The conversation with pro gene therapies 'specialist' drives me crazy, in particular when Dr. McMillan starts with 'high risk'. He is actually more known for the white clots analysis and his most recent interview with Thomas Haviland shows the proteins contents of those. That's at least a big step.
Some data from Poland, indicate that in 2020 total pure covid related deaths were 22,684. Almost one years after in dec 2021 the covid death toll has risen to 90306, starting with 2020:
That would imply, if we assume the same death toll in 2021 as in 2020, ~23000 people, in that next year 2021 of pandemic, the pure covid (defined as no comobidities) total death was 67622, approximately trippled in comparison with 2020!
The difference?? ONE YEAR of covid injections, including the genetically modifying. That just based on the fraudulent RT-PCR tests of all the cases, not taking into account the hospitals frauds...
During the interview, Dr. McMillan still seem to wonder why there is not an effort to get rid of covid.
Steve should have pointed out to him the success that Uttar Pradesh state in India had. They essentially visited anyone with covid or who had contact with the infected. They were all given medical kits, with Ivermectin being one of the ingredients. Their cases and deaths dropped to near Zero in months. If all the countries did this covid would have been gone in 2020 or 2021.
But the drug companies still control the countries and the medical bureaucracies as well as the media so the public does not know the facts.
On Steve's amazement--regarding the "present" he mentions early--that only the Czech Republic has voluntarily released record-level data, in one way it makes sense: it was a regime founded by dissidents.
The asymptomatic spread of covid can be explained by this paper: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 ORF8 Protein Inhibits Type I Interferon Production by Targeting HSP90B1 Signaling
Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 on RFK's NIH Director Senate Confirmation Hearings "Make American Healthy Again" Covering All 27 NIH institutes including the CDC, FDA, USDA, EPA ( Trump team plans immediate WHO withdrawal, leaving Plannedemic Planning to each Country. Donald Trump reportedly intends to seal off the US-Mexican border by invoking a public health emergency.
Sorry but he's FOS. His goal seems to be to allow a defense of crimes against humanity. I hope Kirsch nails it down. I would also look at his funding and who hires him as keynote speaker. Follow the money.
Acc to the Good Doc the Superman killer virus (not the Vax!) is so dangerous we should be all dropping dead. Yet he didn't VAX against the most killer substance known to man.
And he wants to find the vaxxed superspreaders and forcefully do antivirals. Nice.
Best yet - he hums and that is better than getting nitric oxide.
I don't have a Rumble account so can't chat. Anybody touting Long Covid instead of Long Vax in any fashion I am highly suspect as they may be a plant for the genocidal. I will listen to the man and see what he says on his "Long Haul" version. But unless he can present clearcut evidence that Covid 19 is unlike any other contagious respiratory disease in history from.which you recover but don't, he is FOS. I hope Steve and his ever analytical mind can ask him for long Covid evidence that distinguishes between VAX and no VAX. I know of nobody with never ending sickness that was infected but not vaxxed. Otherwise we will never hold them accountable for Vaxicide because , notwithstanding Steve's work, can always say it was the infection that killed you and not the mRNA.
My experience as an unvaxxed person (as my family except one sister) is this: we were all completely fine and never got covid till the vaccines rollout. In 2022 we all got covid from a vaccinated friend that had symptoms but his test was negative (he told us). In 2024 we got again covid and in 2024 my parents (65years old) had their general health conditions worsened (conditions they already had but they got worst- atherosclerosis, autoimmune desease). As for me I had my ibs condition worsened. . Many people in my life that were vaxxed had worst outcomes. My uncle died and other two got cancer, others had neurological or genital problems. My sister had problems for a year and a half after vaxx but now is better. I can see that the spike protein intoxication is common in the two categories, but in some vaxxed are wayy more serious (not all) . Second observation: unvaxxed get the spike protein mostly from vaxxed. This is my personal experience and what I have observed in my life.
Not one person in my sphere that recovered "naturally* from Bioweapon exposure (ie no VAX) has ongoing illness. Everybody that I have heard of with significant ongoing issues like cardiac, turbo cancer were vaxxes. Every one. LC is nonsense and defense for genocide if they can gaslight everyone like yourself. Were you vaxxed? If so that explains symptoms.
Please ask Dr M to talk about the Thymus and papers showing a Covid impact on it. Exercise and other things can help protect and regenerate it. If he thinks this might be a wide spread issue then we all need to know what we might do to protect ourselves. It is interesting that metformin has been shown to be promising in one Thymus regeneration study.
hi folks check out a petition at a fatal blow to the pandemic treaty tell trump to exit the WHO now. be sure to sign it and reshare it widely all over the states with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as im asking you on this message be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours
The WHO endorsed the most corrupt medical test ever devised, the SARScoV2 RT PCR. Meant to identify the virus that is associated with C19. A massive false positive generator. Endorsed it the day it was released for evaluation. A process that normally takes an average of 171 days. As proven by an international professional peer review of the underlying protocol, known as Corman Drosten. Ultra high sensitivity. No specificity. The peer review examined the molecular chemistry and lab methodology, compared what they found with the best information on PCR testing, and labeled the protocol as "worthless as a medical diagnostic test". Yet it was the most widely used test for the ID of coV2 on the planet. The WHO is corrupt though and through. See the Corman Drosten Review report online. PU.
Sounds very interesting and necessary. Finally someone researching and advocating for something useful that many people are experiencing, yet the medical community seems clueless to…
The conversation with pro gene therapies 'specialist' drives me crazy, in particular when Dr. McMillan starts with 'high risk'. He is actually more known for the white clots analysis and his most recent interview with Thomas Haviland shows the proteins contents of those. That's at least a big step.
Some data from Poland, indicate that in 2020 total pure covid related deaths were 22,684. Almost one years after in dec 2021 the covid death toll has risen to 90306, starting with 2020:
That would imply, if we assume the same death toll in 2021 as in 2020, ~23000 people, in that next year 2021 of pandemic, the pure covid (defined as no comobidities) total death was 67622, approximately trippled in comparison with 2020!
The difference?? ONE YEAR of covid injections, including the genetically modifying. That just based on the fraudulent RT-PCR tests of all the cases, not taking into account the hospitals frauds...
Wonder how about the neighbors data...
During the interview, Dr. McMillan still seem to wonder why there is not an effort to get rid of covid.
Steve should have pointed out to him the success that Uttar Pradesh state in India had. They essentially visited anyone with covid or who had contact with the infected. They were all given medical kits, with Ivermectin being one of the ingredients. Their cases and deaths dropped to near Zero in months. If all the countries did this covid would have been gone in 2020 or 2021.
But the drug companies still control the countries and the medical bureaucracies as well as the media so the public does not know the facts.
The anti science parade. What a dumpster fire.
On Steve's amazement--regarding the "present" he mentions early--that only the Czech Republic has voluntarily released record-level data, in one way it makes sense: it was a regime founded by dissidents.
Excellent point!
The asymptomatic spread of covid can be explained by this paper: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 ORF8 Protein Inhibits Type I Interferon Production by Targeting HSP90B1 Signaling
To summarize: the developers of SARS-Cov2 also deserve a Nobel Prize.
Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 on RFK's NIH Director Senate Confirmation Hearings "Make American Healthy Again" Covering All 27 NIH institutes including the CDC, FDA, USDA, EPA ( Trump team plans immediate WHO withdrawal, leaving Plannedemic Planning to each Country. Donald Trump reportedly intends to seal off the US-Mexican border by invoking a public health emergency.
Henjin ROCKS.
The world does not need more yes men, but rather more know men.
HHS - 80 - 19 - 1. WOW. Why would public health officials NOT want health data released?
Sorry but he's FOS. His goal seems to be to allow a defense of crimes against humanity. I hope Kirsch nails it down. I would also look at his funding and who hires him as keynote speaker. Follow the money.
Acc to the Good Doc the Superman killer virus (not the Vax!) is so dangerous we should be all dropping dead. Yet he didn't VAX against the most killer substance known to man.
And he wants to find the vaxxed superspreaders and forcefully do antivirals. Nice.
Best yet - he hums and that is better than getting nitric oxide.
I don't have a Rumble account so can't chat. Anybody touting Long Covid instead of Long Vax in any fashion I am highly suspect as they may be a plant for the genocidal. I will listen to the man and see what he says on his "Long Haul" version. But unless he can present clearcut evidence that Covid 19 is unlike any other contagious respiratory disease in history from.which you recover but don't, he is FOS. I hope Steve and his ever analytical mind can ask him for long Covid evidence that distinguishes between VAX and no VAX. I know of nobody with never ending sickness that was infected but not vaxxed. Otherwise we will never hold them accountable for Vaxicide because , notwithstanding Steve's work, can always say it was the infection that killed you and not the mRNA.
Thank Ralph Baric. Spike may get you either way. Eat pineapple (or other protease sources).
As I have said show me evidence. There is none.
Here is a good read that even a dummy like myself re microbiology can understand. In essence the mRNA injection is much worse.
The covid was not easy for me, the symptoms go away in a year, but Moderna is at least ten times worse and it didn't go away in 3 years either.
Long Covid is nonsense. Its long Vax and that's what you got unfortunately but you can relieve most if not all effects over time 🙂
It can't be long vax, because that year was before the vaccination. I feel that you are underestimating the results of biological weapons development.
My experience as an unvaxxed person (as my family except one sister) is this: we were all completely fine and never got covid till the vaccines rollout. In 2022 we all got covid from a vaccinated friend that had symptoms but his test was negative (he told us). In 2024 we got again covid and in 2024 my parents (65years old) had their general health conditions worsened (conditions they already had but they got worst- atherosclerosis, autoimmune desease). As for me I had my ibs condition worsened. . Many people in my life that were vaxxed had worst outcomes. My uncle died and other two got cancer, others had neurological or genital problems. My sister had problems for a year and a half after vaxx but now is better. I can see that the spike protein intoxication is common in the two categories, but in some vaxxed are wayy more serious (not all) . Second observation: unvaxxed get the spike protein mostly from vaxxed. This is my personal experience and what I have observed in my life.
Not one person in my sphere that recovered "naturally* from Bioweapon exposure (ie no VAX) has ongoing illness. Everybody that I have heard of with significant ongoing issues like cardiac, turbo cancer were vaxxes. Every one. LC is nonsense and defense for genocide if they can gaslight everyone like yourself. Were you vaxxed? If so that explains symptoms.
Please consider reading:
Please ask Dr M to talk about the Thymus and papers showing a Covid impact on it. Exercise and other things can help protect and regenerate it. If he thinks this might be a wide spread issue then we all need to know what we might do to protect ourselves. It is interesting that metformin has been shown to be promising in one Thymus regeneration study.
hi folks check out a petition at a fatal blow to the pandemic treaty tell trump to exit the WHO now. be sure to sign it and reshare it widely all over the states with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as im asking you on this message be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours
The WHO endorsed the most corrupt medical test ever devised, the SARScoV2 RT PCR. Meant to identify the virus that is associated with C19. A massive false positive generator. Endorsed it the day it was released for evaluation. A process that normally takes an average of 171 days. As proven by an international professional peer review of the underlying protocol, known as Corman Drosten. Ultra high sensitivity. No specificity. The peer review examined the molecular chemistry and lab methodology, compared what they found with the best information on PCR testing, and labeled the protocol as "worthless as a medical diagnostic test". Yet it was the most widely used test for the ID of coV2 on the planet. The WHO is corrupt though and through. See the Corman Drosten Review report online. PU.
But I don't know any like minded people. They are all jabbed and froth at the mouth that ANOTHER jab may be trotted out!
And yes. They are ALL quite ill...
Sounds very interesting and necessary. Finally someone researching and advocating for something useful that many people are experiencing, yet the medical community seems clueless to…
What happened with the debate for 1 million? Anyone know?
There was an update during last week's show at 6:07 mark and probably will be one this week.
The debate will be this week, or an update? Thank you!
It's ongoing. It will be happening for a long time - it's a written debate. There are 2 million in escrow - winner takes all.
Ahhh! OK, thanks Wayne.