Want to know what's inside the vaccine vials?
One of our colleagues ran a mass spectrometry analysis of 4 vials. I'll tell you what he found. Do you think any state actor will agree to find out what's in the vials? I haven't found one.
Executive summary
One of my colleagues did mass spectrometry on 4 vaccine vials: two from Moderna and two from Pfizer.
He found PEG, but no phosphorus which means he found the lipid nanoparticles, but no payload or preservative. A bunch of blanks. No mRNA.
Some people speculate that it’s because there was breakdown of the mRNA because it wasn’t kept at temperature. Nice theory, but that would violate the laws of physics: stable elements don’t break down. If there was mRNA in the vials, we’d find phosphorus, it doesn’t matter if the strands are broken or degraded. Stable elements don’t degrade.
Do I believe all the vials are blanks? No! If they were all blanks, we wouldn’t have this many vaccine injured.
I'm amazed that no state actor wants to find out what is inside the vials. They all trust the government 100%. Is the mRNA intact in all the vials? They do NOT want to know. The CDC isn’t doing the QA and neither is any state, including Texas and Florida. Nobody wants to upset the narrative.
Step one
You can be arrested for obtaining vaccine vials illegally.
So a state actor has to cooperate so we have clean provenance on the vials and nobody gets arrested.
I’m pretty sure that no state actor in the United States wants to know what is inside the vials; if they were, they’d have published the results.
Similarly, no state actor anywhere in the world wants to know either.
After all, if you can’t trust Moderna and Pfizer, who can you trust?
How to respond
If you have the legal rights to give us vials, please contact me ASAP.
Why isn’t the CDC paying for a study like this?
The CDC never commissioned such a study to do QA on the vials.
The only reason I can think of that they didn’t do this is because they don’t want to know and they don’t want you to know.
I wonder why?
I was just thinking about this today. Suppose for a moment that the conspiracies are true that the Davos folks really do want to use the Covid shots to reduce the global population.
How likely is it that they could have found a shot that had JUST enough of a negative effect on human life that with a little propaganda, everybody could be convinced that the shots were "safe and effective" while they were actually killing people.
We all know that you couldn't have everybody dropping dead right after the shots or else people would stop lining up for them. You'd only get through a few million before the jig would be up. But if you have a shot that kills/maims/makes infertile exactly the right percentage then you're good to go. But how hard is that to find? It seems pretty unlikely that they could have created shots with just the right amount of death as a side effect. Enough to reduce the human population but not enough for everyone to realize it.
So the easier way to go about it was likely to have a shot that is deadly but only to give it to a small percentage of the people. And over time, you increase the number of boosters that are "recommended" so you gradually ramp up the numbers. And the more shots people get, the less likely they are to think that the last one was deadly.
Just a thought as we see overall mortality up by 10-15% in the highly vaccinated countries. Just enough that it sneaks under the radar and nobody can really prove that any single case was caused by the shots.
Steve, it's really important to think about what you potentially have here. It's the basis for a case based on the False Claims act.
"In addition to allowing the United States to pursue perpetrators of fraud on its own, the FCA allows private citizens to file suits on behalf of the government (called “qui tam” suits) against those who have defrauded the government. Private citizens who successfully bring qui tam actions may receive a portion of the government’s recovery. Many Fraud Section investigations and lawsuits arise from such qui tam actions."
If they are delivering inactive product, on a large scale (5 of 5 is a pretty good start), you can engage attorneys to litigate this fraud, with a huge fine against these companies, and a very large finder's fee which could be used to compensate victims and finance the movement.