They dont call her Madcow for nothing,she blatantly lies about everything.Cant believe a word she says.

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Nice Work Steve!

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The very reason the flu vac can be taken back to the drug company and ask for our money back….this house of cards has lost all ethical and moral inclination for real medicine, even the medical school who have embraced DEI fully are just as guilty…We the people of this great Nation have been the experimental mice fora bunch of truly amoral and unethical bunch of administrators and researchers all of whom should be investigated for they WILL do it again if given the chance..and China would be more than happy to do it again.

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The same Maddow that told people to "Shut up about their vaccine injuries already"?

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I would bet she takes better care of her cats, than she would take care of the 'public charges' under her rule were she in 'government' who came forth w/mRNA/'vaccine' injuries. Thankfully, she is not in govt.

But consider this, she influences many who ARE in those positions of 'power' and control over 'public charges' (you and I) throughout the 'whirled'.

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I remember Maddow emphatically pleading with he audience to get the jabs because the will "stop COVID dead in it's tracks" and further "if you are vaccinated you will not get COVID and you will not pass it on". I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt in assuming she was not flat out lying. However; she is another main stream media whore that will spew any script handed to her, regardless of truth.

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Maddow is a mRNA convert b/c her partner took paxlovid

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While the studies in the article basically show infection and re-infection rates increase with the number of vaccine doses, your chance of being hospitalized or dying appear to decrease with the addition of booster doses. Interesting dichotomy. Although that so-called level of protection appears to be short lived also.

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Rachael Maddow was prosecuted, but won her case because her lawyer usefully observed that what she is doing is "for entertainment purposes only." She isn't presenting facts or news at all. See how that works?

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Where did it EVER say on MSLSD that the Rachel Maddow "show" was fore entertainment only and that it was not a news and opinion show. If it was entertainment why was it not entertaining? Heck, she didn't even have clown makeup on.

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The courts ruled that it wasn't news and was not to be taken seriously. " the Court finds a reasonable viewer would not take the statement as factual given this context,...The context of Maddow’s statement shows reasonable viewers would consider the contested statement to be her opinion.”

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re: " the Court finds a reasonable viewer would not take the statement as factual "

So, "Russia! Russia! Russia!" and "the vaccine will save you" were just -

cosplay? (a blend word of "costume play", an activity involving 'performance art')

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Yes, it's ritual killing. There's much written on the subject, but in a nutshell, it's ritual or sacred, i.e. Satanic ritual.

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Amazing! We live in Idiocracy - the movie.

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Very interesting. To make it easier to discern differences visually, show the average of Graph A and the average of B, over time, plotted on the same graph to make it easier to compare. Great work, by the way.

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Looking at Our World in Data...why did JH agree to adopt WHO's data tracking in March 2023? I see the biggest funder is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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this is very useful tbh .. you know the aim is to blame unvaxed for infecting the vaxed folks via the sewage in various countries. If the vaxes arent keeping the sewage clear of the so called virus.. then that argument will fail.

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5 years now! Rachel is a propaganda shill puppet scumbag of the scummy scumbag self-proclaimed elites globalists Rothschilds Rockefellers Finks Soros Satanists. We have come to the conclusion we've had enough of their bullshit and drain the swamp and beat the living shit out of the scummy swamp monsters. This is their depopulation, demonetization of the globe. Those that are left will be fully enslaved more than we currently are by the system.

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Every country has one of these MADCOW's... they're useful idiots. Did they use the PCR test to test the water? if yes...we know how reliable that is🙄 kids in my country were getting positive results from orange juice...to avoid having to go to school. One week less of indoctrination!

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Rachel Maddow IS wastewater!

And that's being nice...

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You may have heard Sasha Latypova say that a whistleblower told her the DOD had a separate room at Moderna in Massachusetts for government contracts. They apparently received the "vaccine" compound from DOD sources, then added it to lipid nanoparticles, then shipped it out with the Moderna name on it. This needs more investigation.

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Sasha has lots of unfounded claims & ignores the fact that DoD is directed by POTUS the Commander in Chief they are not like CIA or USAID who go rogue.. similar story by Sasha on Shannon Joy show as first hand experience w old relative in Rochester hospital & no pics of the Covid ward with hidden ID and murders.. . fun review https://rumble.com/v3j0kcq-2023-09-16-sasha-latypova-on-shannon-joy-16-sept-2023-brief-twitch192751116.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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Payola was the basis for a scandal starting in the 1930s. It involved 'play for pay' (record companies paid disk jockeys to play their records.) The FCC mandated that if you paid someone to play their records on air, you had to be public about it,, and say so (issue a disclaimer.)

How come the same thing is not true for paying celebs and on-air persons to make recommendations and pushing mRNA 'vaccine' treatments?


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Payola and Sponsorship Identification


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