I don’t have much money so I doubt I’ll be able to donate much if at all. I’m sure many folks are in a similar case. Perhaps downsizing is a better bet?

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Yep. That's a good suggestion.

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You mean help less vaccine-injured?

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It's always great to see DPAK, JP Sears and Mikki Willis so all together will be awesome!

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hi folks be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world including yours..all platforms and alternative outlets can be used INCLUDING SUBSTACK but dont bother with GESTAPO BOOK who you can be sure will suppress it..it currently has over 2,253000 signatures

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It won't change anything. It's already done.

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is this like a 'monster mash' cuz if so, it wouldn't be complete without Dr. Fraudci present...

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Also spell out what VSRF stands for at least once. I know Steve & JP but I don't know what VSRF is. I had to look it up separately but others might not take that extra step.

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Fixed, thanks.

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It's "Vaccine Safety Research Foundation." Direct donation link: https://VacSafety.org/donate

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The website is down. I planned to donate 1st week of June. Is there an alternative link?

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Steve: Maybe refocus on highest leverage areas instead of so many initiatives?

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Good idea.

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Steve: Question:

1. Do you know why Dr Paul Alexander rails against Robert Malone…… It seems to me Dr Malone was one of the earliest to warn the public about his mRNA COVID Vaccine which had been ABUSED by Pfizer/Pharma…..

3. I’m an MD and understand how it works & certainly have reservations about injecting RNA into our bodies (or animals), given “WE” really don’t know what mechanisms the cells have , or could come up with that could cause MANY problems…. I do know that our own enzyme

TOLOMERASE does have reverse transcriptase capabilities ( turn RNA into DNA) and therefore theoretically could make DNA code for SPike protein and possibly insert it into our GENOME (maybe forever via spermatogenesis- ( meiosis)…… IF THAT IS POSSIBLE THEN THE WHOLE TECHNOLOGY IS DANGEROUS)…. Has ANYONE tested for that ??!!!!…… It is SOOO obvious that THAT needs to be done !!!!……… (ie- don’t just HOPE it doesn’t like Pfauci/Pfizer /Biden are doing !!!)

Dr Del

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Here's a recent Steve Kirsch interview with Dr. Malone.


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