an uncomfortable clouding of truth. This survey represents some progress...however, an oft-encountered issue appears to be, in the U.K. at any rate, the general constipation within the diagnostic system, against the backdrop of continual ' NHS is on its knees' validation for delays. Anecdotally, I can mention several situations which don't appear in the survey descriptors:

* My husband, now 75, had every injection going, i.e. first Feb.'21; second April'21; third October '21; boosted twice, and another booster combined with 'flu vaccine. From the time of the first, he seemed to become forgetful and rather distrait. He was a sparky, often argumentative man who loved a debate about books, politics, films, etc. He is now very passive most of the time, and often responds to attempts to help him recall significant events in the past or recent past with a Gallic shrug, which I now realise means 'I have no idea' - a phrase he uses a lot.

* A relative, female 74, was active and alert. Her partner noticed a reaction to the first two injections which concerned him - fever and prolonged malaise over weeks, which has culminated in her losing mobility entirely, becoming incontinent, losing cognitive ability.

* A friend aged aged 77 was losing weight prior to injection. Six weeks afterwards, he experienced total loss of appetite, and died suddenly. Hospital said they 'thought he had cancer but couldn't find it'.

* A relative and partner, early 40's/ late 30's respectively, both suffer continual resurgence of malaise, chronic chest infections, exhaustion, which is preventing normal activity at times.

* Another relative aged 70 suddenly developed a rare and accelerating form of blindness after injection, and a neighbour aged 60 woke up blind in one eye weeks after her injection.

All these instances can be demolished as 'coincidence' by those who refuse to investigate links. Likewise, the victims of any cause/ effect will not be receptive to suggestions that there is a link, for a variety of reasons...

Thank you, Steve, for your strength and determination...

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Yet James Lyons-Weiler wrote a paper which explains many of the diverse adverse effects. And ironically every one of them can be found when going through the childhood vaccine inserts. That's because part of the problem is caused by molecular mimicry. This is what causes various autoimmune attacks, and the attacks are dependent upon genetic weaknesses, and where the foreign proteins get taken into cells. If they land inside the heart and get taken up there then you have myocarditis, arrhythmia's. If outside the heart you get pericarditis. If they attack red blood cells you get low oxygen(I can't breathe syndrome) and CFS. If in the Testes..., you guessed it. the same with the ovaries, which BTW has caused horrific menstrual bleeding even in post menopausal woman. This particular ailment is caused by a protein called syncytin.

It's a brilliant bioweapon, and none of the so-called experts seems to understand this simple principle at work. And I suspect that is by design.

James lists all the immunogenic peptides in his paper:

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtauto.2020.100051

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www.flccc.net follow the protocols and make sure everyone gets on ivermectin for at least five days straight. Or a lower dose at 0.2 mg per kilogram for 10 days. There are lots of examples of some supplements you can take by the big ones are NAC, Curcumin. Bromelain. NAC is good for so many things.

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Steve, a close friend got serious heart arrhythmia with pulse dropping into 30s. Had electro-conversions x 2, various drugs, all to no avail. 15 months later is now is scheduled for a pacemaker. Had 4 jabs. I suspect myocarditis but never suggested or diagnosed by his drs. They just treat the symptoms. Can't add him to the survey as arrhythmia not listed, though it seems to be a commonly reported adverse event.

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Need to expand the list of side effects post vaccine such as menstrual irregularities, cancer, chronic musculoskeletal pain.

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Has anyone looked into biostatisticians? It’s a real job title and you can find jobs with that title on job sites. These are supposed to be the people who really knows statistics and are supposed to be able to prove things within certain confidence intervals with a certain percentage 19 times out of 20. Yet during the pandemic, they were nowhere to be found.

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I was thinking about going to high schools and doing critical thinking lectures. If a high school kid hears something that he really likes he will remember it. But then again, just typing this I realized I probably won’t do it because then I will be subject to vaccine shedding. So screw it.

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Playing capture the victim or is that re victimize the victim what a sick game you are playing.

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My wifes' best friends son and daughter in law, both vaxxed for work, pregnant and then discovery of fetus with an abnormal heart condition not compatible with life, aborted. Sad story, and they probably don't have a clue unfortunately.

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My mom and brother both have genetic retinitis Pigmatosis. After their jab they both had rapidly lost their sight. While we will never know I’m sure the jab increased the speed of deterioration. My mother also developed other issues and died at 93. I’m convinced it’s all due to the jab.

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Maybe we do have a few people in the U. S. government that care about Ameicans and people all over the world. :) Nice to see more and more people wake up and try to do something.


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