Video (2 min) - Director of the CDC lie about their own vaccination status.


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We laugh or abhor the Mayans and Aztecs for having made human sacrifices to their gods. But we do exactly the same. A big thank you to Steve Kirsch for working to stop this.

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The FDA are owned by the Cabal, so they are never going to allow what is good for us as they want us dead.

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What is called 'covid' is the normal "colds/flu" we get every season. So-called 'covid' does not exist. It a satanic term. Anyone who continues to even say the word covid is still deluded.

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I Denmark, the winters before Covid, then 1,600 + resgistrated dead by flu, since Covid only 7 dead by flu!

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What kind of kool aid are you drinking?

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I did not say that we now have so much Cocid diseases, I referred to what were are told sn the Danish years statistick, for excample in Google. Opposit to this, yearly I make thousands of writings, and if connected to Covid-19, I end by after Covid-19 (does it exist?).

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When they in Europe, back around March month 2020, in the news were told than hundreds of thousands hit by Covid-19, I to my friends in Denmark, called it nonsens, that instead it was just the normat winter flu, and other disease now called Covid-19. And that the PCR thest could not be used. I was blacklisted by news, health ministery and so on.

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Symbolism and word play are important to this group... COVID spelled backwards is DIVOC.

The Hebrew term Divoc means “the possession of the pernicious soul”. It’s a compound word that also translates as a package, bundle, or discrete part. It can also mean “to tear apart,” “to separate,” or “to annihilate.” Some conveniences in the U.S. say the name gathers the commitment of a person to a poisonous soul. Other words that are related to this word include dybbuk, and COVID, which stands for coronavirus disease.

In Hebrew, the word Divoc means “the possession of a demon.” This name is also referred to as “possessed by an evil spirit.” There are a few other possible meanings for the name Divoc, but they all refer to the same thing: the evil soul. If you were to try to find out what possessed the person, you’d be able to tell how the person got that name.

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Had Dr ursoo(?) on your Zoom. Where was this?

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She's great! I saw her on Dr. Been's!

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Alright Gen Z, Homelanders!

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I would have thought my fellow anti-establishment Gen X’ers would be leading the charge, but sadly most of them have sold out and/or been indoctrinated...

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Anarchy rarely happens except in a minor way but is always preferable to totalitarianism. For example, if the 800,000 police were cut in half you'd not see an increase in crime, because the police do nothing to mitigate crime, instead they always arrive after the fact to write a report.

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Police today are the arm of the fascist state. They are all freaking mindless cogs on the hook for their pensions and benefits and will do anything the state orders them to do to keep them. Why not? the freaking docs are willing to poison millions knowingly in order to keep all of their stash.

I have to agree lite-banning the police is not a bad idea for individual liberty. But the increase in crime is a bummer for the high crime neighborhoods. The residents need to step up and police their hoods I suppose.

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Totally agree. Right on! We have accumulated twice the number of police we need. Their real function is to protect those in power from the People. Careful though, truth-telling will get you threatened by the self-righteous thought police (WayneBGood) who imagines he has some self-appointed authority to ban people.

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That's not what we're seeing, the police are being cut and crime is shooting through the roof.

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Police have to be backed by a good judicial system and DA. In Portland OR, police can catch the criminals, but they get released immediately to commit more crimes. Violent criminals are released on bail all the time and they commit more violent crimes immediately after their release. Neighboring counties like mine get their spill over crime and we can't vote it out.

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Nope, not really. The police are now more than ever, 800,000 (the US Army is 1,300,000). Not many cuts anywhere.

Crime has some correlation with police presence but not so much, an elasticity of 0.5%. You'd have to jump the police by 10%, and they're already the 2nd budget line item expense after schools, to get a minor decrease is so-called crime - stolen bicycles, petty theft, speeding - they throw in everything to boost the numbers and make it look like they need more funding.

You also get a black cloud over the neighborhoods, a military armed occupation. That what you want? Do 800,000 black-uniformed police in their black-out cars make you feel safer? Maybe you want more surveillance? Maybe you want more black kids killed? Fifty years ago there was no massive police presence and no real crime.

There's been a 20% increase in crime (mainly robbery) since the pandemic (but recent decreases in homicide and rape)- caused not by fewer police, but by the pandemic. Social programs are less expensive and more effective than police. In my town, Boston, crime has dropped, and with no police increase.

Consider Australia or Canada, both have far fewer police per capita and also far less crime per capita.

You could cut the police in half with no terrible spike in crime. Note that a 50% cut is not down to zero - they'd still be 400,000 military trained and armed police. Ridiculous to scream about anarchy.

And is everyone aware of police sexual assault, which is rarely reported (to the police?) and meets with the code of silence, and is never prosecuted.

"Approximately 1,600 police officers across the United States were arrested for sex-related crimes during the ten year period 2005-2014. The arrested officers were employed by more than 1,100 state and local law enforcement agencies located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. These data suggest that police sexual violence is a problem involving more than a few “bad apples” and that the phenomenon of police sexual violence may be a cultural norm within many state and local law enforcement agencies."

The police have a penchant for preteen sexual assault, by the way.


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We'll have to agree to disagree, I understand you hate the police but people are fleeing New York, San Francisco, Portland, and even states like Minnesota who cut their police forces drastically. Cutting police size won't solve sexual abuse by them, better policies will.

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Better policies will need to change police culture - next to impossible. People are not fleeing states due to fewer police, and probably not due to the increases in robbery. Economic reasons are far more motivating. Fact is the only real increases in crime are in the poor neighborhoods and they can't "flee."

Any cut in police is due to tax revenue problems, which are solely economic and that has two effects, it makes people more likely to commit robbery (which is where the increase is), and to move somewhere else. Fewer police have nothing to do with anything. They always say crime is related to police to get more funding. Apparently the police-surveillance state has no effect on crime.

Crime is their cover story. What they're really for is to control and coerce and intimidate the People (primarily non-whites, but whites too). If you understand what's happening you will realize we are being prepared for global totalitarianism, which means total control, no freedom at all. Just wait until central bank digital currency arrives, which is on it's way:


Won't be any crime then.

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Just arm all the citizens and give them carte blanche to shoot criminals on sight.

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Problem solved.

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If I stop talking will you please stop? Your long off/topic posts are clogging up the comment section.

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I add value. Do you?

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I learnt everything I need to know about health, SARS and Covid from HIV and AIDS

I think that we owe it the people who committed suicide due the loneliness, isolation and despair of an AIDs diagnosis, and those killed, bereaved or harmed by the toxic effects of AZT, all indelible stains on politicians, the media and the medical profession, to be absolutely certain what causes disease.

Poppers are known to cause both KS and pneumocystis.

Even Montagnier admitted that poor diet caused AIDS, and that good nutrition could both prevent and cure it. No AZT, no nothing.

Yes AZT did seem to improve the death rate, but that was because healthy people with an a positive 'HIV' test (who would die of something else) where included in the AIDS criteria immediately after AZT's introduction.

Yes AZT does seem to improve 'viral load' but that is because the RNA fragments, not shown to come from a virus, are further oxidised and mutated by AZT treatment and are no longer picked up by the designed PCR primers.

Stigma cannot rightly be attached to promiscuity; AIDS, a disease of oxidation, is only correlated with the frequency of receptive anal intercourse, in either gender; semen is highly oxidising and the anus is very thin. Transmission of 'infection' has not been shown by other intercourse in either gender.

PCR cannot be used as a test as there are so many 'genomes' registered for HIV that thousands are found in healthy people and millions in people with symptoms. A positive antibody test, presence of globulins that bind to proteins, not shown to come from a virus, may be ignored if the patient does not have a history of blood transfusion (though a virus by their definition would not survive) or is a Black African or a gay man. This is mind bogglingly unscientific.

Virus-like particles may well exist but until they are shown to cause anything we do better to focus on what we do know causes disease; poverty, loneliness, oxidation, medications, drugs and poor diet and not kill anymore people with toxic anti-virals or vaccines, and go from there.


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That's what puzzles me about this. Did they wait just long enough for people to forget about the HIV/AIDS scam in the 80s-90s? I have to admit, I *didn't* know the truth back then but learning Fauci's history and ties was one of the first "truths" I uncovered (easily) when all the stuff started. Learning about Dr Robert Wilmer and how he had a fatal "heart attack" in 1995 just months after publically denouncing Fauci's theories and the poison AZT. BUT, my BIL is (vicously) gay, "came out" in the late 70s, did the whole gay scene, hung out in gay bars, etc, all during the 80s and 90s, smoked dope+, used to be the "screw the man/gov" types. Today, he's the biggest progressive liberal, HATES Trump (still🙄), made fun of "horse paste" and "bleach" (MMS), has been jabbed I don't know how many times, and is still scared of "covid" almost to the point of isolation. This whole deal totally broke my spouse (retired LEO) and his relationship early on. We hear he had a knee surgery back in July, but it's still "not healing" and he's "having trouble" and is going back to probably have blood clots removed. Of course, there's NO discussion about what might've caused his current condition, it's just "age". If anyone should have been aware Fauci/HIV/AZT history, it would've been him and his crowd. So, what happened? Is it just the thorough brainwashing of the Democratic party? Idk

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We think you need need an umbrella name for your media activities overall, especially the broadcast entities, especially if you're going to do those "people-on-the-street" interviews and get challenged on your mission. Something like the "Health Integrity Report" that will give a little more weight to the interview in people's minds, and dampen the suspicions that come along with vague identification.

"Journalist for Substack" is confusing, at the least. At worst, people can claim to have been mislead.

VSRF is a great name for the non-profit, but you can't use it when doing journalism. If you spell it out, you're giving too much away, right? And it's a mouthful. It should be like ICAN: that's the organization, the show is the Highwire.

You're doing a great job.

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Dr. Hazen is brilliant! A must see interview! Her book, "Lets Talk Sh!t" is excellent!

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It’s not about the vaccine or COVID. They have to be able to blame something with the Federal Reserves bank crumbles. It will NEVER be their fault. They will never take responsibility for the genocide on humanity. 

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I've heard from several honest integrative medical practitioners in recent years about the importance of a healthy gut. Been hearing too that around 80% of our immune system is in the gut.

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TPTB are now trying to take away access to immune-boosting supplements. We are being abused. I hope democrat voters are paying attention to what their politicians are supporting. I hope RINO voters are paying attention to what their politicians are supporting. Anyone taking money from Pfizer should be booted out of office.

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Pfizer gave us 1300 adverse reactions to these vaccines. Doctors and scientists have found an additional 1300. We have a full blown conspiracy going on here.

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