Watch our latest vaccine victim video before Vimeo censors it
Vimeo doesn't think there are any vaccine victims so they'll censor our new video. Watch it before they do.
Vimeo doesn’t want you to see this video on Vimeo we put together so that link doesn’t work. We thought that would happen. Vimeo is cooperating in the US government directed censorship of vaccine events. You are not supposed to know this. Please share widely.
Note: As predicted Vimeo removed the video for violating their terms of service. They do not want you to see any vaccine injured as seeing the truth might get you to realize that the government is lying to you. Vimeo, like most high tech companies, is following orders from the White House to censor this content.
Fortunately, the Rumble version is here. It’s (still) on YouTube here. The song writer is Julie Elizabeth who is vaccine injured, but it is April in the video (who is another singer).
You can buy the song on Amazon Music, Spotify, iTunes, and other locations. She makes the most money if you buy the song via reverbnation. You can also find the song on YouTube.
Breaks my heart. I had a daughter who died in my arms after an MMR shot, she was 15 months old, I was 22. Lucky for us both I got her to the hospital in time and she was brought back to life by the ER staff. This was in 1996. This began a lifetime of advocacy for the vaccine injured, rallying to support preventive and alternative medicine and an unshakable belief in our inalienable right to bodily autonomy. This was a big fight for me in my life. I felt alone often as my stance was dismissed and ridiculed. Then Covid hit and suddenly I watched our experience happen on a global scale. The silver lining I suppose is that I was prepared. I was not shocked by the behaviour of the doctors who run scared because losing their licence means losing their lives. I was not surprised to watch family turn on family. I was not caught off guard by any of it, just deeply saddened that humanity has this ability to act as if they care while turning on each other. Thank you for this video.
I am a Girl Scout leader of a troop that specializes in the outdoors (camping, backpacking, hiking), and this morning I rec'd a phone call from one of the moms of a girl we hadn't seen in a while. Turns out her daughter (14 yr old) was seriously injured from the shots. She got them in September and was sick continuously through December. The mom didn't give me details (just heart related and vomiting) but she was concerned for her daughter's life at one point and she had to quit her job to take care of her. Her mother also developed rapid onset of dementia during this time (prob shot related) so she had to take care of her too. Her daughter is starting to get over her health conditions thankfully and can come back to some of our activities as long as they aren't too strenuous for her. I hope every gov't official, school administrator, pharma officials, and CEO of companies who created and mandated these killer shots have to one day PAY for what they've done to so many people. My father also got a blood clot from them but thankfully it was in his leg so we caught it. I am so angry at what is going on. They are NOT "safe and effective." FAR FROM IT.