New to this sub stack and likely not understanding much about video on the internet, if there is a problem with UTube or Vimeo, who not try Odysee?

Here is a good one to start: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c

Also, though not strictly in the same genre', why not GAB?

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Just as you said. Vimeo did censor it. I have asked for a reason but won't get one. That YouTube link is only the song which is beautiful but it's NOWHERE NEAR as powerful as the full video you originally posted, so it's here on YouTube in FULL (while it lasts) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHstSqEp9zM (for those who don't know of any video sites except YouTube, please get out more!)

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The YouTube is also removed now. If any finds a live version we (or I) could upload to odysee where it cannot be taken down.

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Feel free to email me and I will get the full HD version over to you via a privacy respecting file-sharing service. The first thing I do with anything this important, is DOWNLOAD it. Too much experience of stuff going missing and never being found again. Once bitten....

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Got it! Thanks so much Mark.

Great work.

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I am rather for... *my man*, Dr. Daniel Nagase, approach:

Ep112-3.World Wide Rally for Freedom with Dr. Daniel Nagase in Kelowna BC Canada Jan 22 2022


"Taking down the Supreme Court" [of Canada] to begin with, is what needs to be done. Enough! Waiting for Godot is good for theater.

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Thanks Steve for sharing my song. I have a few people asking questions about it.

1. Yes, I am the original singer and writer of this song, but the singer in the video above is actually April, another vaccine injured with a beautiful voice. I am so thankful that she was able to perform in my place since I was not well enough to go to DC.

2. I have the original song for free download on Reverbnation. I would rather our message be spread far and wide over making money on it. So please tell everyone they can download it for free there now.

3. My vaccine injury story and the song are also available at https://www.realnotrare.com/post/julie-elizabeth

Thanks for helping us raise awareness! With much love ~Julie Elizabeth

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Julie, you are a phenomenal song writer and singer. Thank you for what I believe is one of the most important pieces of work in raising awareness and speaking out for fellow vaccine injured people. I posted the full version on YouTube which Steve originally posted at Vimeo (since censored as he predicted). It's here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHstSqEp9zM. Somehow I have avoided the censors SO FAR, but I have had other videos deleted for "misinformation" (God that grates me to even type). It's a TREASURE of a video. I watch it daily, and cry each and EVERY time. We will win this, stay strong.

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Wow, I am so excited to see your post here Julie. I was wondering about you as I am sure many are. I am so sorry for what you have been going through, and your family.

Thank you for writing this song, it is so relevant to now, we live in a strange time.

Thank you also for the link, it led me to find the things I was hoping to find.

I came back to see if there were any new posts here, it seemed like they were ending. I don't want to see this video just fade away I know it was removed from one link. I share it with others and get very good feedback from them.

I don't know what plans there might be for other videos but I think your song has a staying potential to be the song of other like kind of videos with more and different vaccine victims. One song many videos. This video is very moving in ways that we should be moved.

I don't like to see people suffering, and I know some don't want to see, but I feel a need to. I don't know how to explain that. Somehow it makes me feel a part of it.

Take care Julie, your moving hearts

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She is a true inspiration, it really sickens me that the music video was removed so quickly(but somehow expected) when a lot of these people signed up to be official labrats by participating and having their kids participate in the clinical trials. Even Before the gov said it was safe, these people trusted the process and gov so much they signed themselves and their children up to be experimented upon. Little did they know there were thousands of vaccine injured people trying to spread awareness (of what they recently went through) and to let people know “the vaccines are not completely safe” they were all scared to come forward and create hesitation after being told it was a 1 in a million chance of having a bad reaction. These people are being abandoned by health care and outcasted by the media. If you signed up for a vaccine trial, in my mind you are way more pro vaccine than the next person that waited until it was cleared for emergency use

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So true Brett, thank you for posting.

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I watched it twice and cried both times. I posted it to my Bitchute page and will be passing the link around. Hopefully I will see you all in DC tomorrow. https://www.bitchute.com/video/G0z8tTwSh9eF/

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Ditto to the first sentence, make that three. And I identify as a straight white male. Whatever next? :D

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I'd love to watch it. Do I need to subscribe to Vimeo to watch videos there? I've never heard of Vimeo. Did she post her video on a free site? Or is she on Vimeo to collect money for a cause? If so, it would be nice to know how the money collected will be spent. I'm curious how much money that would be for a video with 30K views? Likely, peanuts but I have no clue.

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You needn't worry. Vimeo is just a lesser known version of YouTube, run by rampant Marxists just the same of course, 'twas ever thus. I have reposted it on YouTube, just for fun to see how long it takes them to 'disappear' it for 'misinformation', despite it only telling 100% true stories, again, 'twas ever thus! If you feel safer with YT, here ya go - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHstSqEp9zM

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I don't get it. Why aren't folks aware of Odysee? Below is an example:


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I am, but most aren't. I love it as it actually WORKS properly too! Excellent site

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Was this video actually only 26 seconds long? That's all that showed. I guess they've erased most of it. Sadly, the carnage marches on. Pray Christ comes quickly.👵😇 Thank you Steve, don't give up.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHstSqEp9zM I think Vimeo removed it already

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I did get hear that beautiful song on another site. Sorry I don't know how to do all https: stuff. Or I would share it. Sorry!👵😇

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No worries at all I really hope you were able to see the actual video that goes along with it, it really shows how severe some people have it nowadays. You might be able to just click on the link I shared if not tr to copy and paste it into YouTube

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Yes I did. Thank you.👵😇

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Thank you, Steve! I greatly appreciate all your work, and having finally found out about you, attending your Thursday 7PM ZOOM calls, etc.! I also share your work with others, and encourage all to do the same!

"Where there is the Spirit of the Lord, there is liberty." 2 Corinthians 3:17 KJV

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SUPER powerful. Parents of children with autism have been dealing with this for 20+ years. Gaslighting. Personally funding medical, behavioral, educational and mental health treatments that insurers refuse to cover. Complete denial from pharma and the government. No liability. PLEASE don’t stop fighting when the COVID vaccines go away.

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With California pushing for compulsory HPV jabs, it shows it was never just about covid jabs.

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So very true!!👵😇

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The biggest question of all, what happens if a large percentage of people who got the vaccine end up with very serious problems? Will there be 200 million videos like this, just in the US?

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Could be, if more people start to care, and do something about it.👵😇

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Steve, here's the video I'd like someone to make:

have someone go through biden's speeches about this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated

-then have someone go through Hitler's speeches blaming the Jews--

find the places where they used almost the same words and perhaps even the same gestures in a few places.

Now make a one minute video of that.

No doubt this will highly offend many in the blue cult but I think it can also be quite effective. after years of hearing them say Republicans and Trump were Hitler and the Nazis, it is the blue cultists themselves who are actually the Nazis and Biden the one ordering the poisoning of people with toxic injections.

I say that as someone who can't stand Trump and has no use for many republican ideas but at this point, after many years of being the lesser of two evils, Democrat Thought Police Poison Mandates have become the far greater of two evils.

The party of JFK and FDR now has far more in common with Goebbels and Mengele.

And maybe make a second video of all the goebbels big lie statements and all the lying covid propaganda headlines.

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Making it real for the narrative believers and Kool-Aid drinkers.

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Steve, Thamks so much! You should connect with Celine Dion and hopefully she has come to recognize her injury was from the vax. A DUO Performance from these 2 would be world impact full.

Celine has the visibility to shake up everyone. Thanks again!

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i have no way to do that. if you can find a way, email stevekirsch-request@protonmail.com

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Working on it. Sent email time stamp 7:34 pst. Thanks!

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I just downloaded it through Vimeo and shared to groups on GAB. Will send to friends via e-mail as well. Brought tears to my eyes.

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