HIB * Vitamin K * Meningitis

Combat the COVID Spike Protein

Fortify Immunity * Protect Longevity

See more at: https://go2.remedy.film/live/episode-8/?#sthash.E6WaEdcn.dpuf

TTAV Presents REMEDY: Ep #8

HIB * Vitamin K * Meningitis * Combat the COVID Spike Protein * Fortify Immunity * Protect Longevity


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Outstanding. Super informative throughout.

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The Covid-19 vaccines could have long-term negative implications to the human race. Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo in January called for a halt to the shots for this very real possibility. In a Tucker Carlson interview, he said, “The vaccines have DNA in them… and that’s not necessarily a big deal, but it’s a problem with these vaccines because the DNA hangs on with the mRNA and goes into people’s cells. … So, this is a completely different risk analysis than other products that have had DNA. … These vaccines are the antichrist of all products.” mammothnation.com/blog/being-unvaccinat…

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The Golden Rule Still Applies:

1. Don’t Touch Bat Shit.

What ? You Need More Rules …

Okay. Don’t Inject Anything Into Your Body That Is Derived From The Bacteria Found In Bat Shit.

This Is Not Complicated People.

How Do We Know This ?

Because If Every Caveman Had Been This Bat Shit Stupid - You Wouldn’t Be Here.

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Yes, this is a "debunking-upgrade". They had to include pictures with red crossbars on them today. Yesterday there were no pictures to see in the "debunking" stories.

Do look at the videos & images, especially the little dinghy video recordings. Hard to fake the little waves, sounds and movements along with the distant aspects of missile attack.


US Navy Warships Fight Off Missiles That Are ‘Way Faster’ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-navy-warships-fight-off-missiles-that-are-way-faster/ss-BB1nDe93

Why not rotate them like usual? Pentagon chief extends deployment of carrier strike group in Red Sea as Houthi attacks go on

The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier strike group that for months has launched crucial strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen to protect military and commercial ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden will remain in the region for at least another month, according to U.S. officials. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin signed the order last week to extend the four ships’ deployment for a second time, rather than bring the carrier, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, and its three warships home. The other ships in the strike group are the USS Philippine Sea, a cruiser, and two destroyers, the USS Gravely and the USS Mason. https://www.stripes.com/branches/navy/2024-05-31/aircraft-carrier-red-sea-deployment-extended-14042845.html

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Well the absolute truth will come out sooner or later. I notice the tweet has a community note that this is footage from a video game which could be blurred and sound added.

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I've been tracking this since Saturday. It's getting bigger, not going away.

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Indeed, it is as warm & fuzzy as possible, to assuage the worries of the families, but I have to consider the images of the Eisenhower to still need outside corroboration, as there are still 2 conflicting stories, somewhat substantiated, during a war.

“I came to a revelation at some point in my career that, one of the things that all humans require is to be loved and valued," Hill said. "So I shouldn’t be afraid, as a leader, to try to love and value everybody, and also to expect other leaders that I’m responsible for to love and value their sailors.”

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If only we had diplomats cuz they are sophisticated. The Yemeni stated they will continue until genocide of Palestinians ends. Methinks Putin has decided we can no longer be trusted. U.S. bombs took out their nuclear early warning systems. Remember there was a peace agreement in May until BoJo sent to stop. Ukrainian diplomat was killed.

Original agreement with NATO; not one further inch east

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Time's up.

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I just heard more he said. Is that Neera Tandem at the table?

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Thanks for all you do Steve. I have been terminated at work, but still sent a small donation.. what you're doing is critical.

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Fight to repeal VAERS.

Without the liability protection of VAERS, vaccines would be made safer or be greatly reduced.

Many of the diseases are now preventable and/or treatable.

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