Case Western Reserve University to honor Fauci for “ethics?”

This is a disgrace and an eff-you to everybody who was murdered as a result of Fauci-funded gain of function research.


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I sincerely appreciate Yoor efforts. I am a subscriber and Proud to be one . In My personal opinion, The “donate now” ads are offensive and counterproductive. Ed

Edit - I could donate a $50k tomorrow; but won’t.

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Do you have any suggestions on how to raise money to keep Thursday night broadcast going?

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Reply again…Sllent Auction…Personally raised over $10k for a cancer mid. It took WORK; however, it saved My Buddy’s house. Thought and Innovation. Ed

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Whatever It Takes!!! I an “off the rails” for the next two weeks; Pllease know I would like to be a part of “The Cool Kids On The Block”. Signed…Relentless, Ed

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WE are the CHANGE of the MANY. ....Love this podcast. Female energy birthing the new happening. Excellent Podcast~~~

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On May 10th, Slovakia announced it would not support the WHO Pandemic treaty or "any documents weakening Slovakia's position as a sovereign state:"


Yesterday, May 15th, Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot 5 times in an assassination attempt:


Think the second story has no relation to the first? I say think again.

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The TRUTH will set you free!! All connected to this mass genocide, which has been going on for much longer than the last four years will have their comeupance. Their ignorance will put them in the place they have earned. The sleeping tiger has awakened!

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Why are we even discussing how the treaty is wrong? It would not matter what was in there. They are fortunate if they escape persecution. Why would we continue to do business with this organization?! The WHO has to go! The WHO has to go!! The WHO has to go!

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Stephen Kingsmore, MD, DSc, wants rapid, * universal * whole genome sequencing of newborns and heads Rady Children's Hospital Institute for Genomic Medicine in San Diego. There must be pros and cons to that type of screening and thought people might find this interesting. Keep on your radar.


He is scheduled to speak at the 23rd International Gene Forum in Estonia on 24-25 September 2024.



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Biden will sign off on anything that is thrown in front of him. Including documents that are labeled 'DO NOT SIGN OFF'.

And where is the Senate? I thought they needed to be involved in some way?!

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Just a quote I found: "Just a Reminder"--"A genuinely death pandemic doesn't require 24/7 advertising to remind you it exists.

Real pandemics don't need marketing campaigns and endless propaganda...but, Psychological Operations DO.

Real pandemics would be self-evident and this was not."

Just Sayin'

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100% agree. A death pandemic also doesn’t need you to make policies that result in more death: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

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