what is the name of your collegue ? please..

Dr NAGASE didnt find any ARN eiher, please contact him

we need the name of your collegue because its a VITAL subject, we HAVE to know the truth

unprecision is impossible now in 2023

thousands of people are dying of it or ending so sick they cant live anymore, and we have to know the TRUE REASON

Thank you

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In fact you can have all those vaccine injured without the mRNA even if it is mathematically improbable that the peptide and protein sequences that were cobbled together to create the full SARS-CoV-2 chimeric spike protein genomic sequence were more similar to humans and mice than even human coronaviruses - a mathematical improbability. The polyethylene glycol (PEG) formula is either comprised of graphene oxide (GO) as the lipid nanoparticles (LNP) or GO is separately an undisclosed ingredient in the jabs (probably the latter since non-mRNA vials lacking the PEG formula also contain GO). The bodily effects of both graphene oxide and EMFs are surprisingly similar to those that are purportedly from Covid as well as the autoimmune conditions generated as a result of molecular mimicry with the chimeric peptide sequences found in the C19 jabs.

Graphene is also a superconductor and can amplify electromagnetic fields. 5G (or the small cell networks of military technology “converted” for general communications use) is an absolutely instrumental part of this. And 6G and beyond pretty much has humans as the final mile of the Internet of Things by them serving as towers generating amplified frequencies themselves. That is when the transhumanism is complete. Natural organic humans beings cannot withstand that level of electrification of our environment. It will kill us. What is here now is already destroying us by exposure to microwave/5G and even 4G EMF frequencies that cause our cellular voltage gated ion channels, in particular calcium (VGCC) to open up and an imbalance occurs - these are normally very tightly regulated. Dr. Martin Pall of Washington State University is by far the most knowledgeable person on this topic.

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there are diverses PGE, sticked to graphene Quantum dots, nano bots AT LEAST

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Nyerestingly there is nano material but the actual nanobot formation occurs inside the body. Self assembling they are…

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I accuse Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. Peter McCullough of lamentable lies, and complicity, with respect to the content of the Covid/19 injections


My Message to the Covidian Dissidents of the Controlled Opposition


Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. Peter McCullough! I have a personal Message for you: What the Fake is going on?


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Did you mention the THIRD TEMPLE? A new mind for a new species. Being built now 😉

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I am French and I have been writing about the fake pandemics and vaccine genocide for 3 years.

Presentation of my English publications about the fake pandemics and the vaccine genocide


The Necro-Corona of “Molecular Spikes of Graphene Oxide”, and not the invisible coronavirus, induces a SMOG in the human organism


Summary of the irrefutable evidence - in photographs and videos - of the presence of graphene and nano/micro-technologies in the Covid injection


Mik Andersen’s 39 articles in English: Graphene injections and intra-corporeal nano-communications network


Self-Assembly of DNA Crystals. Mik Andersen


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All of "IT" is under Title 18 U.S.C Sec 3 and 4....

§3. Accessory after the fact

Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.

Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years."

And when "We the People" provide a "verdict" rather than anyone whom is NOT part of a JURY Verdict" "We the People" would give up to 15 years running consecutively per COUNT! And the PERPS would PAY for their own "UPKEEP" while serving their TIME!

§4. Misprision of felony

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

So when YOU TELL anyone, that there is a TITLE 18 U.S.C Crime and they laugh or "DO NOTHING about STOPPING SAID CRIME... the have already violated Title 18 U.S.C Sec. 3 AND 4!

And they have (past tense,) JOINED into the "RICO ENTERPRISE" themselves, if they know it or NOT!

SO, there is NO INGOR-ANTS of the LAW, nor can any JUDGE, or other "Bar Carder," make any VALID, legal or lawful excuse for NOT "Attempting to STOP the CRIME(S)" that was place in their FACES, to DO SO!

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It will be interesting to see if Pfizer/Biontech and modeRNA go the same way as SVB (Silicon Valley Bank).

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I’m also interested in what was actually released on the world. There are many theories including venom. Is there any way to test it. I got it in December 2019. I said at the time, This isn’t like any flu I’ve had. I feel like I’ve been poisoned.

I had loss of taste and smell, debilitating fatigue and brain fog… and since then I have constant tinnitus and loss of hearing. What was in the initial weapon!!!???

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Oh boy! No mRNA?? That upturns many apple carts!!! I wonder why the “inventors” of the mRNA aren’t interested in what’s in the vials???

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That another LIE since it is IN THE PATENTS, and can be seen IN THE PATENTS, and viewed who looked for by competent PERSONAL!


Beside... IT ain't all about what's IN THEM... it is ALL about what they do to people!


So before the Patented Poison Plunger Pushers, and that be anyone, still on the SIDE of the PATENTED fake vaccines, get's all "Warm and FUZZY" about what is... or what is NOT in the so-called vaccines...

SINCE... it is all about.... WHAT THEY DO.. DO to humans!


Again....That is 1292 SIDE EFFECTS form "mild to DEADLY," and all points in-between!

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I wish people didn't charge for important information because if you add up all the different sites one might like to know about...they all charge. Fixed incomes can not do it. Been doing videos for almost 7 years to inform and help make people aware in divine service to humanity without charging only started asking for donations as expenses and platforms went up. It just doesnt seem right especially at this time!

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'If they were all blanks, we wouldn’t have this many vaccine injured.'

That doesn't follow, it could be something other than mRNA that is injuring people.

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?....yes nanometallics...peg ..hydrogel....inflammatory response and endothelium damage etc etc infinitum

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But you did say he found the lipid nanoparticles, which is significant, as follows

"Dr David Martin Explains Covid Vaccines are not Vaccines but are Medical Devices" - (duration = 9:16)


According to Judy Mikovits in the above video at time = 6:52, "...among many things. It can actually directly cause, um, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, Alzheimer's disease, because that's what the expression of that pathogenic envelope, it can cause accelerated cancer, that's what the expression of that piece of virus, that syncytin alone, has been known to do for decades. You injected the disease, literally."

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She’s not denying that these injections mame and kill so I’m not sure why you’re saying that.

Still doesn’t answer the questions she has.

1. What is in the vials ?

2. Why is nobody requesting these ingredients or at the very least, the vials ?

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1.poison 2. Mafia will " fix" them

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Because I've seen very few people who understand that the llpid nanoparticle (LNP) envelope of the allegedly "mRNA jabs" is not benign. It's potentially very deadly.

I replied with Judy Mikovits' comments of that video, because Steve Kirsch was calling those vials "blanks", I guess meaning "no mRNA". But, I wouldn't call them "blanks", not when they contain PEG and LNP. The LNP is what is able to cross cell membranes, the blood brain barrier, and the placenta, and then wreak havoc. And, you see that Mikovits states with regard to the LNP, "You injected the disease, literally."

As for what's in the vials, apparently there are U.S. government restrictions/laws which are keeping anyone from just grabbing a vial and looking at the contents. Fortunately, many other countries do not have such restrictions. The pharmaceutical companies are permitted to not list "trade secret ingredients" and you can bet that any ingredient that could debilitate or even kill us will not be listed as an ingredient.

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Shooting blanks lends credence to the concept that (forget your 5G nanobots and no-viruses exist theories) the whole program was about mass adoption of a centralized one-world authoritarian bureaucracy with which to control our lives for the greater good. UN led climate change fear mongering wasn’t working, so they pivoted to WHO led pandemic fear mongering instead.

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That and...oh yeah - MILLIONS INJURED OR DEAD FROM THIS EVIL! Let's not forget and pray for any living in fear, pain or strife because of this crime against humanity.

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This is indeed a war against humanity. Necessary in their minds in order to Build Back Better. Read between the lines. In order to build it back they have to destroy it first.

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Aren’t there NDAs, Steve? Those would preclude state actors possibly. 🔥

Steve, SIR - the release of Jan 6 tapes has your destiny written all over it -- to put the network for data capture and dissemination of CITIZENS RECOGNITION of STATE ACTORS with tagged linked data (master tag system library needed w uniform description data dictionary and frame ranges) and a social framework for competitive prizes (hire advice) to create ESCALATING BUZZ 🐝

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