Please use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge instead.” Is recommending that people use Chrome a joke?
When I write to reply substack message, substack will not deliver it. One of my friends might be a good fit for your project. Please send me a means to contact you, such as an email address, that I can give him. I think substack has email contact information for me?
so if there is hardware how do you handle loss, that is my problem with all this stuff, 50 years ago when you could trust a bank they kept that information and would perform verification if you lost stuff and your local bank knew who you were by sight so fraud was mitigated that way
Steve, I hope you are well! Mayo Clinic is part of the kabal online tying to debunk the fact that camcer rates are up due to the mRNA vaccines. Can you give us a link to a study on cancer rates since the rollout of the shots? Thanks! Dave L.
I think even with a system or website where there is no identity required... eventually digital identity will be required.
Chrome is the most used browser in the world. All other browser like DuckDuckGo, Microsoft Edge, Brave, ... are in fact Chronium browser.
When Alphabet Google) will decide to push a new Chrome update where they will enforce Digital Identification... then all other browser will also require it... Then even if the website don't require an identity you will need one juste to use the browser.
Has anyone else ever considered why the fields of psychology or psychiatry have created a mental disorder that begins as soon as one develops more than one personality? Why didn't they begin with the first one? Probably because they just assumed the first one was necessary, no?
There was an interview with Jim Carrey where he usefully observed that his identity was no more real than the characters he played on the big screen. While I may be the first to admit that one's identity does serve some utilitarian purpose, the notion that we need to spend a few million or perhaps billion dollars to protect a digitally generated idea is beyond asinine for anyone who isn't consumed by acquiring one form of currency or another.
Even so, society now requires numerous forms of identification, and now we see people looking for yet another medium to create another form of identification. An identity is nothing more than an abstract construction of the mind. Developing a digital identity is actually developing a digital form of identification. Regardless of how closely related identification is to identity, identification is not identity.
If I am not the identity I've created and you are not the identity you've created, then why do we need any form of identification to prove some link or association to an abstract construction of the mind?
Sounds great Steve. I was a computer guy but am not the one for this. Wishing you success here and will follow your efforts closely.
I know many are distrustful of these efforts. I'm completely against anything like CBDC. But, I guess I'm an eternal optimist that we can ultimately create a technology that will advance freedom and humanity instead of enabling Tyrants.
Good Luck Steve. But I can't help feeling that whatever private system is created, it will sooner or later be cracked by Google or Big Government. And creating a Digital ID seems problematic. Something else please. NO Digital ID ?
When I reply to your message, I get an airtable message that my browser is not supported.
"Sorry, your browser version is not supported
Please use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge instead.” Is recommending that people use Chrome a joke?
When I write to reply substack message, substack will not deliver it. One of my friends might be a good fit for your project. Please send me a means to contact you, such as an email address, that I can give him. I think substack has email contact information for me?
Thank you for your attention.
so if there is hardware how do you handle loss, that is my problem with all this stuff, 50 years ago when you could trust a bank they kept that information and would perform verification if you lost stuff and your local bank knew who you were by sight so fraud was mitigated that way
Steve, I hope you are well! Mayo Clinic is part of the kabal online tying to debunk the fact that camcer rates are up due to the mRNA vaccines. Can you give us a link to a study on cancer rates since the rollout of the shots? Thanks! Dave L.
NO DIGITAL ID, PERIOD! It’s a gateway to slavery for all of us. Once they get that from us we are all controlled!
I think even with a system or website where there is no identity required... eventually digital identity will be required.
Chrome is the most used browser in the world. All other browser like DuckDuckGo, Microsoft Edge, Brave, ... are in fact Chronium browser.
When Alphabet Google) will decide to push a new Chrome update where they will enforce Digital Identification... then all other browser will also require it... Then even if the website don't require an identity you will need one juste to use the browser.
Whoever made the image at the top of your post has a severe spelling problem!
I noticed that about AI images.
Amazing! Thank you !!!
Digital ID = open air prison.
Has anyone else ever considered why the fields of psychology or psychiatry have created a mental disorder that begins as soon as one develops more than one personality? Why didn't they begin with the first one? Probably because they just assumed the first one was necessary, no?
There was an interview with Jim Carrey where he usefully observed that his identity was no more real than the characters he played on the big screen. While I may be the first to admit that one's identity does serve some utilitarian purpose, the notion that we need to spend a few million or perhaps billion dollars to protect a digitally generated idea is beyond asinine for anyone who isn't consumed by acquiring one form of currency or another.
Even so, society now requires numerous forms of identification, and now we see people looking for yet another medium to create another form of identification. An identity is nothing more than an abstract construction of the mind. Developing a digital identity is actually developing a digital form of identification. Regardless of how closely related identification is to identity, identification is not identity.
If I am not the identity I've created and you are not the identity you've created, then why do we need any form of identification to prove some link or association to an abstract construction of the mind?
NO, THANK YOU! Say NO to digital ID of any kind!!!
Worth reading...
I'm Big Sister, And I'm Here To Save You From Big Brother:
you are an innovator and this sounds like a brilliant idea
Sounds great Steve. I was a computer guy but am not the one for this. Wishing you success here and will follow your efforts closely.
I know many are distrustful of these efforts. I'm completely against anything like CBDC. But, I guess I'm an eternal optimist that we can ultimately create a technology that will advance freedom and humanity instead of enabling Tyrants.
It appears Gates has pulled in Steve to help create and further his Digital ID. Unfortunate situation for all that follow him.
Good Luck Steve. But I can't help feeling that whatever private system is created, it will sooner or later be cracked by Google or Big Government. And creating a Digital ID seems problematic. Something else please. NO Digital ID ?