I get jabs like daily now. They have a new Covid Meter, like a glucometer. You can test up to three times a day and see how much booster you need. Running low? Boost it up. Simple.

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(Send this new video collage to your stubborn friends before they go in for another shot next week!)



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Thanks for the good program.

NYC teachers who refused the clot shots won a victory today: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nyc-teachers-win-jobs-back-backpay-refusing-covid-19-vaccine

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

There is call for spectrometry on blood of injectees and the uninjected. Similar is showing up in both per dark field microscopy. In a year-old 'stack post our host mentions this type of examination performed on 4 shot vials. Can this same colleague of his or another not be tapped to do it for the blood? Also, can the full findings of that look at the vials be posted, ie not just re what is not there? There are some who will accept as definitive evidence only the highest grade examination, such as spectrometry. Noticed once was a brief comment by our host requesting replication of some things shown by Ana Mihalcea on her 'stack. Any follow up? Such findings have been widely replicated by now. It's in the shots, it's in the blood, it's ambient. Communication from injectee to uninjected, or even 2nd hand from uninjected but exposed enough to injectees, of ailment causation is ELECTROMAGNETIC. This is essential to get and pursue.

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Plenty to talk about with the fear porn being ramped up with BA.2.86 originally named "Eris" but now being referred to as "Pirola" nicknamed after an asteroid. Not by chance I suspect given they continually rabbit on about rogue asteroids hitting earth and destroying us. See where I am going with this.

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NOT JABBED - Pretty much hang out with the unjabbed - apart from 3 long haul flights. My blood looks like that of a jabbed person!! Very scary.

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Outstanding, well worth watching throughout. Thank you!

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Arrest Birx, Fauci and all CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are ...Not ...included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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The coming surge in illness caused by the destruction of people's immune systems caused by the 'vaccine' will be blamed on the new varient.

Political leaders are already stepping back from their threats and mandates. Telling people that they weren't coerced, they had a 'choice'.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

When people say "why are you so strong on the no virus path" - this is why. We either wake people up to the virus lie - there is no such entity - contagion is a myth - or they use it to smash us back to the middle ages.. Cause that's where we are heading.

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"....that the CDC is urging unboosted Americans to go backwards through the full schedule of booster shots before taking the newest version of the jab!"

Yeah sure! If they haven't taken the jab by now, I think they are dreaming that anyone will give a damn about their directive.

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Impressive curriculum vitae… just what our “caring regulators” love to see in an epidemiologist … hahahah

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So are these goons really going to require the sacred miracle elixir again to work and feed your family? Seriously? How many people will comply? The lies should be very visible at this point. Right?

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Thank you Steve for providing this interview. We need to understand the important topic.

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yes, as MRNA creeps into are life be careful, for now NO covid,flu or rsv all poison. Tell all, I have spoken to many and yes they well not take the covid but they are totally ignorant that the flu and rsv are also mrna, the word has not gotten out.

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