I've been thinking that the blood banks must be seeing this problem if the clots can solidify in resting blood? Especially when they collect the plasma. Need to find someone who works with the blood supply? This issue has now been known since mid 2021 - S1 combined with platelet poor plasma https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8380922/ so it's a really bad idea to keep injecting mRNA which will produce some unknown additional quantity of spike. Would be great to get the new FDA to investigate this further as no other regulator will go anywhere near it.

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Chlorine Dioxide has been used against both bacteria and viruses for decades.

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Dissolving aspirin in water makes it ubiquitous and therefore goes everywhere and won’t lie in the stomach in once place and create a stomach bleed.

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K2(mk4) prevents one from bleeding too much, it doesn’t thicken the blood and it is an anti-cancer agent as is aspirin.

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One could add bromelain and curcumin & this potentially could help as well. Be certain to take the K2(mk4) and avoid all polyunsaturated fats as they are estrogen in the human body & estrogen leads to hyper coagulation

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Treatment is important. I dissolve 325mg of aspirin in water daily and drink it. With that I take 15000mcg of k2(mk4) the manufacturer is Relentless Improvement on amazon.com. Then each day I take a different fibrinolytic enzyme( lumbrokinase, nattokinase, serrapeptase) so as to not develop an allergic reaction.

I also take 5000 IU’s of d3/k2(mk7) daily with 2000mg of magnesium L-threonate. And then I drink 8-8oz glasses of milk daily . I have a regular ole 250watr lamp and bulb in my bathroom to activate the d3 in the winter

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Murder. That's what it is.

"They knew that they (NIAID) were participating in a program that the World Health Organization Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in September of 2019, stated was going to be the

accidental or intentional release of a "LETHAL" respiratory pathogen,

Ladies and Gentlemen, not 'Any' respiratory pathogen,

they used the word 'LETHAL'.

And you know what that means?

That means this was premeditated murder,

that's what it means.

(And) We need to start treating it for what it is:

It was in fact premeditated murder.

You do not use the word "release of a lethal respiratory pathogen" if you don't mean to kill people.

(And) That needs to be as chilling as it sounds.

This was never about a 'Pujblic Health Emergency'

it was always about premeditated murder,

using a biological weapon they paid for."

-Dr. David Martin, statement before Oklahoma State Legislature, Oct, 2024.

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"83% of embalmers saw white fibrous clots in 27.5% of corpses in 2024

78% of embalmers also observed the dangerous micro-clotting in 22% of cases"

I'm no mathematician but saw and observed are the same thing, so which statement is correct, and why the duplication, or is this some typo?

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Seeing visible fibrous clots with the naked eye is different than Observing micro clots under a microscope. Hope this helps with the confusion.

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OIC, thanks

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Protein Glycation, including Spike, leads to the 'sticking' property of the blood itself, once it reaches the blood, that can lead to all the effects:


title:"Differential effects of glycation on protein aggregation and amyloid formation"

and the Spike glycans responsible for the adhesion, can also be phosphorylated:


"SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses bind to phosphorylated glycans from the human lung"

the phosphor groups are NEGATIVELY charged, while Spike has a net positive charge, thus all build up that strong clump. It must be the phosphor which exhibits that green luminescence. Was just looking at Islet Amyloid Polypeptide in comparison with SPike:

Query 53 SNNFGAILSSTNVGSNTYG-------KRN 74 << F5H0S1 amyloid PP

_____________SNN L S VG N Y K N

Sbjct 438 SNN----LDS-KVGGN-YNYLYRLFRKSN 460 <<injected and expressed Spike2020

here a quote about how it would interact with that dye:

"Not all β-sheet fibrils induce the characteristic change in ThT fluorescence; for example, β-sheet fibrils of a peptide of the central strand of islet amyloid polypeptide (SNNFGAILSS), poly-l-lysine, and poly-l-serine do not [54]. (from https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2816742/)

SPike has 2 homolog sections to that amyloid polypeptide...

The AMOUNT of these fibers EXCLUDE any 'viral' effect, in my opinion, VIRAL SPikes are embedded in their lipid membranes, free Spikes come only from the synthetic gene within jabs, with how many copies expressed over and over??? Billions??? THAT"S WHY NOBODY SAW ANY CLOTS in 2020.

According to some German doctors people with 3-4 jabs, have micro-clots under the skin over their entire bodies. Can't find that link right now.

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maybe RFK Jr. could send DODGE to DCD/NIH/FDA/ to dig out most relevant documents about covid19 crimes..??

Btw. everyone is happy and hopeful, BUT the body language in that inauguration on the 13th (!!who chose that day?) spoke little bit different story, which almost says what Malone wrote today in his post, quote from https://www.malone.news/p/vaccine-deep-state-insanity

"As to Bobby and Jay Bhattacharya, bless their hearts. I wish them well and the best of luck. But the Biodefense/Pharma/academia industrial complex Deep State is going to run the show, and already is - or so it seems. The discussion is closed. The Overton window will be respected. The intelligence community has this covered." and then he goes on with One Health, Kadlec and Parker, etc., etc.

Anyway, tried to delete his subscription many times, it does not work, substack still sends me his junk... just wanted to point that out, while still having some hope but seeing clouds already.

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Well birds of a feather sort of, kind of, okay definitely stick together. And who is the head DoDo bird?

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thanks for doing this - an important and scary issue that needs more eyeballs!

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Two close relatives received only initial covid shots: one got J&J then had two separate PE’s over the next 3 yrs. The other had initial Pfizer+booster then had near-death PE 3 yrs later. Neither had fm hx or pre-disposing factors.

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If anything can red-pill your vaccine-believing friends & family this show is it! Let's send it everywhere!

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The impact of this VSRF will be boosted (sorry, poor choice of words) by today's Senate confirmation of RFK, Jr. as Secretary of HHS.

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wonderful! Thank You very much for this extremely important issue, which GROWS literally..

Are those 2 Kevins cousins or what? You just shave the beard of Mr. McCairn and you get Mr. McKernan... Some kind of trick, no?

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