
Dr. Francis Collins, formerly the head of NIH, has a new book. Here is the URL for an interview aired on C-SPAN he gave recently concerning the topic of the book. A description of the interview is included:


The Road to Wisdom - On Truth, Science, Faith, and Trust

Former National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins discusses what he calls the four sources of wisdom: truth, science, trust, and faith.

I bring this to your attention because in this interview, Dr. Collins talks about his interest in debating individuals who have points of view opposite to his. An organization by the name of "Braver Angels" that Dr. Collins helped found, has sponsored a debate between Dr. Collins and a person who holds diametrically opposed perspectives. It sounds as if Dr. Collins might well be an ideal person to debate you.

Since stepping down as the head of NIH, Dr. Collins is presently heading up the NIH division that focuses on Type 2 Diabetes research.

Have you seen the interview with Dr. Robert Redfield, former head of CDC? A debate between you and Dr. Collins might well focus on the Covid-related topics discussed in the Redfield interview.

Here is the URL for the Redfield interview and a fuller description of what was discussed:

Dr. Robert Redfield Interview June 4, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMlhvnMpRU0 "Jun 4, 2024 ...Chris Cuomo speaks with Dr. Robert Redfield, former head of the CDC, about the origins and ongoing impact of COVID-19, including the role of U.S. and Chinese research in the virus’s development. Redfield shares insights on government overreach, the effectiveness and side effects of vaccines, and the reality of long COVID, emphasizing the need for transparency and a comprehensive review of the pandemic response." [See especially the portion beginning at the 43 minute mark regarding his evolving understanding of the effects of the spike protein in the Covid mRNA vaccines and boosters.]

I hope these thoughts are helpful.


Paula D. Gordon, Ph.D. https://GordonHumankind.com

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Heiko must take these people to the cleaners for billions and dont let up.These people distributing this life destroying injection should be in jail where all criminals belong,who commit these atrocities.

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You're saying Trump wasn't at either Hurricane on VSRF tonight. Even the people in the chat are correcting you. Just because the Lame Stream Media won't cover Trump doesn't mean you should not look to alternative media to check it out before you make such statements. You have suffered under the same situation yourself.

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A Turkish airline pilot died in flight (October 9, 2024). I wonder if he had the Covid shot and if so which batch. Has it become more common for flight crew members to die in mid flight since the Covid shots become available?

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Steve, with the first vaccines of COVID, discovery of 50+ snake venoms and 1shellfish toxin was discovered in some batches. These toxins could reak havoc on the nervous system, causing extreme inflammation, paralysis and other serious side effects.

I know it sounds crazy but I do recall these findings to be fact. I would suggest this athlete being checked for these nuero toxins.

Nothing to lose.

Could be a game changer.

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Stew Peters is not a credible reference and never has been.

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